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Appendix D I T S  T, C  K I  D C F T,  N. T. Dickerson late of the County and State aforesaid, on the th Day of November, , with force of arms, in the County aforesaid, in and upon one William Warenskgold, in the peace of God and of the State, then and there being, feloniously, willfully, and of his Malice aforethought, did make an assault, and that he the said N. T. Dickerson with a certain knife, which he the said N. T. Dickerson, in his hand, then and there had and held, the said William Warenskgold, in and upon the left side of the body between the ribs of him the said William Warenskgold, then and there feloniously willfully, and with Malice aforethought, did strike and thrust, giving to the said William Warenskgold then and there with the knife aforesaid in and upon the aforesaid left side between the ribs of him the said William Warenskgold , one mortal wound of the breadth of three inches and in the depth of six inches, penetrating the heart of him the said William Warenskgold, of which said mortal wound, the said William Warenskgold did then and there instantly die. And so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oaths aforesaid do say that the said N. T. Dickerson, him the said William Warenskgold, in the manner and by the means aforesaid, feloniously, willfully and of his malice aforethought did then and there kill and murder contrary to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. J. W. J F   G J ...
