In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

xi 2.1. Gendered Division of Labor for Selected Household Activities in the 185 Societies 53 2.2. Comparison of Fauna Identified to Genus in Uruk vs. Local Contexts at Hacınebi 55 2.3. Hacınebi Phase B2 Storage Jars—Style Compared for Uruk and Local Contexts 57 2.4. Hacınebi Phase B2 Serving Vessels—Style Compared for Uruk and Local Contexts 58 2.5. Hacınebi Phase B2 Cooking Vessels—Style Compared for Uruk and Local Contexts 59 3.1. Main Food Ingredients at Çatalhöyük 75 3.2. Evidence of Cooking Styles through Time 79 6.1. Periods Defined for the Archaeological Sequence in the Study Area 130 6.2. Frequency of Rim Sherds of Different Grouped Vessel Forms of Locally Made Pottery by Period 135 Tables xii Tables 7.1. Cut-Mark Frequencies at Gola Dhoro 158 8.1. NISP and % NISP for Upper Paleolithic Economic Mammalian Remains for Each Culture Period at Vale Boi 181 8.2. Vale Boi Horse, Red Deer, and Unidentifiable Ungulate NISP and Frequencies of Impact Damage to Bone and Frequencies of Tool-Marked and Burned Bone 182 8.3. Frequencies of Major Red Deer, Horse, and Aurochs Bones from Vale Boi in Which Medullary Cavities Were Not Opened Prior to Discard 182 9.1. Birth and Death Dates of the Four Nipmuc Landowners of the Land Parcel at the Sarah Boston Farmstead Site 206 9.2. Taxa Represented in the Faunal Remains Recovered from the Sarah Boston Farmstead 214 ...
