In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Table of ConTenTs abbreviaTions ...................................................................................6 PrefaCe .............................................................................................9 ChaPTer one Greed, Lust and Power: Franciscan Strategies for Building a More Just World: Three Disturbing Hypotheses Joseph Nangle, O.F.M. ............................................................. 15 ChaPTer Two Francis of Assisi’s Strategic Insight about Power in a World of Greed and Lust: A Model [of Asceticism] for Every Age Michael H. Crosby, O.F.M. Cap. .............................................. 23 ChaPTer Three The Scandal of Equality: Franciscans and Women in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries and Today Darleen Pryds .....................................................................45 ChaPTer four A Franciscan Economy Vincent Cushing, O.F.M. ......................................................... 59 abouT The auThors ....................................................................... 67 ...
