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Glossary Animism A belief system that gives a living soul and powers to nonhuman entities, such as plants and animals, and to objects of nature, such as rocks or rivers. Beasts of burden Animals that are used by humans to do heavy labor, such as carrying a load or pulling a cart; they include donkeys, mules, horses, and oxen. Biopiracy The use of wild plants by commercial interests to develop medicines without compensating the peoples or nations from which the plants were discovered and taken. cAftA-dr A free-trade agreement between the United States and five Central American countries and the Dominican Republic. Its features include tariff reductions, quotas, changes in “rules of origin” for apparel manufacturers, and more generous treatment of foreign investment. cardiomyopathy Any disease of the heart’s muscle that prevents it from functioning properly, usually producing symptoms of heart failure or irregular heartbeats. Some of the many possible causes include genetic diseases, heart attacks, and heart infections, such as Chagas disease. central America A region of southern North America extending from the southern border of Mexico to the northern border of Colombia. It separates the Caribbean Sea from the Pacific Ocean, and includes seven countries (Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Panama) and many small offshore islands. chagas disease A disease of the heart or gastrointestinal tract caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which is spread through the feces of the reduviid bug that lives in thatched roofs and mud walls. The infection can also be transmitted through blood transfusion and from mother to infant. Most of those infected are asymptomatic, but 25 percent develop heart or gastrointestinal disease in the late stages. Affects primarily the poor living in rural areas. child mortality The number of deaths in a population, usually counted as number of cases within 1,000 members of that population; for example, infant mortality was 250 per 1,000 live births. cholera An acute infectious disease of the small intestine, caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and characterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps, severe dehydration, and depletion of electrolytes. communicable disease Also called an infectious disease. It can be transmitted from a human to another human, from an animal to another animal, from an animal to a human, or from a human to an animal. The disease can be caused by a bacteria, as in tuberculosis, or by a parasite such as hookworm. conditional cash transfer program A social safety net program that provides cash to beneficiaries only if they meet certain criteria, such as attendance in health and nutrition programs, school, and follow-up in government clinics.| 229 230 | Glossary conquistador A Spanish adventurer involved in conquering the people of the Americas. corruption Refers to dishonest practices such as bribery and cheating, which undermine democratic institutions, slow economic development, and contribute to governmental instability.1 cost-sharing Sharing the costs of a program among the various people involved. In healthcare delivery, this usually means that patients are charged an insurance premium before getting care, or are charged a fee once they receive care. curandero A general term for a traditional folk healer in Latin America. Some curanderos emphasize herbal treatments, and others emphasize the spiritual causes of illness and have shamanic properties. Yerberas are herbalists; hueseros are bonesetters and treat musculoskeletal conditions; and parteras are midwives, sometimes called comadronas in Guatemala. dengue Also called dengue fever; a viral infection known as “break-bone” disease or fever because of severe headaches and joint pains. The most severe form, dengue hemorrhagic fever, can be fatal. The mosquitos that transmit dengue bite during the day, as opposed to the mosquitos that transmit malaria, which bite at dawn and dusk. Dengue is more commonly spread in urban areas than rural ones, and because there is no treatment (other than symptom management), prevention is particularly important. diaspora People who disperse from their ancestral homeland and often hope to return. For example, the long-term expatriates from Haiti are referred to as the Haitian Diaspora. disappearance (forced) A crime that occurs when a person is secretly imprisoned or killed by agents of the state or by people acting with the authorization or acquiescence of the state. disparities Any difference between two groups, as in income, rank, health outcome, or living standard. drug cartel An association between various drug traffickers and drug dealers that controls the production, distribution, and sale of illicit drugs. Ecumenical A movement in the worldwide Christian Church (ecumenism) that...
