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List of Tables and Figures TABLES 2.1 Estimated Population of Various Historical Cities 39 2.2 Historical Population Estimates 43 2.3 Leading Causes of Disability Adjusted Life Years by Sex in Los Angeles County, California 55 2.4 Leading Causes of Disability Adjusted Life Years by Race/Ethnicity in Los Angeles County, California 56 2.5 Census of India, 2001 66 5.1 Urban and Rural Infant Mortality Rates in Selected 135 Developing Countries 5.2 Percentage of Trips by Transportation Type, U.S., 2001 146 5.3 Number of Registered Private Passenger Vehicles Per Capita for Selected Countries 146 5.4 Traffic Fatalities and Fatality Rates for Selected U.S. Cities, 2002 149 FIGURES 2.1 Demographic Transition Model 44 2.2 Gross National Income and Urbanization, 2002 47 2.3 Energy Consumption and Urbanization 48 2.4 Energy Consumption and Gross National Income 49 3.1 Von Thunen’s land-use model (1826) 90 4.1 Technology mismatch between roads and automobiles, Chicago, Illinois, 1908 98 4.2 Street scene in Phnom Penh, capital city of Cambodia 100 4.3 Water runoff discharge peaks for pervious and impervious cover 102 4.4 Average U.S. gasoline prices, raw and adjusted, 1976–2004 112 6.1 Children on swings in Central Park, New York City, 1871 165 6.2 An example of a greenway in Baltimore, Maryland 173 6.3 Brownfield site in Columbus, Ohio 176 X LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ...
