In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Catholic Social Teaching Documents and Abbreviations In Chronological Order RN Rerum Novarum (On the Condition of Labor) Pope Leo XIII, 1891 QA Quadragesimo Anno (After Forty Years) Pope Pius XI, 1931 MM Mater et Magistra (Christianity and Social Progress) Pope John XXIII, 1961 PT Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) Pope John XXIII, 1963 GS Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) Vatican II, 1965 PP Populorum Progressio (On the Development of Peoples) Pope Paul VI, 1967 OA Octogesima Adviens (A Call to Action on the Eightieth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum) Pope Paul VI, 1971 JM Justitia in Mundo (Justice in the World) Synod of Bishops, 1971 LE Laborem Exercens (On Human Work) Pope John Paul II, 1981 SRS Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (On Social Concern) Pope John Paul II, 1987 CA Centesimus Annus (On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum) Pope John Paul II, 1991 CV Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth) Pope Benedict XVI, 2009 Other Encyclicals: RH Redemptor Hominis (On the Redeemer of Man) John Paul II, 1979 DCE Deus Caritas Est (God Is Love) Pope Benedict XVI, 2005 SS Spe Salvi (On Hope) Pope Benedict XVI, 2007 LF Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith) Pope Francis, 2013 Unless otherwise noted, all encyclicals and quotations can be found at online at xiii ...
