publisher colophon
  • July—September 1880

During the summer, Edison pushed ahead simultaneously with preparations both for a large-scale practical demonstration of his lighting system at Menlo Park and for the start of commercial lamp manufacture. Miles of underground electrical conductors for hundreds of outdoor street lights were in place by mid-July, after more than two months of work. When Francis Upton tested them, however, he found that the current leaked badly into the ground. While the lines were being dug up Upton initiated a series of tests of insulating materials and methods of covering the wires. The re-insulated lines were put down again in August but experiments continued well into September. Meanwhile, Edison and Charles Batchelor spent much of their time developing the incandescent lamp for commercial production, while other workers labored to rehabilitate and outfit an old factory building to accommodate lamp manufacture.1 Edison’s development work in these two general areas contributed to his prolific patent activity during this quarter, when he executed twenty-four applications that resulted in U.S. patents.

In the laboratory, Edison began an important set of filament experiments in the last week of July. He found that carbons heated in liquid kerosene emerged “considerably increased in size, greyish in appearance, and perfectly homogenious.”2 This last characteristic was presumably the one he sought and more experiments were tried with other volatile substances such as gasoline. Edison suspended this line of investigation and returned to it only occasionally; however, treating lamp filaments with hydrocarbons became a highly important process for his later rivals in lamp manufacture. During August Page 765Edison also pursued, without much success, an earlier idea to prevent “electrical carrying” by rapidly reversing the flow of current through his lamps. These lamp experiments probably contributed to his decision to reinstate night work at the end of July.

While Edison awaited completion of the Porter-Allen steam engine for his large direct-connected dynamo, Charles Clarke began to reconfigure the armature in order to simplify its fabrication and repair. On 28 September, Clarke began measuring the heat produced in copper bars revolved through a magnetic field. He and Edison found so little heat that on the last day of the month Clarke began to redesign the armature induction circuit so as to substitute large copper bars for the insulated wire coils. Edison later obtained a patent on this method of construction, which he made standard in subsequent machines. In an unrelated action concerning dynamos, Edison offered to file a patent application on behalf of physicist Henry Rowland for a form of generator Rowland designed in 1868, in hopes of blocking a U.S. patent sought by the Siemens interests.

Throughout the summer, the machine shop worked on various improvements to the transmission mechanism of the electric railway and also on a claw-type arrangement for dragging the locomotive up steep grades. Encouraged by the practical success of his heavy motor on the railway, Edison followed up his prior solicitation of detailed requirements for an electric power system in Western mines. He also offered to install electric lights on the private of yacht of newspaper publisher James Gordon Bennett and on ferryboats of the Central Railroad of New Jersey.

In other affairs, George Gouraud arrived from London about 15 July. Edison assigned him a portion of the two-thirds interest in an improved telephone switchboard signal device he purchased from inventor Chester Pond. Gouraud had been making arrangements for the establishment of Edison telephone, electric light and power, and electric railway companies in numerous countries and territories not covered by existing agreements. On 18 August Edison signed multiple contracts and powers of attorney to sell patents to these prospective companies, one half the profits from which were to be Gouraud’s. José Husbands, who was attempting to establish telephone service in Chile, meanwhile berated Edison for his inattention to that enterprise. Edison declined an offer to sell rights in Scotland for his analgesic compound, stating that he “would Page 766not for the world have polyform be brought out there” and expressed dismay over its sale in the United States.3 When George Gouraud returned to London in late August he took with him several peaches sealed in a vacuum. He reported about two weeks later that the fruit was “Perfectly preserved” with a “slightly alcoholic flavour as if fermented.”4 He encouraged Edison to experiment with more perishables at his expense but nothing more was done until the following spring.

