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Index 291 ability grouping, 16n5–17n8 abortion, 158 academic achievement gap, 228–9. See also underperformance academic standards, multiculturalism and, 118–9 accommodation: as exclusionary, 186–8; in Western schools, 244 acculturation, in Western schools, 244–5 achievement, soft multiculturalism and, 115–21 Acosta, R. Alexander, 169 affirmative action: in France, 209, 219, 222–3; in Texas, 209 African Americans: culturally responsive teaching for, 238; and downward social constitution, 80–81; efforts to improve schooling for, 24–27; group history of, 80; impact of stereotypes on, 82; influence on Somali Muslim youth, 171, 198n17; lack of math courses for, 232; in lower school tracks, 232–33; master narrative of, 281; models of self for, 77–78 agendas, pluralist vs. inclusionist, 263–4 Ahmed, Leila, 197n12 Alcorn, Ellen, 126n15 Allport, Gordon, 238, 249 American Indians/Native Americans: impact of stereotypes on, 82; master narrative of, 281–2; models of self for, 76–77 Americanization, 5 Amherst, Massachusetts, 102. See also multiculturalism Amish, 7–8, 276–9 Anyon, Jean, 229 Aqsa School, 137, 138 Arab-Muslim culture, French riots blamed on, 221 Arabs, post 9/11 negativity toward, 23 Arendt, Hannah, 263, 269–76, 287n9 Asian Americans: in higher school tracks, 232; models of self for, 72–76 assimilation: as curriculum goal, 244; dress as marker of, 180–81; in French schools, 209; as goal of citizenship education , 230–32; individual equality vs., 8. See also mainstreaming Au, Kathryn, 238 autonomy (expressive liberty): equality vs., 276–9; and equal regard, 265; illiberal side of, 266–7; as liberal value, 254, 255; and school experiments, 268 Badinter, Élisabeth, 211 Baldwin, James, 246 Baltimore, Maryland, 21 bandanas, 169, 178 Banks, James, 195, 237, 241 baptism, Amish, 277 Beaud, Stéphane, 215 Becker, Adeline, 187 Becoming a Multicultural School System (BAMSS) initiative, 103–5 behavior codes, in multicultural schools, 114 Bell, Derek, Jr., 48n17, 50n41 Bellah, Robert, 152 benevolent safekeeping of the vulnerable, 254, 255; and equal regard, 265; and school experiments, 268 Benn, Tansin, 186, 188 Bensoussan, Georges, 220 bilingual education, 30 Billig, Michael, 240–1 Bill of Rights, 65 Black Hawk Down (movie), 165 body display, Muslim students and, 186. See also modesty Böger, Klaus, 183 Boivin, J. Eugene, 192–3 Bok, Derek, 229 Bourdieu, Pierre, 84 Bowen, William, 229 Brenner, Emmanuel, 220 Breyer, Stephen, 4, 16n2 Bridgeview, Illinois, 137–8 Brooks, David, 285 Brown v. Board of Education, 4, 22, 25, 44n2, 47n13, 258 Brunerie-Kauffmann, Joëlle, 211 Bryk, Anthony, 159–60 Buffalo, New York, 21 Bullock, Sir Allen, 254 Bush, George H. W., 51n45 Bush, George W., 51n45, 120, 233 Cahiers Pédagogiques, 221 California, ethnic minority students in, 228 Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School, 232 Caravelle project (France), 217–8 Carnegie, Andrew, 47n9 Castaneda v. Pickard, 49n24 Catholic schools, 5, 213 Caughey, John, 16n5 Chao, Ruth, 73 Character Counts!, 132–4 character education, 132–4; accommodation in, 156–60; of American Muslims, 147–8; Character Counts! Curriculum, 153–6; at Universal School, 151–3 charter schools, 5; as commitment to pluralism , 41; effect on public schools, 42; and equality issue, 40–43; sponsorship of, 40 Chinese Americans, 73 Chirac, Jacques, 210 citizenship education, 227–46; assimilationist (mainstream), 230–1; challenges of diversity for, 227–8; essential prerequisites in, 276; opportunities from diversity for, 228–9; requirements for, 263, 273; research related to, 238–42; and school as microculture, 242–6; and schools as reflection of society, 229, 232–3; and school segregation, 234–6; and standards-based reforms, 233–4; through culturally responsive teaching, 236–8; transformative, 231–2. See also transformative citizenship education City of Ottawa v. Tinnon, 47n10 civic republicanism, 10, 272, 274–6. See also Republicanism (in France) Civil Rights Act of 1964, 168, 179 Clara Mohammed schools, 160n3 classrooms: creating equity in, 233; student identity in, 67–68 Clinton, William, 51n45 Cohen, Elizabeth, 233, 240 Cohen, Geoffrey, 83 Cohn, Ida, 21 Coleman, James E., Jr., 47n11 collective experience, master narratives of, 280–3 College Preparatory School of America, 137 colleges (in France), 214 color-blind model, 22–23, 69–70 “common school,” 9–10 communalism, 206–7 communitarian ideology, 188–89 competitiveness, multiculturalism and, 117 conflicting hopes for schools, 15 Confucian tradition, 74 contact, Allport’s theory of, 235, 238, 249 cooperative learning research, 239–40 Council on American-Islamic Relations, 137 Créteil académie, 216 “critical multiculturalism,” 103–4, 123n3 crosscutting groups, 240–2 cross-gender contact, 182 cultural collision, 164 cultural conflict, at Universal School, 145–7 cultural difference theory...
