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>> 327 Index Page numbers in italics denote figures. Abdal, Jebril, 204 abd al Rahman, Ibrahima, 30, 45, 60, 64, 129, 149, 166; alcohol and, 119; autobiography by, 204; biography of, 5, 10; children and, 115, 252; diet of, 121; freedom and, 193–94; as Moor, 132; nickname of, 114; reconversion of, 84; return to Africa by, 235–37; sample writings by, 8; sand writing by, 164; trust and, 137 Abduction, 55 Ablutions, 86, 90, 198 Abolition Day, 139 Abolitionists, 77 Abstinence, religious, 94 Abubakar, Mala, 188 Abu Bakr al Siddiq (Edward Donlan), 10, 52, 57–58, 60, 64–66, 81; autobiography by, 56, 65, 204–9; freedom of, 138; letters and, 196–97; literacy and, 162; Madden and, 82, 162, 195; Qur’an and, 167; return to Africa by, 238–39; trust and, 137 Acculturation, 240 ACS (American Colonization Society), 234–36 Active recruiting, 255 Act of unbelieving (kufr), 183 Adams, John Quincy, 194, 235, 236 Adult mortality rate, 252 Afonja, 54–55 African American Muslims, 3, 278 Africana religions, 6–7 Africanisms, 96, 265 African retentions, 7 Ahmad, Mizra Ghulam, 278 Ahmadiyah movement, 278–79 Aishatu, Muhammadu (Philip Finlay, Mohammed Houssa), 14, 139, 154, 205, 242 Ajami (language written in Arabic script), 8, 12, 13, 25, 180 Alcohol, 119–20 Alfa (religious leader), 44 Alfa, Karamoko, 44 Ali, Noble Drew, 278 Aliwa (wooden tablets), 169 Allah: Candomble, 261; Al-Fatiha, 178–79, 188, 236; incantation (Trinidad), 195; invocation, 72, 268; Moorish Holy Temple of Science and, 278; in pastoral letter in Jamaica, 85; shahada, 72–73, 89; Sufism and, 21 Almsgiving, 92–93. See also Saka; Saraka Alooma (ruler), 30 Alufa, 106 Ama-De-Bella (Amadou Billo), 30, 45 American Colonization Society (ACS), 234–36 American Ethnological Society, 160, 180, 199 Amistad (film), 10 Amistad (ship), 294n. 27 Amulets, 184–85, 187, 213, 218, 306n. 126. See also Talismans Ancestors, cult of, 267–68 Anderson, Rachel, 88, 269 Angell, B., 81 Anglo-American War, 125 Animals: horses, 213–14, 308nn. 10, 11; meat, 120–22; sacrifice of, 77–78; slaughter of, 121–22, 266 Anti-Americanism, 2 Antiblack prejudice, 31 Antideath protections, 186–87 Antigua, 6, 50, 79 Anti-Muslim legislation, 210–13, 215 Anti-Slavery Society, 206 328 > 329 Bluett, Thomas, 94, 192, 234 Blyden, Edward, 70, 175, 176 Bolsas de mandinga (Mandingo purses), 185 Book of Isaiah, 61, 166 Books, 175. See also specific books Bornu (Bornoo), 30, 32, 53, 59, 165, 205 Borrowed rituals, 265 Boukman, 219–20 Bouna, 51, 57 Boyd, Alex, 104 Bozales, 36, 39 Bracelets, 109–10 Bradley, James, 204 Brak (king of Walo, Senegal), 40 Brazil, 5–7, 76–77, 134–36, 197; almsgiving and, 92; amulets and, 184; antideath protections and, 186; beards and, 110; circumcision and, 123; communication in, 197; conversions in, 76–77; group prayer and, 89; Islamic diet in, 122; Islamic writings in, 174; manuscripts and, 14–16, 181, 197; names in, 112; polygamy and, 123; prayers, 89; Qur’anic schools in, 169; Qur’ans in, 169, 171; Ramadan in, 92; repression in, 247; research and, 12; return to Africa and, 247–49; revolts in, 220–32; saka, 93; scholarship on, 17; secret associations in, 197; solidarity in, 140; tecebas and, 91; urban insurrection, 223 British Guiana (Guyana), 6, 17, 137, 172, 190 Brookes (ship), 67 Brown, Katie, 90, 92, 104, 116–17 Bundu, 17, 24–25, 40–41, 47 Busiri, al-, 8 Butler, Thomas, 137 Buurba Jolof (king of Jolof, Senegal), 214 Cable, George Washington, 272 Calafate, Manuel, 174 Call to prayer (adhan), 271 Calvinism, 251 Campbell, Hettie, 269 Candomble, 7, 251, 253, 259, 261–62, 276 Captivity: experience of, 64–68; historical context for, 37–50 Capuchins, 35 Caravan (coffle), 42, 50, 64–66, 68, 238 Carmo, Elesbao do (Dandara), 173 Carriacou, 6, 92, 266–67 Caruthers, William, 130, 179 Carvalho, Marcus J. M. de, 13 Casa de Contratación, 36, 212 Castellanos, Juan de, 214 Castelnau, Francis de, 128, 163 Catholicism, 31, 72–74, 241, 249, 251, 253; forced conversion and, 75–79, 87, 215; slavery and, 34; social control and, 78; as state religion in Brazil, 76 Cédula (royal decree), 211–12 Central Sudan, 17, 28, 30, 62, 230–31, 252 Chambonneau, Louis Moreau de, 39 Charity, 92. See also Sadaqah (freewill offering ); Saraka Charno (religious leader), 51 Chevillard (Jesuit cleric), 73–74 Children of Muslims, 31, 115, 252–55; with same first name, 306n. 114, 310n. 59 Chile, 68, 212; rebellion in, 213 Chinese writing, 109 Christianity, 73–74, 128, 215, 236...