Nearly three dozen new names appear in Edison’s employee records during this period. One was James Russell, who in July began a door-to-door survey of gaslight and power usage in the area of Manhattan where Edison planned to build his first central station. Little is known about most of the other men or their efforts. Only a few are definitely known to have worked at the lamp factory, although getting it ready no doubt required the work of many more. Some appear to have provided only transient labor while others, like carpenter Ben Acker 5 and mechanic Charles Campbell,6 stayed long enough to leave an impression at Menlo Park. David Hickman, age 14, came from his father’s farm in nearby Metuchen looking for work and was set at preparing underground electrical cables.7 Benjamin Moffett, son of one of Edison’s carpenters, was also 14 when he started as an apprentice glassblower.8 The most significant addition, both for Edison and in a more general historical sense, was that of Edward Acheson. Acheson came as a draftsman in September but quickly took on greater responsibilities, including important experiments with pressed carbon filaments. He remained with Edison for several years and later distinguished himself as an industrial chemist, particularly as the inventor of Carborundum, an invaluable abrasive compound.9

1. See headnote p. 767.

2. Doc. 1961.

3. Doc. 1960.

4. Doc. 1986.

5. Time Sheets, NjWOE.

6. Time Sheets, NjWOE.

7. “Hickman, David Kelsey,” Pioneers Bio.

8. Time Sheets, NjWOE; Jehl 1937– 41, 688.

9. ANB, s.v. “Acheson, Edward Goodrich”; Acheson 1965, 15 –19; Szymanowitz 1971.


During the summer and fall, Edison and his staff worked to establish a lamp factory at Menlo Park capable of producing 1,200 lamps per day. Edison had acquired the old electric pen factory in late April and it took his carpenters and laborers nearly all of May to return it to a useable condition because, as Francis Jehl recalled, the “roof, floors, etc., were all in a dilapidated condition.” 2 By late September, the laboratory staff had largely equipped the factory and some experimental and test lamps were produced. Factory employees continued adding equipment and modifying both the building and the production process over the next several months.

Various aspects of the lamp design itself had to be improved before production could begin. The most significant question was which material should be used for filaments. One assistant later recalled that after examining paper fibers under a microscope Edison decided that “paper is no good. Under the microscope it appears like a lot of sticks thrown together . . . Now I believe that somewhere in God Almighty’s workshop there is a vegetable growth with geometrically parallel fibers suitable to our use.”3 During the summer, Edison focused his research on grasses and canes that had long, contiguous fibers. Bast fibers, which his staff had experimented with since the winter, and bamboo, which was first used in early July, were the fibers of greatest interest. After making what may have been a serendipitous observation of the frayed edge of a bamboo fan, used to speed up evaporation in laboratory experiments, Edison had one of the tough wayward fibers carbonized. The bamboo provided high resistance when tried in a lamp on 10 July. Subsequent tests bore out its suitability for lamps and although Edison continued to experiment with bast and other grasses, he wrote an associate in Havana, Cuba, at the end of August that he wanted “many tons” of cane or bamboo and would “pay a good price if [I] can get the right quality.”4 About that time he dispatched John Segredor to investigate the nature and availability of bamboo in Georgia and Florida, and sent inquiries to Brazil, Panama, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and Jamaica. He also sent an agent to Japan. In the meantime, in late July, Edison assigned chemist Otto Moses to conduct a literature search on carbonaceous materials and processes of carbonization.5 At the beginning of December, he decided to make his lamps out of madake bamboo from Japan.6 Page 768

Another critical problem was ensuring a good connection between the filaments and lead-in wires. Charles Batchelor experimented with placing various coatings on the filament ends and recarbonizing them, and also with putting platinum foil on the ends “to make better contact with the clamps and toughen the ends.”7 Edison had already decided to use carbons broadened at each end, but these proved difficult to manufacture because the heat needed to carbonize them fully often destroyed the nickel moulds. Edison accordingly devised and in early July applied for a patent on a form of vacuum pump in which carbonized filaments were placed on a broad infusible conductor which was heated to incandescence by electricity. This purged all hydrocarbon gases from the ends while “the body of the carbons, on account of the poor heat-conducting qualities of the carbon, remaining unheated comparatively.”8 In August he also applied for patents for improvements in the method of sealing the lead-in wires to the glass in order to simplify construction, maximize support for the platinum wires, and minimize chances of leakage.9 The shape of the lamp base was also changed somewhat to accommodate Charles Batchelor’s late August design of a push-in socket. Edward Johnson, recently returned from England, came up with the familiar screw-in design in mid-September which he labeled, with typical zest, the “Boss Socket.” 10

