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42 chilopoda Centipedes Class: Chilopoda (chih-LaH-pih-duh) centum, hundred; poda, foot Characteristics: Size: Up to 6 in. (15 cm) Shape: Elongated; flattened Antennae: one pair; long Mouthparts: Chewing Eyes: Present or absent Wings: absent Legs: One pair per segment Miscellaneous: Appendages on first thoracic segment modified as fangs Habitat: Ground in moist, protected areas Food: Predaceous on small arthropods Centipedes are long, slender, flattened arthropods that are generally found outside under ground litter and other damp places. They possess a distinctive head and a multisegmented body with each segment bearing one pair of legs. The number of segments varies, ranging from 15 to 177, and is always an odd number. Most species are a reddish brown. They can live up to six years. Centipedes are nocturnal and feed on small animals that live under rocks, logs, and soil debris. Fangs with poison glands are located on the first segment and are used to subdue prey and to defend against predators. The house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata, is well adapted for life in homes. originally from the Mediterranean region, it was introduced into the United States in the 1800s and has spread across the country. House centipedes prefer moist areas of the house, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and cellars . They hunt for food at night and, when surprised, run rapidly across the floor to a secluded place. Centipede ...
