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Index Alignment (est. 1965), 33, 147, 237 Alignment (est. 1969): in elections, 37, 38, 40, 41; formation of, 36; and Gush Emunim, 184; and settlement policy, 188 Alliance of the Kibbutz Movements.zyxwvutsrqponm See Brit ha­Tnu‫׳‬ at ha‫־‬ Kibbutzit Allon, Yigal, 147, 206 Almogi, Yosef, 135, 143 Almond, Gabriel A., 109 Amanah, 212, 219, 248 Armoni, Yitzhak, 221 Avneri, Efrayim, 122, 151, 162 Aznayah, Barukh, 137 Bahir, Aryeh, 115 Bank of Israel, Governor of, 87, 122 Bank Leumi, 54, 126­27 Banks, Organization of, 73 Barnatan, Yehudah, 70, 76 Basic Laws, 22 Basic Principles, 23­24 Beer, Samuel H., 117, 238; British Politics in the Collectivist Age, 3 Begin, Menachem: and autonomy plan and peace ideas, 205, 208, 214, 216; Government of, 76, 211; and Gush Emunim, 178, 201­4, 212, 213­14; and Kneset members, 214­15; on Likud and Gush Emunim, 195­96; and Manufacturers' Association, 87; Prime Minister, 40, 201­5, 208, 210­15, 217; retirement of, 41; and settlement Agricultural Center: conduct of Ihud members in, 151; example of corporatist decision­making board, 242, 243, 245; as forum for interest groups, 32, 122­23, 125, 128, 129, 145, 162, 163; Ihud use of Mapai faction in, 112; and loan conversion, 121­125, 128; and Mapai/Labor Government, 241; structure and role of, 104­5, 111, 141; and water allocation issue, 143 Agriculture, 26, 28, 62 Agriculture, Minister of, 50, 143, 153, 156, 159; and interest group relations, 157, 233; mentioned, 18. See also Dayan, Moshe; Gvati, Hayyim; Luz, Kadish; Naftali, Peretz; Sharon, Ariel Agriculture, Ministry of, 129, 141, 142, 162, 234, 236; and agricultural interest groups, 121, 125, 150­51, 163; and committee politics, 127, 151, 241; composition of, 105­6, 112, 131; and Ihud, 126­27, 155; jurisdiction and responsibilities of, 104­5, 120; and kibbutzim, 149­50, 155; and loan conversion, 121­25, 127; and moshavim, 150, 155; as target of agricultural groups, 121, 122; as target of Ihud, 31, 110, 112, 115­16, 121, 139, 154; and water allocation, 143 Ahdut ha­‫׳‬ Avodah, 21; and Alignment of 1965, 33, 136, 147, 237; in coalition, 1955, 113; and formation of Labor Party, 36; and kibbutz federation, 104; and Ministry of Agriculture, 112 297 INDEX 298 Israel, 2, 12, 225­26, 237, 244­45, 249­51.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYWVUTS See also Manufacturers' Association: and change Cohen, Yigal, 220 Commerce and Industry, Minister of: and Industrial Forum, 72; and relations with Manufacturers' Association, 50­51, 52, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70­71, 72, 75, 86, 95, 233; as target of Ihud under Likud Government, 154. See also Industry and Trade, Minister of; Sapir, Pinhas Commerce and Industry, Ministry of, 68; and corporatism, 240; and interest groups, 31, 163; and Manufacturers' Association, 49, 53, 59­60, 73, 86. See also Industry and Trade, Ministry of; Manufacturers‫׳‬ Association: and the ministries Committee for Planning the Economy for 1974, 39, 81 Committee Politics: on agricultural loan conversion, 127­29; described, 31­32, 68; in the eighties, 90­91; of Government, 31­32, 39, 68­69, 71, 72, 81, 83, 90­91, 143, 162­63, 241; and Ihud, 143, 162; on import policy, 68­69, 71­72; and Lehman Committee, 55; and Manufacturers' Association, 68­69, 71, 72, 90­91, 94; on water policy, 142­43; and Zusman Committee, 83 Communication, Minister of, 50 Communist Party, 21 Constituent Assembly, 22 Coordinating Bureau of Economic Organizations, 73, 75, 90, 234, 245 Corporatism: authoritarian, 7; in Israel, 32, 68­72, 91, 100, 163, 165, 221, 228, 240­45, 248, 250­51; liberal, 7; and prospects for future in Israel, 252; theory of, 7, 242. See also Corporatist model Corporatist model: described, 6­7, 8­9, 239; in Israel, 3, 225, 240­45, 250­51; mentioned, 164. See also Corporatism Cost of living allowance, 75, 76, 230, 235; change in system of, 65, 83, 244; described, 62; issue in 1974, 82­83; negotiations over, 62­67, 93 policy, 208, 210, 212; and view of Avraham Shavit's politics, 89; and visit to U S., 202­3, 215 Bejarano, Shimon, 53­55 Ben Gurion, David: and Basic Principles, 23­24; and kibbutz movement, 126, 147; and Lavon and Lavon Affair, 33, 42, 133, 135; Prime Minister, 23; and Rafi, 136; resigned, 33. See also Lavon Affair; Rafi Ben­Meir, Yehudah: on Begin Government and Gush Emunim, 212; and Gush Emunim, 171, 216; on Gush Emunim, 173, 174, 176, 182, 216, 217, 218, 220; on Kneset and interest groups, 215­16; on NRP and Gush Emunim...