Edison and Batchelor put considerable effort during July and August into solving engineering problems related to lamp production. Because the filament itself represented only a portion of the labor and materials in each lamp, one such problem was how to identify defective filaments before they went all the way through the expensive manufacturing process. On 21 July Batchelor sketched an “Instrument for bending fibres to shape to test them” for “any uneveness or excess of pith.”11 At the end of July Edison and Batchelor jointly completed a patent application for a “carbon prover,” a chamber partially evacuated by a mercury pump, in which a filament mounted in its inner glass globe could be heated electrically in order to find bright spots or other defects. A few days later Batchelor also sketched a device for detecting various imperfections in uncarbonized fibers.12 He also experimented to determine why some carbons tended to bend over in the lamps and found it was a consequence of how the raw filament blanks were cut.13

Batchelor, in particular, designed many of the specialized tools needed in the factory, from fiber cutters and trimmers, to carbonizing Page 769moulds and furnaces,14 to the complex clamp-making machine.15

Equipping the factory required considerable effort. Laboratory assistants constructed four hundred vacuum pumps by the first day or two of July; as these were installed workers caulked the floorboards beneath them, presumably to prevent the escape of spilled mercury.16 They had to contend with a troublesome chain pump used for lifting mercury to the vacuum pumps17 and also took care of relatively routine tasks such as acquiring and cleaning more than 1100 pounds of mercury.18 A particularly complex task that drew on the breadth of skills represented on the staff was the establishment of a supply of gas sufficient to operate the carbonizing furnaces and glassblowing burners simultaneously. John Kruesi had charge of ordering shafting and the pipes to transport gas and pressurized air.19 He staked out the foundation for the new gasworks on 1 July; the apparatus arrived from Rahway in the middle of the month but when it and the associated blowers were installed and tested in August it was found to have “neither capacity nor simplicity for practical use.” A new gas machine was ordered and installed by early September but runoff from heavy rains floated it out of position. It was reset and ready for operation by the end of the month.20

One other commodity needed to run Edison’s factory was electricity. Saws for cutting fibers, the mercury circulating pump, the blower for glass-making, and the rotating glass annealing machines all operated by electric motors. On 12 July, laboratory assistants, probably William Hammer and Martin Force, ran wires to carry the current from the machine shop dynamos; at the same time they also put up telephone wires between the factory and laboratory. In early September, an additional circuit was established to provide current for testing carbons and lighting the factory.21

By the second week of September, the factory was sufficiently well organized that a number of filaments were successfully carbonized. For about the next two weeks, workers tried out equipment and made corrections as necessary. On 28 September the first lot of thirty lamps was completed and sent up to the laboratory, where their photometric and electrical characteristics were measured; the second batch of one hundred lamps was sent on 12 October to the laboratory, where some were also used in experiments. When photometric equipment was installed on 13 October in a building erected Page 770for this purpose adjacent to the factory, the manufacturing operation became largely independent of the laboratory. The factory’s regular payroll began on 11 November, 1880.22 Francis Upton took charge of the factory at the end of December. Although several lots of test and experimental lamps had been made by that time, regular production of commercial lamps probably did not begin until at least March and possibly April.23

Edison and his assistants made the preparations for commercial lamp production but an expanded and generally new work force did the actual manufacturing. Little or nothing is known of individual workers nor of the manner in which they were trained. By purchasing glass tubing from the Corning Glass Works, Edison avoided having to recruit and pay the most highly skilled glassblowers; he made do instead with “farmer boys and others from the neighboring villages” hired and trained by William Holzer.24 Even so, concerns quickly arose about the availability and cost of labor. These worries contributed to Edison’s decision to relocate lamp manufacturing to East Newark (now Harrison), New Jersey in 1882.25

1. Charles Mott’s journal provides a detailed record of the variety of work that Edison and his staff performed throughout the late spring and summer to prepare for the commercial manufacture of electric lamps at Menlo Park. Mott Journals N-80-03-14 and N-80-07-10, passim., both Lab. (TAEM 33:683, 37:302; TAED N053, N117); for a discussion of these journals see headnote p. 671.

