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References Allen,Douglas,ed.1997.Culture and Self:Philosophical and Religious Perspectives,East and West. Boulder, Colo.:Westview Press. Ames, RogerT.,Wimal Dissanayake, andThomas P. Kasulis, eds. 1994. Self as Person in AsianTheory and Practice.Albany: State University of NewYork Press. ———. 1996. Self and Deception:A Cross-Cultural Philosophical Enquiry. Albany: State University of NewYork Press. Antonaccio, Maria. 1998. Contemporary Forms of Askesis and the Return of Spiritual Exercises. Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 18: 69–92. Augustine. 1844–64a. De baptismo. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 43, col. 107–244. ———. 1844–64b. De catechizandis rudibus. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 40, col. 309– 48. ———. 1844–64c. De civitate Dei. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 41, col. 13–804. [Trans. Bettenson 1984.] ———. 1844–64d. Confessiones. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 32, col. 657–868. [Trans. Chadwick 1991.] ———. 1844–64e. De continentia. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 40, col. 349–72. [Trans. Kearney 1999.] ———.1844–64f.Contra duas epistulas Pelagianorum.In Migne 1844–64,vol.44,col. 549–638. [Trans.Teske 1998, 116–219.] ———. 1844–64g. Contra Julianum. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 44, col. 641–874. [Trans.Teske 1998, 268–536.] ———.1844–64h.Contra Julianum,opus imperfectum.In Migne 1844–64,vol.45,col. 1049–1608. [Trans.Teske 1999a.] ———. 1844–64i. Contra litteras Petiliani. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 43, col. 245– 388. ———. 1844–64j. De diversis quaestionibus octoginta tribus. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 40, col. 11–100. ———. 1844–64k. De doctrina Christiana. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 34, col. 15–122. [Trans. Green 1995.] ———. 1844–64l. De duabus animabus. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 42, col. 93–112. Paris. ———. 1844–64m. Enchiridion ad Laurentium de fide spe et caritate. In Migne 1844– 64, vol. 40, col. 231–90. ———. 1844–64n. Ennarrationes in Psalmos. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 36, col. 37–vol. 37, col. 1966. ———. 1844–64o. Epistulae. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 33, col. 60–1094. [Trans. Teske 2003.] ———. 1844–64p. In epistulam Joannis ad Parthos tractatus. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 35, col. 1977–2062. ◆ 303 ◆ ———. 1844–64q. Expositio Epistulae ad Galatas. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 35, col. 2105–148. ———.1844–64r. Expositio quarundam propositionum ex epistula Apostoli ad Romanos. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 35, col. 2063–88. ———. 1844–64s. De Genesi ad litteram. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 34, col. 245–486. ———. 1844–64t. De gratia Christi et de peccato originali. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 44, col. 359–410. [Trans.Teske 1997, 403–63.] ———. 1844–64u. In Johannis evangelium tractatus. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 35, col. 1379–1976. ———.1844–64v.De libero arbitrio voluntatis.In Migne 1844–64,vol.32,col.1219– 1310. ———. 1844–64w. De magistro. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 32, col. 1193–1220. ———. 1844–64x. De moribus ecclesiae catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 32, col. 1309–78. [Trans. Stothert 1886.] ———. 1844–64y. De natura boni. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 42, col. 551–72. [Trans. Burleigh 1953, 326–48.] ———. 1844–64z. De natura et gratia. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 44, col. 245–90. [Trans.Teske 1997, 225–75.] ———. 1844–64aa. De ordine. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 32, col. 977–1020. [Trans. Russell 1948.] ———. 1844–64bb. De patientia. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 40, col. 611–26. ———. 1844–64cc. De peccatorum meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvulorum. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 44, col. 109–200. [Trans.Teske 1997, 34–137.] ———. 1844–64dd. De perfectione justitiae hominis. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 44, col. 289–318. [Trans.Teske 1997, 289–316.] ———. 1844–64ee. Quaestiones in Heptateuchum. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 34, col. 545–824. ———. 1844–64ff. De animae quantitate. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 32, col. 1033–80. ———. 1844–64gg. Regula:Ordo monaserii. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 32, col. 1377–84. ———. 1844–64hh. Retractationes. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 32, col. 581–656. ———. 1844–64ii. De sancta virginitate. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 40, col. 395–428. [Trans. Kearney 1999.] ———. 1844–64jj. Sermones. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 38, col. 23-vol. 39, col. 1638. [Trans. Hill 1990–97.] ———. 1844–64kk. De sermone Domini in monte. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 34, col. 1229–1308. ———. 1844–64ll. De spiritu et littera. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 44, col. 199–246. [Trans.Teske 1997, 150–202.] ———. 1844–64mm. De Trinitate. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 42, col. 819–1098. [Trans. Hill 1990–97.] ———. 1844–64nn. De vera religione. In Migne 1844–64, vol. 34, col. 121–72. [Trans...
