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367 Index Abbasid dynasty, 223, 228 Acevedo, Sara, 262 Acuto, Félix, 67 Adobe: and dating, 14, 17n4 Adrada, Alonso, 194 Aguardiente, 15 Alcántara, Order of, 92 Almagro, Diego: and Chile travel, 117, 119, 128n7, 204; and Nuevo Toledo, 95, 96; and rebellion, 121; and siege of Cusco, 51 Alpujarras rebellion, 235, 237, 243, 258, 276, 305 Altiplano, 31. See also Collao; Lake Titicaca; Lupaqas; Qollas Alvarado, Pedro de, 123 Amojonadores, 45, 118 Antisuyu, 43, 44, 51, 266 Apu, 35, 60. See also Cerro Baúl Aragón: majolica production in, 229, 231, 237, 238, 282; comparisons with Andean loza, 299–303 Arequipa: and Buenos, 121, 122, 172; churches in, 204; corregimiento of, 99; diocese of, 100, 101, 204; encomiendas in, 119–120; and Huaynaputina eruption, 14, 217 (see also Huaynaputina); mining in, 21–22; and Moquegua settlement, 15, 123; and road to Moquegua, 67, 75, 125 Aríbalo. See Aryballus Arica, 86; corregimiento of, 80, 99; port of, 81, 125; reduction in, 130. See also Martínez Vegaso, Lucas Aryballus, 62, 155, 163; tinenameled , 266, 267, 315 Atacama Desert, 20, 27 Audiencia: of Charcas (La Plata), 99, 101; of Lima, 99, 101, 173 Augustinian order, 99, 204 Ayllu, 27; and ancestors, 72; and boundaries, 45; definition of, 7–8, 17n2; and encomienda, 118; and landscape, 43 Aymara, 31, 33, 39, 82; and Inka origins, 48, 49; Inka resettlement of, 52–53; señoríos in Titicaca basin, 74; and space, 47–48, 161. See also Collao; Collasuyu; Lupaqas; Qollas Bauer, Brian, 73 Belén (de Locumbilla), 169, 171, 172, 195, 209 Bethlemite Order, 195, 209 Blue: in Islamic world, 246n8, 306; -painted loza decoration, 224, 225 (see also Majolica, Italianate style); resources for, 257, 306–307. See also Cobalt; Loza, New World production spheres of Bodega(s), 9, 10, 11, 103; functional sectors of, 107; locations relative to soils, 104; names of, 78; plans of, 107–108; subdivision by sale, 104, 106. See also Moquegua Bodegas Project Botanical remains: at Locumbilla, 193–195; at Torata Alta, 157, 158. See also Datura sp.; Molle; Ricinus comunis; Sapindus saponaria INDEX 368 Botija: capacity of, 173; at Locumbilla, 183; at Sabaya, 62; at Torata Alta, 12, 146, 149, 152, 156, 164 Boundary (~ies): and Inka site organization, 45, 46; meanings of, 315; natural, 5; physical, 5, 46, 314–315; of quarters of Tawantinsuyu, 73; and Spanish administration, 313–314 (see also Corregimiento). See also HDSA, and boundary markers; Mojon; Río Tumilaca; Taking possession Boyd-Bowman, Peter, 243 Brandy. See Pisco Bueno, Capt. Hernán (viejo), 120, 121; and Carumas encomienda, 123, 124, 126, 170; socioeconomic successes of, 127. See also Yaravico heredad Bueno, Juan, 120 Bueno, Martín, 120–121, 123, 127, 128n5 Bueno de Arana, Cristóbal, 172 Bueno de Arana, doña Jerónima de Miranda, 122, 170; and family, 171–172; and Locumbilla, 188; will of, 172. See also Estrada y Vizcarra, Capt. Alonso de Bueno de Arana, Hernán, 122, 169 Bueno y García, Hernán (mozo), 121–122, 169, 170; in Arequipa, 122, 127; and tinaja prices, 109 Built environment, 6 Buyl, 298; don Pedro, 233, 251; Philip, 238 Cacique, 8; cacique principal, 66. See also Kuraka Cajamarca: loza production in, 261, 306; Men of, 121, 124; Spaniards’ service to Pizarro in, 120 Calaluna, 77; toponymic zone, 106, 182; Toratan lands in, 106 Calatrava, Order of, 92 Callao, 239 Camaná, 120 Camata, 38, 62, 66, 68n4, 160; in Cochuna, 125; etymology of, 72; and LIP, 64; road at, 64, 67; Tambo, 64, 65, 67; and Titicaca basin, 72 Camelid, 52. See also Faunal remains Canary Islands, 243; and colonial shipping, 239, 244 Cañedo-Argüelles Fábrega,Teresa, 102 Cansino, Pedro, 123 Capangos, 87n5, 103 Capavaya, 77, 126, 160. See also Sabaya Capitulación, 94–95 Carapampa toponymic zone, 105, 106 Cárdenas y Carabantes y Arana, doña Jerónima, 121–122 Carí. See Qari Carumas, 22, 75, 82; encomienda of, 121, 122, 124; lands in Moquegua valley, 77, 80, 105, 106, 107, 124; moieties of, 122; in nested regional model, 83, 84; population of, 123; renamed reductions of, 130. See also Bueno, Capt. Hernán (viejo) Castor bean. See Ricinus comunis Castro, Juan de, 123; encomienda of, 81, 102, 126 Catari: Diego, 123; viejo, 121, 123 Catholicism, local, 199; in Moquegua, 210–211; in Peru, 207; in Spain, 200–203; and wakas, 207 Cauaya. See Sabaya Cavagnaro Orellana, Luis, 77 Ceque, 44, 307n4; absence in Moquegua, 67; as boundary, 46. See...
