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ix Illustrations Figures 1.1 Pressures on Newly Independent States 23 1.2 How NGOs Enhance Compliance 37 2.1 Cumulative Percentage of Treaty Ratifications per Year 44 2.2 Cumulative Percentage of IPM Ratifications per Year 46 2.3 Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the ICCPR: Established and Transitional Regimes 48 2.4 Accepting the Oversight of the Committee Against Torture: Established and Transitional Regimes 49 2.5 Accepting the Oversight of the Committee Against Torture: Regime Type 50 2.6 Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the ICCPR: Regime Type 51 2.7 Percentage of States Ratifying Human Rights Treaties in Western Europe 52 2.8 Regional Support for Human Rights Instruments 54 2.9 Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the ICCPR: Regional Comparisons 55 2.10 Accepting the Oversight of the Committee Against Racial Discrimination: Regional Comparisons 56 x Illustrations 2.11 States Receiving the Highest Number of Individual Complaints in the UNHRC: 1976–2010 58 2.12 States Receiving the Highest Number of Individual Complaints before the CAT: 1984–6/2011 59 4.1 Percentage of Unemployment in Slovakia: 1991–95 100 4.2 Total Foreign Direct Investment in US$ Billions Acquired between 1989 and 1997: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland 101 5.1 Percentage of Total Female Representation in Parliament 121 5.2 Hungarian Elections Returns: 1998 122 Tables I.1 UN Committees Accepting Complaints from Individual Citizens 6 1.1 Summary of Domestic Economic Pressures on CEE and Central Asian Leaders 20 1.2 Summary of Global Human Rights Pressures on CEE and Central Asian Leaders 21 1.3 Implications for Two Alternate Explanations of Commitment 29 1.4 Implications from Alternate Conceptions of Compliance 33 1.5 How NGOs Use IPMs to Enhance Compliance with Human Rights Treaties 35 1.6 Six Implications for Commitment and Compliance 39 2.1 Government Options with Respect to UN Human Rights Treaties 42 2.2 Global Ratification Rates of UN Human Rights Treaties 45 2.3 Individual Petition Ratification Rates 45 2.4 Total Number of Petitions Submitted to Each UN Treaty Body 57 3.1 Dependent Variables 66 3.2 Indicators of Economic Need 68 3.3 Control Variables from the Literature 71 3.4 Why Do Countries Accept UN Oversight? Statistical Results of Global Commitment Models 72 3.5 Why Do Countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Accept UN Oversight? Statistical Results of Regional Commitment Models: Eastern Europe and Central Asia 84 ...