2. See Doc. 1939 n. 7; Jehl 1937–41, 787.

3. Wilson Howell’s reminiscence, “Howell, Wilson S.,” Pioneers Bio.

4. TAE to Vesey Butler, 28 Aug. 1880, Lbk. 6:354 (TAEM 80:368; TAED LB006354).

5. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:59, N-80-00-05, N-80-00-06, N-80-00-07, all Lab. (TAEM 37:330, 969, 38:2, 39:1064; TAED N117:29, N127, N128, N176).

6. See Mott Journals N-80-03-14 and N-80-07-10, both Lab. (TAEM 33:683, 37:302; TAED N053, N117); Docs. 2002, 2009, 2012, 2027 (see esp. n. 2); and Jehl 1937–41, 614–24.

7. N-80-06-02:21– 33, Mott Journal 80-07-10:21, both Lab. (TAEM 36:405 –11, 37:312; TAED N105:8 –14, N117:10).

8. U.S. Pat. 298, 679.

9. U.S. Pats. 239, 153, 239, 745, and 351, 855.

10. See Doc. 1988.

11. N-80-06-28:37, Mott Journal N-80-07-10:31, both Lab. (TAEM 36:90, 37:317; TAED N102:19, N117:15).

12. U.S. Pat. 239,372; N-80-06-28:39 – 43, N-80-06-02:35 – 37, both Lab. (TAEM 36:91– 93, 412 –13; TAED N102:20 – 22, N105:15 –16).

13. See Doc. 1973.

14. See Docs. 1961 and 1966. Several tools used in making lamps in the laboratory, including a plane, a finishing mould for bamboo fibers, Page 771and cutting dies, are at the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Mich. (29.1980.269, 188.36908, 29.1980.270, 29.1980.271, 29.1980.267, MiDbEI[H]).

Staff at Edison’s first lamp factory in an undated photograph, probably taken in summer 1880. The men in the foreground are, from left, Philip Dyer, William Hammer, Francis Upton, and James Bradley.

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15. Work on the clamp-making machine began in May and at least one prototype was ready by late June (see Doc. 1939). On 28 June Charles Batchelor made sketches and notes on a “New clamp making machine” and on 20 July listed fourteen alterations to be made (N-80-06-28:1– 3, Lab. [TAEM 36:72 – 73; TAED N102:1– 2]). Batchelor made drawings related to the clamp machine throughout the summer (N-80-06-28:5 – 17, 23– 33, 67; N-80-06-02:89 – 95, 105 –117; N-80-03-29:265; all Lab. [TAEM 36:74 – 80, 83– 87, 105, 438 – 42, 446 – 52; 33:536; TAED N102: 3– 9, 12 –17, 67; N105:42 – 46, 50 – 56, N051:124]). Mott referred to work on this machine in nearly all of his weekly summaries of “work general” through mid-October (Mott Journal N-80-07-10, passim, Lab. [TAEM 37:302; TAED N117]).

16. See Doc. 1950; N-80-03-19:133, Mott Journal N-80-07-10:25, both Lab. (TAEM 34:671, 37:314; TAED N068:65, N117:12).

17. Albert Herrick sketched on 20 July the pump designed for the factory. The chain broke or caught on at least four occasions in September. On 22 September John Kruesi went to Philadelphia to see about ordering a new machine, and later that week drawings for a new screw pump were taken to a shop there. N-79-08-28:48; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:125, 131, 134 – 35, 137, 141– 42; both Lab. (TAEM 35:1080; 37: 364, 367, 369 – 70, 372 – 73; TAED N088:26; N117:62, 65, 67– 68, 70 – 71); see also Doc. 2010.

