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• BIBLIOGRAPHY • OF SECONDARY SOURCES Abrams D., "'The Book of Illumination' of R. Jacob ben Jacob haKohen : A Synoptic Edition from Various Manuscripts." Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1993. Altmann, A. "Eleazar of Worms' I:Iokhmath Ha-)Egoz." Journal of Jewish Studies 11 (1960): 101-13. ---. Essays in Jewish Intellectual History. Hanover, 1981. ---. "The Ladder of Ascension." In Studies in Mysticism and Religion Presented to Gers110m G. Scl10lem on l1is Seventieth Birthday , 1-32. Jerusalem, 1967. ---. "Moses Narboni's 'Epistle on Shicur Qomah." In Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies, edited by A. Altmann, 225-88. Cambridge , Mass., 1967. Baarda, T. '''If You Do Not Sabbatize the Sabbath ... ': The Sabbath as God or World in Gnostic Understanding (Ev. Thom. Log. 27)." In Knowledge of God in the Graeco-Roman World, edited by R. Van den Broek, T. Baarda, and J. Mansfeld, 178-201. Leiden, 1988. Baer, Y. A History of the Jews in Christian Spain. Translated by L. Schoffman. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1961. ---. "The Historical Background of the Ra Caya) Mehemna)," Zion 5 (1940): 1-44. In Hebrew. Bagatti, B. The Church from the Circumcision: History and Archaeology of the Judaeo-Christians. Jerusalem, 1971. 247 • BIBLIOGRAPHY • OF SECONDARY SOURCES Abrall1s D., "'The Book of Illull1ination' of R. Jacob ben Jacob haKohen : A Synoptic Edition from Various Manuscripts." Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1993. Altmann, A. "Eleazar of WornlS' Hokhn1ath Ha-)Egoz." Journal of Jelvish Studies 11 (1960): 101-13. ---. Essays in Jeltvish Intellectual Histor-,V. Hanover, 1981. ---. "The Ladder of Ascension." In Studies in MysticislTI and Religion Presented to GershOlTI G. Scholem on his Seventieth Birthda -,V, 1-32. Jerusalem, 1967. ---. "Moses Narboni's 'Epistle on Shicur Qornah." In Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies, edited by A. Altmann, 225-88. Cambridge , Mass., 1967. Baarda, T. '''If You Do Not Sabbatize the Sabbath ... ': The Sabbath as God or World in Gnostic Understanding (Ev. Thorn. Log. 27)." In Knowledge of God in the Graeco-Roman World, edited by R. Van den Broek, T. Baarda, and J. Mansfeld, 178-201. Leiden, 1988. Baer, Y. A Histor-,V of the Jews in Christian Spain. Translated by L. Schoffll1an. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1961. ---. "The Historical Background of the Ra Caya) Mehernna)," Zion 5 (1940): 1-44. In Hebrew. Bagatti, B. The Church fron? the Circunlcision: History and ArchaeologJr of the judaeo-Christians. Jerusalem, 1971. 247 248 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bar-Ilan, M. "The Idea of Crowning God in Hekhalot Mysticism and Karaitic Polemic." Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 6, 1-2 (1987): 221-33. In Hebrew. Bauer, W. Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity. Translated from second German edition. Edited by R. A. Kraft and G. Krodel. Philadelphia, 1971. Bauerreiss, R. Arbor Vitae. Munich, 1938. Baumgarten, J. M. "The Book of Elkesai and Merkabah Mysticism." Journal for the Study ofJudaism 17 (1986): 212-23. Ben-Amos, D., and J. Mintz. In Praise of the Baal Shem Tov. New York,1984. Berger, D. The Jewish-Christian Debate in the High Middle Ages. Philadelphia , 1979. Biale, D. Eros and the Jews: From Biblical Israel to Contemporary America. New York, 1992. B6hlig, A. "Jakob als Engel in Gnostizismus und Manichaismus." Erkenntnisse und Meinungen, edited by G. Wiessner, 1-14. Wiesbaden, 1978. English translation in Nag Hammadi and Gnosis, edited by R. Mel. Wilson, 122-30. Leiden, 1978. Borst, A. Die Katharer. Stuttgart, 1953. Bousset, W. Hauptprobleme der Gnosis. G6ttingen, 1907. ---. Kyrios Christos. Translated by J. E. Steely. Nashville, 1970. Brock, S. "Jewish Traditions in Syriac Sources," Journal ofJewish Studies 30 (1979): 212-32. Buber, M. The Origin and Meaning ofHasidism. New York, 1960. Btichler, A. "A Twelfth-Century Physician's Desk Book: The Secreta Secretorum of Petrus Alphonsi Quondam Moses Sephardi," Journal ofJewish Studies 37 (1986): 206-12. Carr, W. Angels and Principalities. Cambridge, 1981. Charlesworth, J. H. "The Portrayal of the Righteous as an Angel." In Ideal Figures in Ancient Judaism: Profiles and Paradigms, edited by J. J. Collins and G. W. E. Nickelsburg, 135-51. Chico, 1980. Chazan, R. Daggers ofFaith: Thirteenth-Century Christian Missionizing and Jewish Response. Berkeley, 1989. 248 BIBLIOGRAPI-IY Bar-Ilan, M. "The Idea of Crowning God in I-Iekhalot Mysticism and Karaitic Polemic." Jerusalem StuL1ies in Jewish Thought 6, 1-2 (1987): 221-33. In Hebre\v. Bauer, W. Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity. Translated from second German edition. Edited by R. A. Kraft and G. Krodel. Philadelphia, 1971. Bauerreiss, R. Arbor Vitae. Munich, 1938. Baumgarten, J. M. "The Book of Elkesai and Merkabah Mysticisln." Journal for the Study ofJudaism 17 (1986...
