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Acknowledgments Jazz Country was at first a longer book which grew more succinct and meditative along the way. I owe thanks to several excellent readers who forced me to meditate somewhat longer than I had planned. Professor Louis Renza, my friend and former colleague at Dartmouth, read the first version of the manuscript and made powerful suggestions . Jeannette Hopkins, a wonderful editor and friend, also read two early drafts and forced me to make more sense. Arnold Rampersad helped me yet again by microscopically reading the manuscript near its completion. I offer praise and special thanks to Holly Carver, Prasenjit Gupta, Charlotte Wright, and Megan Scott of the University of Iowa Press. They were superb. Thanks to Gail Zlatnik for magically copy-editing the book. Peter Brigaitis and Marie S. Nuchols created a fine index. The book represents my own rendition of a long trumpet solo. While writing I felt as though I were sitting in the company of Albert Murray, Robert G. O’Meally, James Alan McPherson, John F. Callahan, Jerry Watts, Arnold Rampersad, and Lawrence Jackson. Their writings and comments about Ellison have been extremely valuable to me. One summer afternoon in Vermont, Jay and Lois Wright offered me a crash course on jazz. Thanks also, Jay, for your transformative commentary on the manuscript. Special thanks to Jerry Watts—from New Haven to now. Larry Jackson, “props” to you. A salute to George Harding for his encouragement. Carla Carr, my spouse, read various drafts of the manuscript and offered her love and help throughout. Finally, my son Zack, who shares Ellison’s birthday and to whom this book is dedicated, kept me honest and entertained with his witty comments. Cheers to all. ...