18. The mercury was received on 31 July. It was “exceedingly dirty” and was purified throughout the next month by William Hammer, George Hill, and unnamed “boys.” Mott Journal 1880 N-80-07-10:55, 59, 63, 100 –101, Lab. (TAEM 37:329, 331, 333, 352; TAED N117:27, 29, 31, 50). Page 772

19. N-79-07-25:256 – 59, Lab. (TAEM 33:954 – 55; TAED N056: 97– 98).

20. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:15, 80 – 81, 100, 115, 126, 129, 150, Lab. (TAEM 37:309, 342, 352, 359, 365 – 66, 377; TAED N117:7, 40, 50, 57, 63– 64, 75).

21. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:6, 117, Lab. (TAEM 37:305, 360; TAED N117:2, 58); Jehl 1937– 41, 789.

22. See Doc. 1996. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:125, 144 – 45, 149, 152, 161– 62, Lab. (TAEM 37:364, 374, 376, 378, 382 – 83; TAED N117:62, 72, 74, 76, 80 – 81); Jehl 1937– 41, 815. Durability was determined by operating lamps above their designated intensity, usually at 48 candlepower; records of the first two lots of factory lamps are in N-80-09-28, N-80-08-18, N-80-09-27, N-80-10-15.1, and N-80-10-12, all Lab. (TAEM 36:459, 706; 37:445, 646; 39:700; TAED N106, N111, N119, N121, N171).

23. Docs. 2002 n. 4, 2034 and 2061; Mott Journals N-80-07-10:271–83, PN-80-09-23, and PN-81-01-19; all Lab. ( TAEM 37:437– 43, 43:1100 –10, 1115 – 38; TAED N117:136 – 42 NP013:42 – 48, NP014:1–24); Electric Light—Edison Electric Lamp Co—General (D-81-23), DF (TAEM 57:756; TAED D8123).

24. Jehl 1937– 41, 812 –14; see Doc. 1971. The glassblowing department required a large amount of labor. An undated photograph shows William Holzer with thirty-two assistants (most of them young men), all but three of whom are identified in Jehl 1937– 41, 813; an original print of this photograph is in box 97, WJH.

25. See Doc. 2061; Jehl 1937– 41, 813–14.

  • Charles Mott Journal Entry

[Menlo Park,] Friday July 2d 1880

Pumps. The glass blowers finished the 4th hundred of the pumps, and men have today been carrying them down to Lamp Factory.1

Four lamps were attached to one of the pumps today and after excellent vacuum had been obtained, Mr. E. was showing the pumps to Prof Barker and F. Thompson2 of Penna. Rail Road whena the mercury for some unaccountable reason flowed up into the lamps entirely destroying the vacuum and three of them lamps. 3 Four others were then attached and sealed off two, after breaking two by current in about two hours.b

Wood Miller Dean to day is trying to put his face cutting attachment forc the lathe for working wood loops it is a very complicated neat piece of delicate and compact machinery but too incomplete yet for an attempt at description4

Crucibles for Assays. Cunningham5 finished a mould in which to press suitable material into form for the small crucibles which are used in the final process of assaying and tried it several times with chalk it worked very nicely and he got Page 773out a few very perfect specimens. The mould is made of iron, composed of a base in the center of which is a round raised piece to form the cavity of the crucible. on top is placed a cylindrical part with hole through the center, widened near the bottom into shape of reversed (or up side down) funnel. plungers are fittedc very snugly to fill the hole, or bore and after the material is placed in, the plungers are placed adjustedd and pressed down in the bore, the base and cylinder beingare separate but neatly fitted together and the one lifted from the other leavesd the crucible toa isbe easily removed.

R. R. Station Martin Force removed the platform from the end of Rail Road Station. & changed the wire connections to one side of the building preparatory to remove the end of station for continuation of road. 6

Magnetic Separator. design for the practical working of the magnetic separator was completed and sketch of the same given to Mott from which to make Patent Office drawings. capacity and specifications in Book No. 80. page 200 & 201.7

Lamps & Magnetsc I find in Mr. Uptons Book No 103 on page 275 quite a descriptive list of experiments requested by Mr. Edison to be made on platina wires in airc and vacuum, also on the to determine whether an active armature contains any magnetism. and some others.8

Loops. None but regulars have been carbonized to day, but Bradley has gotten out some more of the Palmetto loops and was directed by Mr. Edison to cut, on the same former used for bast, some out of [mauler?]e glazedf card board and also try rye straw some of which I got for him.

