In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Ação Popular (Popular Action, AP), 14, 46 Alexander, Robert, 16–17, 83–84 Allende, Salvador, 64, 88, 101–3 Alliance for Progress, 25, 29, 31, 38, 42, 64, 86, 101–3 Alves, Aluizio, 35, 36, 37–38, 41–42, 55; U.S. support for, 38 Andrade Rivera, Georgino, 145 Angicos, 38–41, 57–58, 166 (photo) Angola, 106 Arraes, Miguel, 28, 30–31, 57; as governor of Pernambuco, 31, 43, 54; and military coup of 1964, 54, 59 Basic Education Movement, 45 Belli, Gioconda, 120, 146–47 Brazil, 9–10, 11, 13–14, 153–56; military coup of 1964 in, 29, 54, 58–59 Brennand, Francisco, 34 Cabezas, Omar, 148 Cabral, Amílcar, 107–8, 111, 113, 125 Cabral, Luiz, 113 Campanha de Educação Popular da Paraíba (Popular Education Campaign of Paraíba, CEPLAR), 34–35, 51–52 Cardenal, Ernesto, 119, 123, 124, 129, 135, 141–42, 148 Cardenal, Fernando, 123, 124–25, 127, 141 Carter administration: and the Sandinistas, 138–40 Castello Branco, Humberto, 40, 56 Castro, Fidel, 24–26, 31, 44 Catholic Church: and education, 12, 14; and liberation theology, 100–101; new developments in, 18, 27, 45, 50; in Nicaragua, 141–42 Central Intelligence Agency, 33, 46, 78, 139 Centro de Cooperación Regional para la Educación de Adultos en América Latina y el Caribe (Center for Regional Cooperation for Adult Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, CREFAL), 85, 100, 120, 135 Chamorro, Pedro Joaquín, 120, 146–47 Chamorro, Violeta Barrios de, 123, 142 Chile, 61–62 Chilean literacy campaign: textbooks used in, 72–73; and peasants, 74–75 Chonchol, Jacques, 62, 63, 64, 67, 70, 77–78, 80–82, 83, 85, 87–88, 89 Coelho, Germano, 31 Cold War, 2, 7, 27, 163, 165–66, 167, 169 Commission on Churches’ Participation in Development (CCPD), 92, 99 Communist China, literacy campaign of, 5; as model, 5 Consciousness-raising, 1, 18, 62–63 Consejo Superior de la Empresa Privada (High Council of Private Enterprise, COSEP), 148 Contras, 144 Corporación de Reforma Agraria (Agrarian Reform Corporation, CORA), 64, 75, 77, 78, 79, 82 Cortés Carabantes, Waldemar, 62, 67–71, 72, 85, 87, 100 Costa, Manuel Pinto da, 114–15 Costa Rica, 137–38, 147–48, 149 Cruz, Arturo, 148–49 Cuba: literacy campaign of, 24–25, 151; and the Sandinistas, 121, 136–37 Development, 2, 7–8, 13, 17, 92–93 Dewey, John, 11 Dungan, Ralph, 64, 85 Index 244 inde x Ejército Popular de Alfabetizadores (Popular Army of Literacy Instructors, EPA), 127 Erundina, Luiza, 159–63 Escola Nova (New School), 11–12, 18 Fonseca Amador, Carlos, 121–22, 130, 134 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 62, 82 Forças Armadas Revolucionários do Povo (Armed Forces of the People, FARP), 108, 110, 113 Frei, Eduardo: and Jacques Maritain, 18, 65–67; and land reform, 64, 66–67, 74, 75, 79–80; and literacy campaign, 69, 86–87; and rural unions, 77, 83–84; and vision of Revolution in Liberty, 61, 65, 79–80, 83–85, 86; U.S. support for, 64 Freire, Elza, 15, 106, 114, 154 (photo) Freire, Paulo: and amnesty law, 116; beard of, 91; in Bolivia, 57, 63; in Cuba, 159; early ideas of, 21–22; early years of, 14–15; exhaustion in mid-1970s, 104; in “First World,” 96–97, 117; impact on World Council of Churches, 95–96, 103, 104–5, 116; intellectual influences, 17–19, 105, 107; international recognition , 74, 159; interrogation by military authorities, 57; and land reform in Chile, 71–72; and Latin American new Left, 3, 166–69; method of, 1, 30, 34, 39, 70–71; in Nicaragua, 125–26, 152; participation in Goulart government, 29, 42–44, 46, 48, 53; renewal in mid-1970s, 104; return to Brazil, 155; as revolutionary, 83, 89, 90–91; rise to national prominence in Brazil, 29, 41; in São Paulo municipal government , 159–63; in the United States, 91, 96–97; on World Council of Churches experience, 116–17 Frente de Acción Popular (Popular Action Front), 81 Gondim, Pedro, 35, 52, 54 Gordon, Lincoln, 30, 40–41, 44–45, 47, 51, 56 Goulart, João, 29–31, 40, 42–44, 48, 54 Greeley, Andrew: reference to Freire’s “evil genius,” 103 Guerra, Marcos, 38–39, 55 Guinea-Bissau, 106–13, 114, 116 Harvard University, 91 Hassan, Moises, 148 Illiteracy: as global problem in twenty-first century, 166 Institut d’Action Culturelle (Institute for Cultural Action, IDAC), 97–99, 108...
