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INDEX 195 AAD. See Australian Association of the Deaf aborigines, Australian, 7 acceptance of deaf and hard of hearing children, 163–64 administrative professions, 2–3 adolescents. See Deaf adolescents adoption, 22, 61 adult implantation approval of, xi, 114 colonialism and, 10 experimentation with, 4, 9 hearing aids and, 4 industry and, 15, 165 media representations and, 89–92, 96–99, 101–2, 104 negative experience with, 19 number of, 165 opposition to, 13 payment for, 105 professionals and, 3 quality of life and, 121 subculturation of, 20–21 African Americans, 2, 49, 50, 61, 63 age-appropriate language, 190–91 Ahlström, M., 122, 128 alcoholism, 48 Alderson, Priscilla, xiii, 30–31 Alex, Re (Australia 2004), 71, 80–81 Alexander Graham Bell Association, 5 Alker, Doug, 6 “Alternative Congress” (Manchester, U.K. 1985), 9 ambiguous genitalia, children with, 53, 71, 73 American Academy of Otolaryngology, 51 American Breeders Association, 57–58 American Sign Language (ASL), 42, 44–45, 52, 54–55, 63 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 51 arts and ethnic groups, 45 ASL. See American Sign Language Aspinell, Cassandra, 35 Auslan, 176, 179 Australia “best interests” principle in family law of, 73–74 cochlear implantation in children in, xiii Deaf Australians’ view of cochlear implants. See Deaf Australians’ view of cochlear implants judicial system and cochlear implantation in, 22 Medicare funding for cochlear implants in, 105 newborn hearing screening in, xii parents, children, and medical treatment in, 70–87 silicone breast implant litigation in, 24 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and, 73–74, 85–86 Australian Association of the Deaf (AAD), xiv, 176–77, 188, 192 Bali deaf population, 48 Balkans conference on sign language (2001), 15 Barnartt, S. N., 4 Bauman, Z., 30 BDA. See British Deaf Association “Becoming Bionics” (Perkowitz), 16 Bell, Alexander Graham, 57–58 Berke, Clark, 94, 104 “best interests” standard, xiii, 70, 71, 73–74 Better Hearing Australia, 193 Bienvenu, MJ, 52 bilateral implantation of cochlear implants, xi, 4, 115, 120 Bilingual Education Act of 1968 (U.S.), 50–51 bilingual school experience of cochlearimplanted children, xiii, 137–50 first important steps toward, 138–39 language introduction and usage in, 141– 42 sign language and bilingualism, 146–47 sign-supported speech in class, 144–46 in special schools, 138–42 speech use in class, 142–44 standards, raising of, 139–40 bioethics, 26, 34–39 Bionic Ear Institute, 22 bionics, 16–18 Blackness, elimination of, analogy, 192 Blackstone’s Commentaries on the laws of England, 74 Blume, S., 121 196 INDEX boys and peer interaction, 126 “brain-machine interface,” 16 brainstem research, 17 Brandes, Warren, 104 breast implant litigation, 24 Brimacombe, Judith, 107 British Deaf Association (BDA), 6, 9–10 British Sign Language (BSL), recognition of, 11 Burres, Jeff, 98 Canada, 89–90, 105 Caplan, A., 34 Carty, Breda, 176 charitable donations for cochlear implantation, 106–8 charitable organizations, 3 Charter of Rights for Deaf Children (U.K.), 7–8 Charter of Rights of the Disabled, 7 child abuse, 24 childbearing and marriage, 52–53 childhood implantation adulthood of recipients of, 109 approval of, 114 in Australia, xii, xiii bilingual school experience. See bilingual school experience of cochlearimplanted children children’s view on, 129–30 consent for surgery. See consent to surgery for Deaf children FDA approval of, 107 media reports of, 92–93, 98, 101–2, 103 number of, xi–xii, 4, 120, 165 opposition to, 55 parents and. See parents psychosocial development and. See psychosocial development of Deaf children with cochlear implants quality of life and, 121 rejection by recipients of, 19 reports by Deaf individuals on, 109–10 risks of, xi, 1–12, 54, 98 shifting criteria for, 101–2 strategies and patterns of cochlear implantation and, 4–5, 9 in U.K. See United Kingdom Children. See also childhood implantation; Deaf adolescents disability and, 53 rights of, 72–73 “Children of Normalizing Ideology” (Norway), xiv, 151–64 Children’s Act of 1989 (U.K.), 74 Christiansen, J. B., 4 Civil Rights Act of 1964 (U.S.), 51, 63 Clark, Graeme, 22, 88, 174, 184 Clinton, Bill, 73 Cochlear America, xi, 89 Cochlear Corporation, 89, 106, 107 cochlear implantation development. See also adult implantation; childhood implantation criteria for implantation, 101–2 procedure, description of, 53–54 strategies and patterns of, 3, 4–5 Cochlear Ltd., 188 Code of Federal Regulation (U.S.), 63 collective name, 43 college-age cochlear implant recipients, 21 colonialism and sign language peoples (SLPs), xii, 1–3 decline of Deaf opposition and, 9...