Visitors. Mr. Wilber, also a Mine Prospector of Leadville Col.

Absent Upton & Clarke started for 4th July tripg

AD, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-03-14:274 (TAEM 33:821; TAED N053:139). aInterlined in left margin. b“by current . . . hours.” interlined below. cObscured overwritten text. dInterlined above. eIllegible. f“[mauler?] glazed” interlined above. g“Absent . . . trip” written in right margin.

1. See headnote above.

2. Frank Thomson began working for the Pennsylvania Railroad as a machinist’s apprentice and spent his entire career with that company except for a brief period of government service during the Civil War. Since 1874 he had been general manager of the system east of Pittsburgh. In this capacity he introduced major improvements in the Pennsylvania’s track maintenance and signal system, and planned its distinctively decorated passenger stations. He became president of the railroad in 1897 but died just two years later. DAB, s.v. “Thomson, Frank.”

3. Edison gave instructions on 3 July to “Have lamp put on sprengel Page 774exhausted to high point, and then exhaustion stopped allowing it to burn for 20 hours at 18 candles to ascertain if vacuum falls.” Mott reported that day that “One of the pumps was taken out and the connection between the Springle drop tube and the gauge tube was made longer and crooked (to prevent if possible the up flow of the fall mercury into the gauge tube and lamp).” This was the first of several more general experiments by Francis Upton and Francis Jehl on “testing for leakage or lowering from any cause of the vacuum.” In one of these, described by Mott on 7 July, an evacuated lamp was sealed onto the pump which was itself then sealed off from the fall tube. After a considerable period of operating the lamp “a small bubble of air was let or leaked in and vacuum dropped accordingly, but immediately began to improve again, without working the pump, showing that the air was either absorbed or used up in occidizing the carbon.” N-80-07-02:1; Mott Journal N-80-03-14: 277, 282 – 84; N-80-07-05:4 –11; all Lab. (TAEM 36:604; 33:822, 825 – 26; 36:269 – 72; TAED N108:2; N053:140, 143– 44; N104:4 – 7).

4. This was a redesign of the machine that Charles Dean made in June for cutting wooden loops (see Doc. 1930). It was completed on 9 July and Mott subsequently stated that it worked “very nicely, the knives only requiring a sharper and finer edge.” On 16 July Mott reported that Dean was using the device to cut “the loops of .010 diameter beautifully and calipering evenly all the way around and was preparing the saw for cutting them off when Mr. Edison, admitting the perfection of the machine, directed him to clean it up, take it apart and put away, as at present the fibers were an improvement on the wood and the machine would not be required unless at some future time.” In an uncharacteristic digression Mott noted that the machine was “so complete in all its 226 parts or pieces and so perfect in working that it should deserve a place amongst the archives rather than be destroyed or in all probability carried off piece by piece.” Mott Journal N-80-03-14:287, N-80-07-10:10, 17–18, both Lab. (TAEM 33:827, 37:307, 310 –11; TAED N053:145, N117:5, 8 – 9).

5. David Cunningham was a mechanic and machinist who began working for Edison sometime in the first half of 1879. In 1881 he assisted Charles Batchelor with Edison’s installation at the International Electrical Exhibition in Paris. Jehl 1937– 41, 680, 682; Time Sheets, NjWOE.

6. See Doc. 1939. Mott repeated this information in the next day’s journal entry, the last in which this subject is discussed. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:277, Lab. (TAEM 33:822; TAED N053:140).

7. On 26 July Edison executed a patent application for a large-scale electromagnetic ore separator. Designed on the principle discussed in Doc. 1921, it employed a series of magnets to give diverging trajectories to ferrous and non-ferrous matter in the ore falling from the top of the machine. This application issued in October 1881 as U.S. Pat. 248,432. The notebook entry to which Mott refers was made by John Kruesi and indicated that the separator was to be about 24 feet high and capable of handling 560 pounds of ore per minute. N-79-06-12:200 – 201, Lab. (TAEM 35:577; TAED N080:94).

