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98 KIYOZAWA MANSHI with the phrase in the previous section 信念の効能. If in fact, Manshi is not contrasting the two notions, and wants us to read his text as written, then the phrase must mean rather “the lack of any accomplishments that came from my own efforts.” 2. The phrase “calmly, without malice” renders kyoshin heiki 虚心平気, which expresses the notion of a clear state of mind without grudges, resentment, or prejudice. 3. 知らざるを知らずとせよ、 これ知れるなり. This appears to be a rather free translation of Socrates’ disavowal of knowledge, usually rendered as something like “The only thing I know is that I know nothing.” 4. These are words used by the individuals themselves used as expressions of humility. 5, 死生命あり。 富貴天あり. From the Lunyu, or Analects of Confucius. ...
