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diplopoda 41 Millipedes Class: Diplopoda (dihp-LaH-pih-duh) diplous, double; poda, foot Characteristics: Size: 1 to 4 in. (2.5 to 10 cm) Shape: Elongated and cylindrical Antennae: One pair; short Mouthparts: Chewing Eyes: Present Wings: absent Legs: Two pairs per segment; typically more than thirty pairs Miscellaneous: Nocturnal Habitat: Damp areas, under soil debris Food: Mostly scavengers on decomposing plants; some plant feeders; a few predaceous on small arthropods Millipedes live under rocks and debris during the day and venture out at night to scavenge on dead plant materials. These slow-moving creatures are easily recognized by their multisegmented body with two pairs of legs per segment. Most are dark brown and range in size from a little over an inch (2.5 cm) to over four inches (10 cm). Female millipedes lay their eggs in an earthen cell, which they guard until the young hatch. young millipedes have only three pairs of legs but add additional legs with each molt. These arthropods overwinter as adults and can live up to seven years. When disturbed, millipedes roll up into a ball, thus exposing only their hardened exoskeleton. Some species can also emit a cyanide gas that is toxic to most predators. Millipede Millipede legs ...
