In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Illustrations Frontispiece John B. Armstrong as a young man, probably in the mid-1870s Foreword Tobin and Anne L. Armstrong Chapter 1 John B. Armstrong in the late 1870s Mary Helena “Mollie” Durst Chapter 2 Capt. Leander H. McNelly, circa 1872 Map of South Texas, 1870–1915 Chapter 3 Juan N. Cortina, ca. 1862–1865 Chapter 4 Espantosa Lake in 1997 Historical marker at Espantosa Lake, 1997 Chapter 5 Capt. Jesse L. “Red” Hall, 1873 Chapter 6 John Wesley Hardin (“Swain”), Florida, 1875 William Dudley Chipley, circa 1865 The capture of John Wesley Hardin Chapter 7 The Sam Bass gang, about 1876 Mollie Durst about the time of her marriage Chapter 8 John B. Armstrong, circa 1895 The Armstrong residence at 2610 Whitis Avenue, Austin The Chicago Ranch house Chapter 9 John B. Armstrong, 1890s A major and four Texas Ranger captains, circa 1900 Robert J. Kleberg, circa 1875 Armstrong as a Special Ranger, circa 1889 The Armstrong family, circa 1890 Major Armstrong with sons John and Charley, circa 1896 John B. Armstrong shortly before his death in 1913 Grave marker of John B. Armstrong John B. Armstrong relaxing with grandchildren, circa 1912 x ILLUSTRATIONS ...
