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index Notes: Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations; page numbers followed by “n” indicate endnotes. EA refers to Ethan Allen. Adams, James Truslow, 183 Adams, John, 4, 89, 159, 169, 232n20 Adams, Samuel, 44 Adlum, John, 55 Affecting History of the Children in the Woods, The, 122, 243–44n11 Allen, Ebenezer, 149, 230n7 Allen, Ethan: animal anecdotes about, 119–20; authorship of Reason questioned, 155–66; background of, 1–7, 22–24, 229n5; Bancroft on, 78; burial site of, 19–21, 231n20, 242n42; captivity narrative of, 3, 104–6, 117, 137–38, 140–41, 145–46, 156, 164, 199–200, 206 (see also A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen’s Captivity); confirmed as hero, 81–92; and consumerism, 6, 136, 207; in contemporary political debate, 136–37, 137; as Continental Army officer, 59–60; death of, 8–16, 139, 229n3, 230n14; dental anecdotes about, 117–19, 140; early business ventures of, 27–28; education of, 25–27; eulogies to, 16–18; in fiction, 96–101, 105–7, 116–37, 173–74; flowing bowl anecdote, 12–13, 45, 69, 82, 119, 124–25, 140, 204; forts and naval craft named for, 134, 135; “gods of the valleys” quote, 31, 66, 82, 232–33n21, 236n11; historical accounts of, early, 61–69; historical accounts of, early revisionist, 178–86; historical accounts of, late nineteenth century , 167–94; historical accounts of, later, 69–75; historical accounts of, late revisionist, 187–89; historical accounts of, traditionalist, 189–94; homestead of, 10; as hunter, 27, 196, 232n13, 232n14, 243n6; images of, 241n27, 241n33; known facts about, 195–208; land seizure attempt from Levi Allen, 201; as leader of Vermont militia, 202; lost children story, 116, 120–23, 136, 140, 163, 243–44n11, 243n10, 244n17; marriage to Frances Montresor, 90, 127–33, 142, 148, 181, 204, 246n41; marriage to Mary Brownson, 24, 28, 125–27, 131–32, 159, 195, 204; memorial statues of, 20, 108–15, 109, 111, 112, 242n39; military experience of, early, 29; as murderer, 141–48, 164, 247m18, 251n70; as politician , 201–2; in popular culture, 133–36; as prisoner of war, 55–57, 143–46, 199–200; reincarnation as white stallion, 20, 120, 140; silence and exclusion about, 138–66; and slavery, 148–55, 164, 248n21, 248n23, 249n39; in television dramas, 133–34; and Ticonderoga, 103; in uniform, 101–8, 240m21, 240n16, 240n17, 240n18, 240n19; wives, tales of, 125–33 276 } Index Allen, Ethan Voltaire, 112–13, 154, 249n38 Allen, Frances Montresor Buchanan, 13, 90, 105, 106, 127–33, 142, 146–48, 152–55, 181, 204, 221, 245n35, 246n41, 249n33, 249n38. See also Penniman, Frances Allen Allen, Hannibal, 154, 249n38 Allen, Heman (EA’s brother), 27–28, 37, 154–55, 159–60, 195–96, 198 Allen, Heman (EA’s nephew), 113 Allen, Ira: Bayley on, 78; Benjamin Hall on, 90–91; Crockett on, 176–77; on EA and Young, 159; on EA as hero, 93, 95–96, 140–41; on EA as hunter, 119; and EA’s death, 8–16, 20, 229n3, 230– 31n19; on EA’s education, 26; on Ejection Trials, 66; Graffagnino on, 189–90; on Green Mountain Boys, 66–67; and Haldimand Negotiations, 64–66, 68, 85, 167–69, 187; lawsuit against, 154; on Montreal attack, 58–59, 67; and New Hampshire Grants, 31–32, 66, 141; and Olive Branch, 65–66; and Onion River Land Company, 37, 198; portrait of, 11, 104; as prisoner, 146; and Samuel Williams, 5; on Ticonderoga, 67; and Two Heroes, 24, 201, 254n9; as Vermont founding father, 60; Wardner on, 182; Wilbur on, 180; as writer, 3–4, 62 Allen, Jerusha, 11, 104–5 Allen, Joseph, 23, 25–26 Allen, Levi: death of, 154; and EA’s death, 8–10, 14, 205; as Indian trader, 196; land seizure attempt by EA, 201; as land speculator, 25; and New Hampshire Grants, 198; as prisoner, 144–46; and slavery, 148–51, 154; writings of, 62 Allen, Lorraine, 126, 204 Allen, Mary Brownson, 24, 28, 125–27, 131–32, 159, 195–96, 204 Allen, Nancy, 8–9, 151 Allen, Samuel, 22 Allen, Zimri, 24, 104–5, 145, 196, 198 American Historical Society, 171 American Revolution, 78–79, 87–89, 94, 116, 171–72, 175, 182, 190, 206, 242n45 Anderson, George Pomeroy, 161–62 André, John, 182 Anxious Democracy, An (Duffy and Muller), 212 Arlington Junto, 60, 139, 192, 201–2 Arneil, Barbara, 42 Arnold, Benedict, 43–48, 47, 52, 55, 91, 103, 138, 140, 179, 202 Arthur, T. S., 87 Assam, Aleida, 2 Baker, Remember, 28, 34...
