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NOTES CHAPTER 1 1. Gershom Scholem, On Jews and Judaism in Crisis, ed. Werner J. Dannhauser (New York: Schocken Books, 1976), p. 62. 2. Ibid. 3. Frederic V. Grunfeld, Prophets Without Honor (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979), (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1979), p.31. 4. Jacob Katz, "German Culture and the Jews," Commentary 77 (February 1984): 54. 5. There is some controversy as to whether Hirsch was actually successful as a rabbi in Nikolsburg. Professor Mordechai Breuer, in a review essay, argues persuasively for Hirsch's popularity and success. In the same essay, Breuer points out that an objective (nonhagiographic) study of Hirsch's work needs to be written. See Mordechai Breuer, review of Tradition in an Age of Reform, by Noah H. Rosenbloom, Tradition 16 (Summer 1977): 142-43. On general reasons for the relative scholarly neglect of German Orthodoxy, d. Y. Wolfsberg, "Popular Orthodoxy," Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook I (1956): 237-54. 6. Cf. Isaac Breuer, Der Neue Kusari: Ein Weg zum Judentum (Frankfurt am Main: Rabbiner Hirsch Gesellschaft, 1934), p. 139. 7. Isaac Breuer, Mein Weg (Jerusalem/Zurich: Morascho Verlag, [1946) 1988), p. 9. 8. For a thorough discussion of the educational philosophy of the IRG, see Mordechai Breuer, Jiidische Orthodoxie im Deutschen Reich 1871-1918 (Frankfurt am Main: Judischer Verlag bei Athenaeum, 1986), ch.3. 189 NOTES CHAPTER 1 1. Gershom Scholem, On Jews and Judaism in Crisis, ed. Werner J. Dannhauser (New York: Schocken Books, 1976), p. 62. 2. Ibid. 3. Frederic V. Grunfeld, Prophets Without Honor (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979), (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1979), p.31. 4. Jacob Katz, "German Culture and the Jews," Commentary 77 (February 1984): 54. 5. There is some controversy as to whether Hirsch was actually successful as a rabbi in Nikolsburg. Professor Mordechai Breuer, in a review essay, argues persuasively for Hirsch's popularity and success. In the same essay, Breuer points out that an objective (nonhagiographic) study of Hirsch's work needs to be written. See Mordechai Breuer, review of Tradition in an Age of Reform, by Noah H. Rosenbloom, Tradition 16 (Summer 1977): 142-43. On general reasons for the relative scholarly neglect of German Orthodoxy, cf. Y. Wolfsberg, "Popular Orthodoxy," Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook I (1956): 237-54. 6. Cf. Isaac Breuer, Der Neue Kusari: Ein Weg zum Judentum (Frankfurt am Main: Rabbiner Hirsch Gesellschaft, 1934), p. 139. 7. Isaac Breuer, Mein Weg (Jerusalem/Zurich: Morascho Verlag, [1946] 1988), p. 9. 8. For a thorough discussion of the educational philosophy of the IRG, see Mordechai Breuer, Jiidische Orthodoxie im Deutschen Reich 1871-1918 (Frankfurt am Main: Judischer Verlag bei Athenaeum, 1986), ch.3. 189 190 NOTES 9. Breuer, Mein Weg, p. 37. 10. Ibid., p. 35. 11. Ibid. 12. Ibid., p. 94. 13. Ibid., p. 95. 14. Ibid., p. 26. IS. Ibid., p. 8l. 16. Cf. ibid., p. 88. Baruch Kurzweil believes that Breuer's polemical sharpness was the mark of unresolved inner tensions. Cf. Baruch Kurzweil , Lenokhab Ha-Mevuchah Ha-Rubanit Shel Doreinu (Facing the Spiritual Perplexity of Our Time) (Ramat Gan:Bar Ilan University Press, 1976). p. 118. 17. Ibid. 18. Cf. M. Breuer, Tiidische Orthodoxie, p. 317 19. For a description of the mood of the period, d. Paul R. MendesFlohr , "Rosenzweig and the Crisis of Historicism," in The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig (Hanover: Brandeis University Press, 1988). 20. Isaac Breuer, "Neuorientierung," in Programm Oder Testament (Frankfurt am Main: Kaufmann Verlag, 1929). Cf. Mordechai Breuer, Tiidische Orthodoxie, ch. 7. 2l. M. Breuer, Tiidische Orthodoxie, p. 323. Rivka Horwitz, "Voices of Opposition to the First World War among Jewish Thinkers," Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook XXXIII (1988): 247. 22. Mendes-Flohr, Franz Rosenzweig, p. 8. 23. Breuer, Mein Weg, pp. 43ff. 24. Ibid., p. 45. M. Breuer, Tiidische Orthodoxie, p. 339. 25. Breuer, Mein Weg, p. 42. 26. Ibid., pp. 48-49. 27. Ibid., p. 54. Jews learned from Kant to ground ethics in epistemology . Breuer's privileging of epistemological discourse betrays his thoroughgoing Kantianism. Cf. Friedrich Niewohner, " 'Primat der Ethik' oder 'Erkenntnistheoretische Begriindung der Ethik'? Thesen zur KantRezeption in der Jiidischen Philosophie," Tudentum im Zeitalter der Aufk190 NOTES 9. Breuer, Mein Weg, p. 37. 10. Ibid., p. 35. 11. Ibid. 12. Ibid., p. 94. 13. Ibid., p. 95. 14. Ibid., p. 26. 15. Ibid., p. 81. 16. Cf. ibid., p. 88. Baruch Kurzweil believes that Breuer's polemical sharpness was the mark of unresolved inner tensions. Cf. Baruch Kurzweil , Lenokhab Ha-Mevuchah Ha-Rubanit...
