In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

acknowledgments ° 191 acknowledgments Many people made this book possible. First, I must acknowledge my wife, Donna, who offered consistent encouragement, put up with my frequent travels to Fairfield, and offered invaluable pointers on my text. Thanks, too, to Will Norton, former dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, who provided the time and funding the project required. And thanks to Prem S. Paul, vice chancellor for research and economic development at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, and to Jerry and Karla Huse. Their financial support has made my post possible at the university. Past or current residents of Fairfield and others connected to the town gave of their time, some generously over three years, and shared their ideas. Among them were Richard Beall, Jim Belilove, Marc Berkowitz, Laura Bordow , Connie Boyer, Robert Boyer, Kent Boyum, Reverend Mark Brase, Larry E. Fells, Damian Finol, Fred Gratzon, Gregory Guthrie, Mark Hagist, Police Chief Julie Harvey, Doug Hamilton, Jennifer Hamilton, Cody Heyn, Judy Heyn, Michael Heyn, Jody Hollingsworth, Michael H. Jackson, Earl Kaplan, Jim Karpen, Suzan Kessel, Cindy Lowe, Mayor Ed Malloy, Erin McCann, Sheriff Gregg Morton, Craig Pearson, Reverend Joseph Phipps, Robert Palm, Teresa Palm, former mayor Robert Rasmussen, Kenneth Ross, Bob Roth, Tom Rowe, Shuvender Sem, Patrik Siljestam, Becky Schmitz, Eric Schwartz, L. B. Shriver, Pamela K. Slowick, Michael Spivak, Mahesh Subrahmanyam, FrancisThicke,FredTravis,parishionersofSt.GabrielandAllAngels,congregants of Beth Shalom, and several individuals who chose to remain unnamed. 192 ° acknowledgments Others helped in various ways. These included Tony W. Arnold, Tim Bahr, Jill Bormann, Dean R. Broyles, Miles T. Bryant, Angela Burnett, Evelyn Butler , Jimmy Caplan, Richard J. Davidson, Mike Doughney, Steven R. Eckley, Susan Jensen, Jason Kaplan, John M. Knapp, Charles Knoles, David Nanberg, Kenneth Price, Andy Puddicombe, Jeff Rice, Jim Rothblatt, Jan Ryan, Larry Scalise, Linda Shipley, Lee Shriever, Andrew Skolnick, Rodney Stark, Steve St. Clair, Julie Totten, Howard Wolinsky, John R. Wunder, and Joeth Zucco. My thanks, too, to talented and patient copy editor Michael L. Levine and to William Friedricks, who edits the Iowa and the Midwest Experience series for the University of Iowa Press. Special thanks go to my editor at the University of Iowa Press, Catherine C. Cocks. She saw the project’s potential and championed it. I am in her debt. While the contributions of all these folks were crucial, the responsibility for any errors and omissions lies with me.° ° ° Transcendental Meditation, TM, TM-Sidhi, Yogic Flying, Consciousness -Based Education, Maharishi Vedic Science, Maharishi International University, Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, Science of Creative Intelligence, Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology, Maharishi Ayurveda, Vedic Science, and Maharishi European Research University are protected trademarks. The lyrics of “The Maharishi Vedic City Blues” are reproduced by permission of the songwriter and copyright holder, Tony W. Arnold, and are used by permission of Gray Mortuary Recordings. ...
