In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index of Titles After Philosophy(Baynes, Bohman, McCarthy), 164 Analysis of Knowledgeand Valuation,An (Lewis), 186, 187 "Analytic-Synthetic" (Waismann), 81 Anaximander and the Origins of Greek Cosmology(Kahn), 36, 37 "Anaximander Fragment, The" (Heidegger), 36, 3'7 Ancilla to the Pre-SocraticPhilosophers: A CompleteTranslationof the Fragmentsin Diels, Fragmenteder Vorsokratiker (Freeman), 37 Anti-Foundationalismand Practical Reasoning:Conversationsbetween Hermeneuticsand Analysis (Hunter), 11 Apology (Plato), 51 "Aporetic Method in Philosophy" (Rescher), 235 Archives de philosophie,37 Aristotle's De Motu Animalium (Nussbaum), 54 Art as Experience(Dewey), 164 BasicWorksof Aristotle, The (McKeon), 37 Beingand Time (Heidegger), 19, 27, 29, 31-33, 38, 39, 40 BeyondGoodand Evil (Nietzsche), 141 Birth of Tragedy(Nietzsche), 127, 128-3°, 131, 132 Blueand Brown Books,The (Wittgenstein), 81 CartesianMeditations(Husserl), 39 Categorical Frameworks(Korner), 215 Cerclehegelien,Le (Souche-Dagues), 124 Charmides(Plato), 42 Cognitive Systematization:A SystemstheoreticApproachto a CoherentistTheory of Knowledge(Rescher), 125 "Cognito ergo sum: Inference or Performance" (Hintikka), 38 CollectedPapersof CharlesSandersPeirce (Hartshorne, Weiss, Burks), 162, 186, 187, 188 CollectedPapersof C. I. Lewis,The (Goheen, Mothershead), 187-88 Conceptof Mind, The (Ryle), 208 "Concept of Time in Saint Augustine, The" (Quinn), 82 "Concerning the Concept of the Wissenschaftslehre" (Fichte), 124 Confessions(Augustine), 57-81, 82 Consequencesof Pragmatism(Rorty), 235 Critiqueof Pure Reason(Kant), 111-13, 123, 125 De Anima (Aristotle), 38 "Definition of the Psychical, The" (Mead), 185 Derridaand Differance(Wood, Bernasconi), 37 "Dewey' s Philosophy and Philosophic "Method" (Hahn), 163 "Differance" (Derrida), 37 DifferencebetweenFichte'sand Schelling's System of Philosophy,The (Differenzschrift)(Hegel), 110, 115-17, 118, 124 Discourseon Thinking (Heidegger), 39 "Does Reality Possess Practical Character?" (Dewey), 186 Early Draft of Locke'sEssay, An (Aaron, Gibb), 104 EarlyGreekThinking (Heidegger), 36 EcceHomo (Nietzsche), 134, 140 "Empiricism and Augustine's Problems about Time" (Lacey), 82 247 Encyclopediaof Philosophy,The (Edwards), 36 Encyclopediaof the PhilosophicalSciences (Hegel), 110, 115, 117-19, 124-25 "End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking, The" (Heidegger), 37, 39 Erkenntnisproblemin der Philosophieder neuerenZeit, Das (Cassirer), 123 Essay (Locke), 101 EssayConcerningHuman Understanding, An (Locke), 81, 101 Essays in Philosophy(James), 146, 163 Essays in Psychology(James), 164 Essays in RadicalEmpiricism (James), 187 Essayson Actions and Events (Davidson), 40 Euthyphro (Plato), 44, 217 ExercitaiionesParadoxicae Adversus Aristoteleos(Gassendi), 90 "Existence of the World as a Logical Problem, The" (Dewey), 187 Experienceand Education(Dewey), 163, 164 Experienceand Nature (Dewey), 83, 186, 187 "Experience and Objective Idealism" (Dewey), 187 "Experimental Theory of Knowledge" (Dewey),186 Fact, Fictionand Forecast(Goodman), 237 Fateof Reason:GermanPhilosophyfrom Kant to Fichie(Beiser), 124 Fichte:EarlyPhilosophicalWritings (Fichte), 124 Fichte,Marx, and GermanPhilosophy (Rockmore), 124 Fichte:Scienceof Knowledge(Fichte), 124 Filmingand Judgment: Between Heidegger and Adorno (Wurzer), 139 First Person:An Essay on Referenceand Intentionality (Chisholm), 38 "Foundationalism and Hegelian Logic" (Rockmore), 124 Foundationsof Knowing, The (Chisholm), II, 38, 53 Freedomand Experience(Hook, Konvitz), 163 Gay Science,The (Nietzsche), 140 Geburtder Tragodie,Die (Nietzsche), 139 Gorgias(Plato), 51 INDEX OF TITLES Grundrisse:Foundationsof the Critiqueof PoliticalEconomy(Marx), 124 Guide to the WorksofJohn Dewey (Boydston), 163 "Hegel et la revolution epistemologique" (Rockmore), 124 Hegel-Jahrbuch,124 Hegel's CircularEpistemology (Rockmore), 124 "Hegel's Circular Epistemology as Antifoundationalism" (Rockmore), 124 Hegel's Phenomenologyof Spirit (Hegel), 124 Hegel's Scienceof Logic(Hegel), 110, 117-18, 122, 125 Heideggerand the Problemof Knowledge (Guignon), 39 History of PhilosophyQuarterly, 124 Immanuel Kant's Critiqueof Pure Reason (Kant), 111-13, 123, 125 Inquiriesinto Truth and Interpretation (Davidson), 39, 235 Institutio Logica(Gassendi), 95-100, 104 Intelligibilityand the Philosophyof Nothingness (Nishida), 37 Intentionality:An Essay in the Philosophyof Mind (Searle), 12 InternationalPhilosophicalQuarterly, 82 JohnDewey and Arthur F. Bentley:A PhilosophicalCorrespondence,1932-1951 (Ratner, Altman), 163 Journalof Philosophy,207 Journalof SpeculativePhilosophy,82, 83,235 Journalof the British Societyfor Phenomenology,163 Journalof the History of Ideas, 104 "Justus Buchler's Ordinal Metaphysics and the Collapse of Foundationalism" (Corrington), 82 Knowledge(Lehrer), 37 Knowledgeand Human Interests (Habermas), 123 Laches(Plato), 42 "Language, Truth and Reason" (Hacking), 39 "Letter on Humanism" (Heidegger), 39 INDEX OF TITLES Leviathan(Hobbes), 11 Logicof Philosophy(Hegel), 124 Ludwig Feuerbach and the Outcomeof ClassicalGermanPhilosophy (Engels), 123 "Making Categories or Making Worlds, II" (Wallace), 235, 236 Margins of Philosophy(Derrida), 37 Martin Heidegger:BasicWritings (Krell), 39 MathematicalPrinciplesof Natural Philosophyand System of the World (Newton), 81 Mead: SelectedWritings (Reck), 185 Meaning and Action (Thayer), 162 Meaning of Truth, The (James), 151, 163 Meditations (Descartes), 23, 25, 38, 81 Meno (Plato), 44 Metaphysics (Aristotle), 11, 25, 37, 65, 82 Metaphysicsof Natural Complexes (Buchler), 65, 68, 69, 82, 236 "Metaphysique radicale" (Margolis), 37 "Method of Political Economy, The" (Marx),l24- "Method of Truth in Metaphysics...
