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HowtheAmericanwivesofBritisharistocrats influencedinternationalpolitics “We study women not because it is the polite thing to do but because we believe that focusing on that half of the population and on considerations of gender yields us information we would not have if we studied only men and their activity. Dana Cooper takes on this challenge and asserts that studying these Anglo-American marriages helps to understand the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Great Britain that begin in the late nineteenth century. Informal Ambassadors will appeal to scholars and history buffs alike.” CatherineAllgor author of A Perfect Union: Dolley Madison and the Creation of the American Nation “In Informal Ambassadors, Dana Cooper masterfully addresses the phenomenon of wealthy American-born women who married into aristocratic but financially strapped British families and uses case studies of individual women to address larger questions and trends in Anglo-American relations, women’s agency and participation in politics, and a host of other areas. Cooper charts exciting new ground, both building on and expanding a growing and important trend in the field of foreign relations.” MaryAnnHeiss editor, New Studies in U.S. Foreign Relations series new studies in u.s. foreign relations TheKentStateUniversityPress Kent, Ohio 44242 9 781606 352144 isbn 978-1-60635-214-4 ...
