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BIBLIOGRAPHY Bach, Hans 1. The German Jew. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Bacon, Gershon C. "The Politics of Tradition: Agudat Israel in Polish Politics , 1916-1939." In Studies in Contemporary Jewry. Vol. 2. Edited by Peter Y. Medding. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. Berlin, Isaiah. Four Essays on Liberty. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971, Biale, David. Gershom Scholem: Kabbalah and Counter-History. Combridge : Harvard University Press, 1979. Isaac Breuer. Concepts of Judaism. Edited by Jacob S. Levinger. Jerusalem: Israel Universities Press, 1974. ---. Del Neue Kusari: Ein Weg zum Judentum. (The New Kusari: a Way to Judaism) Frankfurt am Main: Rabbiner Hirsch Gesellschaft, 1934. --. Del Rechtsbegriff auf Grundlage del Stammlelschen Sozialphilosophie . (The Concept of Law on The Basis of Stammler's Social Philosophy ) Berlin: Reuther, 1912. --. Die Idea des Agudismus. (The Ides of Agudism) Frankfurt am Main: L. Sanger Verlag, 1921. --. Die Rechtsphilsophisden Grundlagen des Jiidischen und des Modernen Rechts. (The Legal-Philosophical Foundations of Jewish and of Modern Law) In Jahlbuch del Jiidisch-Literalischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 8. Frankfurt am Main: n.p., 1911. ---. Die Welt als Schopfung und Natul. (The World as Creation and as Nature) Frankfurt am Main: J. Kauffmann Verlag, 1926. ---. "Edut lifnei Va'adat ha-I:Iaqirah ha-Anglo-Amerika'it le'inyannei Eretz Yisrael." (Testimony Before The Anglo-American Committee Concerning the Land of Israel, 1946) In Yitzl:wq Breuer: Iyunnim beMishnato (Isaac Breuer: The Man and His Thought). Edited by Rivka Horwitz. Ramat Can: Bar Han University Press, 1988. --. Elischa. Frankfurt am Main: J. Kauffmann Verlag, 1928. 217 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bach, Hans I. The German Jew. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Bacon, Gershon C. "The Politics of Tradition: Agudat Israel in Polish Politics , 1916-1939." In Studies in Contemporary Jewry. Vol. 2. Edited by Peter Y. Medding. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. Berlin, Isaiah. Four Essays on Liberty. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971, Biale, David. Gershom Scholem: Kabbalah and Counter-History. Combridge : Harvard University Press, 1979. Isaac Breuer. Concepts of Judaism. Edited by Jacob S. Levinger. Jerusalem: Israel Universities Press, 1974. - - . Der Neue Kusari: Ein Weg zum fudentum. (The New Kusari: a Way to Judaism) Frankfurt am Main: Rabbiner Hirsch Gesellschaft, 1934. - - . Der Rechtsbegriff auf Grundlage der Stammlerschen Sozialphilosophie . (The Concept of Law on The Basis of Stammler's Social Philosophy ) Berlin: Reuther, 1912. - - . Die Idea des Agudismus. (The Ides of Agudism) Frankfurt am Main: L. Sanger Verlag, 1921. - - . Die Rechtsphilsophisden Grundlagen des fiidischen und des Modernen Rechts. (The Legal-Philosophical Foundations of Jewish and of Modern Law) In Jahrbuch der Jiidisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 8. Frankfurt am Main: n.p., 1911. - - . Die Welt als Sch6pfung und Natur. (The World as Creation and as Nature) Frankfurt am Main: J. Kauffmann Verlag, 1926. - - . "Edut lifnei Va'adat ha-l:Iaqirah ha-Anglo-Amerika'it le'inyannei Eretz Yisrael." (Testimony Before The Anglo-American Committee Concerning the Land of Israel, 1946) In Yitzbaq Breuer: Iyunnim beMishnato (Isaac Breuer: The Man and His Thought). Edited by Rivka Horwitz. Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 1988. - - . Elischa. Frankfurt am Main: J. Kauffmann Verlag, 1928. 217 218 BIBLIOGRAPHY ---. Lehre, Gesetz und Nation: Eine Historische-Kritische Untersuchung iiber das Wesen des Tudentums. (Doctrine, Law and Nation: A Historical-Critical Investigation of the Essence of Judaism) Frankfurt am Main: Verlag des Israelit, 1910. --. Mein Weg. (My Way) Jerusalem/Zurich: Morascha Verlag, 1988. ---. Messiasspuren.(Traces of the Messiah) Frankfurt am Main: Verlag, Rudolph Leonhard Hammon, 1918. ---. Moriah. 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