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Abarbanel, Yehuda, 45 Agus, J., 108n.15 Ahad Ha'am, 19 Akiba, 146, 150 Allison, H., 37n.4, 38n.18 Aquinas, 2, 141n.24 Aristotle, 1,29, 37n.7, 81, 82, 83, 105, 106,141n.24 Averroes,105 Baeck, L., 48, 64n.12 Beck, L. W., 38n.18 Becker, C. L. 106n.3 Ben Azai, 146, 150 Bendersky, J. W., 155n.3 Bergson, H., 75, 1l0n.44 Berlin, I., 26, 37n.ll Bleich, J. D., 216n.26 Bokser, B. Z., 115n.92 Borowitz, E., 2, 3, 4, 5, 22, 37n.3 Bragdon, H. W., 216n.40 Brandeis, L., 1l0n.44 Buber, M., 22, 44, 57, 60-61, 62, 65nn.37,38; 1l0n.44, 163, 190 Carlebach, J., 106n.3 Chaim of Volozyn, 185 Chill, A., 113n.83 Christman, J., 37n.1 Cicero,108n.27 Cohen, H., 2, 4, 5,12,23, 38n.23, 64n.18, 143, 149, 150, 152, 155; Religion ofReason out ofthe Sources of Judaism, 51, 108n.21, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148 Copernicus, 51 Name Index Cornford, F. M., 25, 37n.8 Cuddihy, J. M., 106n.3 Darwin, Charles, 51 de Bonald, L., 48, 52 de Lamennais, F. R, 48, 52 de Maistre, J., 48, 52 Descartes, 10 Dodds, E. R, 26, 37nn.9, 10 Dorff, E. N., 5, 216nn.26, 37; 217n.43 Driver, G. R, 108n.26, 109n.34 Durkheim, Emile, 47 Ebreo, Leone. See Abarbanel, Yehuda Eco, Umberto, 86 Einstein, Albert, 1l0n.44 Elijah (Gaon of Wilna), 62, 99 Fackenheim, E., 38n.21 Feldman, D., 112n.65 Feuerbach, Ludwig, 183 Fox, M., 29, 37nn.12, 14 Frank, D. H., 4, 37nn.16, 17; 142n.32 Frankfurt, H., 37n.2 Frerichs, E. 5., 108n.19 Freud, Sigmund, 72 Gadamer, H.-G., 3, 53-55, 57-58, 64nn.21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26; 65nn.30, 31 Galileo,51 Galton, F., 73 Gandhi,60 Gay, P., 106n.3 Gibbs, R, 5 228 Autonomy and Judaism Ginzberg, L., 11On.45 Golding, M., 201, 202 Goodman, L. E., 3, 4,5, 108n.15, 109n.40, 110n.47, 112n.68, 113n.83, 115n.93,217n.45 Greenberg, M., 109.33 Grotius, Hugo, 1 Habermas, J., 58 Halevi, Judah, 34, 65n.29 Hamilton, E., 89, 112n.64 Hammurabi, 109n.34 Hardin, G., 73 Hartman, D., 35, 37nn.14, 17; 38n.25 Harvey, W. Z., 37n.13, 141n.27 Hegel, 11,35,41,42,170,176,177, 181, 186, 188, 189 Heidegger, 190 Heinemann, T., 113n.79 Heraclitus, 105 Hillel, 91, 107n.11, 197-198,203 Hilberath, B. J., 58, 65n.32 Hirsch, S. R., 53, 115n.96 Hobbes, 1,5, 149, 151, 153, 154, 155 Ibn Adret, Solomon, 113n.79 Ibn Bajja, 138 Ibn Tufayl, 86 Jabotinsky, V., 9 Jacobs, L., 113n.79, 217n.42 Josephus,107n.13 Jospe, R., 142n.32 Kamenka, E., 106n.3 Kant, I, 2, 5, 10,22-24,30-33, 34, 35, 36, 38nn.18, 20, 21, 24; 42, 63n.2, 64n.20, 110n.48, 183; Critique of Pure Reason, 30, 47; Critique ofPractical Reason, 22; Foundations ofthe Metaphysics ofMorals, 22, 31 Kaplan, M., 2, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 65n.36 Karo, Joseph, 42 Katz, J., 64n.11 Kaufmann, E., 149 Kearney, R., 190 Kellner, M., 37n.16 Khrushchev, N., 189 Kierkegaard, 33, 38n.22 Konvitz, M., 216n.36 Kraut, R., 141n.15 Kreisel, H., 142n.32 Kuhn, T. S., 58, 65nn.28, 33 Landmann, M., 44, 64nn.3, 4 Lazarus, M., 51, 64n.17 Lenin, V. I., 180 Levi, P., 212-213, 217n.45 Levinas, E., 5,161-174,176,179,180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188-191; L'Au-de/a du Verset, 174; "Le Moi et la Totalite," 162, 164, 165, 167; "On Death in the Thought of Ernst Bloch," 190; Otherwise than Being, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 172, 173, 185; "Pieces d'identite," 174; Time and the Other, 169; Totality and Infinity, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 173 Levi-Strauss, c., 72, 86, 64n.6 Levy, Z., 3, 4, 5 Levy-Bruhl, L., 86 Liebman, c., 50-51,64n.16 Locke, I, 72 McCutchen, S. P.,216n.40 Maimonides, 2, 4, 5, 34, 35, 37n.13, 80,82-83,97,102,103,107n.14, 110n.48, 141n.24, 144, 152, 153, 158n.67, 216n.41; Mishneh Torah, 83, 108n.25, 112nn.58, 70; 113nn.80, 82, 83; 115n.98; Guide ofthe Perplexed, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 47, 71,86,95-96,99,121-122,130-140 [] Project...
