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acequias, 50, 52 aquariums, 90, 92 aquicludes, 18 aquifers: classification, 18; confined, 18, 60; Edwards, 18–19, 27, 71; Edwards-Trinity, 29; karst, 19–20 ; major, 26; minor, 30; Ogallala, 18–19, 28; quality, 70; sources, 18; unconfined, 18, 60 authorities, river: Edwards Aquifer, 51; locations , 67; role, 51 Balcones Escarpment, 19, 35, 50 basins, drainage, 21 bayou, 90 bays, 18, 36, 71, 90 bedrock, permeable, 18 boats, water access, 91 Clean Water Act: 1972, 70; 1977, 19, 70 climate: controls, 1; divisions, 4; variability, 1, 3, 9–10 chubascos, 36 concentrated animal feeding operations, 70, 79 conservation: future, 50; plumbing fixtures, low-flow, 96; xeriscaping, 96 dams, 18, 35, 50–51, 70 desalination, 50, 58, 96 droughts: drought of record, 36; dust bowl, 36; major, 36, 46, 50–51; management plan, 36; protection, 50; Senate Bill 1, 1997, 36, 96; water supply systems, public, 47; water use, per capita, 48 Edwards Underground Water District, 36 erosion, shoreline, 37–38 estuaries, 18, 71 eustasy, 35 evapotranspiration: actual, 1; potential, 1; C. W. Thornthwaite, 1; Penman Method, 1, 16; Priestly Taylor Method, 1, 15 fault line, 19 fauna, 71 fish kills, 85 fissures, earth, 36 floodplain, zones: locations, 39; selected downtown areas, 40 floods: deaths, 35; flash, 35, 43; historic, 35, 41; number of, 35; property damage, 35; from storms, 42; threats, 51 food chain, 71 gaging stations, real-time, 53 groundwater: districts, conservation, 51, 69; quality, 51, 70; quantity, 51, 60; recharge, 19, 25; rule of capture, 51; Senate Bill 2, 2001, 96; supplies, change, 98; use, 50, 60; vulnerability, 59; withdrawal, 36 hurricanes: intensity, 35, 45; paths, 44 inflow, 36, 71, 96 irrigation, 1, 35, 50–51 lakes: evaporation, 17; playa, 19, 31; acreage, surface, 18, 90 landfills: attributes, other, 81; contamination, 70; leachate, 70; people served, 80 Llano Estacado, 50 mining: gas, 71, 75; oil, 71, 75; traditional, 71 parks: scuba, 90, 94; water, 90, 93 plants, invasive, 71 pollutants: agricultural, 78; air, 82; industrial, 76–77 pollution: air, 70; nonpoint, 70; point, 70–71; Total Maximum Daily Load, 70; washout , chemical, 70; water, 70; water bodies, impaired, 70; Water Quality Act, 70 population: growth, 96; and precipitation, 63; and water usage, 64 power, hydroelectric: dams, 73; discharge, stream, 70; generation 70; plants, 74; relief, 70 precipitation: average annual, 5; average monthly, 6–8 ; annual, major cities, 10–14; high-intensity, 35; and population, 63; variability , 1–2 protected areas, 89 pump, centrifugal, 50 recreation: activities, 50, 90, 96 reservoirs, 18, 23 rivers: major, 18, 20, 90; pattern, radial, 18 sediments, permeable, 18 settlements, 50–51 shoreline: change, 35; structures, 35 species: ecosystems, 71; endangered, 19, 71; Endangered Species Act, 51; endangered, water-dependent, 86–87; endemic, 19; habitats, critical, 71; plant, invasive, 88; threatened, 71 springs: line, 19, 50; locations, 24 storms, tropical, 36 streams: gaging stations, 51, 53; navigation, 70; perennial, 50 subsidence, 35, 49 swamp, 71 Take Back Texas, 71 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality , 51 Texas Water Code, 51 Texas Water Development Board, 51 transmissivity, 19 tubing, access, 95 Underground Conservation District Act, 1949, 51 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 51 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 51 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wetlands Inventory , 19 U.S. Geological Survey, 51 U.S. Natural Resource Conservation Service, 51 wastewater: discharge, 83; municipal, 96 water: available, 1; inventories, 51; mining, 19; regions, management, 68, 96; reuse, 50, 96; sources, 50; useable, 1 water, surface: allocation, 51, 56; availability , 55; distribution, 22; prior appropriation , 51; quality, 51, 57, 70; quantity, 51; supplies in drought, 103; supply index, 54; toxics, 84 water demand projections: irrigation, 96, 105; livestock, 96, 106; manufacturing, 96, 107; mining, 96, 108; municipal, 96, 109; steam and electric, 96, 110 water needs: projected, 101; unmet needs, user groups, 102 water supplies, projected change, 97 water transfers, interbasin: existing, 36, 99; proposed, 96, 100 water usage: irrigation, 65; livestock, 66; manufacturing, 65; mining, 66; municipal, 65; per capita in drought, 104; and population 64; steam and electric production, 66 waterway, national network, 72 waterwheels, 50 waves, storm, 35 wells, water: artesian, 18; per county, 60; drilled, 61; drilled annually, 62 wetlands: coastal, 19, 71; constructed, 19, 71; jurisdictional, 19; Brownsville, 34; Corpus Christi, 33; Galveston, 32 windmill, 50 Index ...