8. Francis Upton wrote out a handful of experiments and variations to be tried. The platina wires were to be heated in a chamber as it was evacuated and then measured, presumably for changes in length. Other carbons were to be measured before and after being dipped in an unspecifiedPage 775 solution. A lamp was also to be left on a pump with a McLeod gauge and its vacuum periodically noted (see note 3). N-80-06-29:275 – 76, Lab. (TAEM 36:261– 62; TAED N103:139 – 40).

  • To Henry Rowland

Menlo Park, N.J., July 4 1880.a

Friend Rowland,

I understood you to say whenb you were here that several years ago you made and wound a magnet for use in an Electromotor of orc magneto machine, and that you thought that you had some of the original parts.1 You know that Siemens has applied for a patent in this country.2 I want to defeat his patent on the ground either that he was not the first inventor, or use for two years previous to his application. If you will send me your original model orand a description or a description only, I will have a patent application filed for youd and pay all the expenses at the patent ofs also any court expenses should the patent get into litigation,b and give you half of the profits and I will use all efforts to prove your priority even if the office will not grant a patent on account of abandonment3 Yours Truly

Thos A Edison

ALS, MdBJ, HAR (TAED X100AA). Letterhead of T. A. Edison. a“Menlo Park, N.J.,” and “1880.” preprinted. bObscured overwritten text. cInterlined above. d“for you” interlined above.

1. Edison did not address this letter but evidently sent it to Keene Valley, N.Y., known as a summertime home of scholars and landscape painters, where Henry Rowland spent much of the summer. Rowland, who had been at Menlo Park in March (see Doc. 1914), may have visited Edison on his way north from Baltimore. WGD, s.v. “Keene Valley”; Rowland to TAE, c. 6 July 1880, DF (TAEM 55:149; TAED D8036ZDI1).Page 776

While a student in 1868 Rowland designed a generator which he expected would run cooler than contemporary machines with long armatures. It employed an induction coil wound longitudinally on a cylinder, much like the design later adopted by Siemens. This revolved around a concentric cylinder wound longitudinally with iron wire. Both cylinders were placed circumferentially between the poles of a magnet, which induced complementary poles in the iron coil. Rowland hypothesized that this arrangement would eliminate the heating in machines where the iron coil revolved around stationary induction wires, which he attributed to the iron’s rapid magnetization and demagnetization. Hathaway 1886, 102; Rowland student notebook, folder 24, box 39, HAR; see also King 1962c, 369 – 74.

Henry Rowland’s September 1868 drawings of his dynamo machine with stationary iron coil; at left is detail of the induction coil winding on the rotating armature.

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2. See Doc. 1851.

3. Rowland replied that he was “Happy to accede to your offer. I have a perfect Siemen’s armature made about 1869, together with other parts of the machine and can prove the date by proper documents. The wire was wound longitudinally and revolved around a stationary iron core. It is about a foot long and three inches diameter”; he subsequently described the field magnets as “long like yours.” Edison drafted a response on the letter instructing Rowland to “send on the mach & we will put it together Prepare the app[licatio]n.” On 18 July Rowland responded that he had sent instructions to Baltimore to have the armature sent to Edison and also indicated that he still had other parts of the machine. In this letter, which included a drawing and description of the armature, Rowland told Edison that “I do not suppose they will give me a patent but you can at least prevent Siemens obtaining one and establish my priority.” Rowland to TAE, c. 6 and 18 July 1880, DF (TAEM 55:149, 142; TAED D8036ZDI1, D8036ZDK).

  • Notebook Entry: Miscellaneous

[Menlo Park, c. July 5, 18801]

Canal System 12

RR Train System—2a

Rock drill also Rock Tamper 33


Transfer power 55

High speed Telgh RR—6

System Signals for Electric RR 7

24 inch guage on canal with E Loco—to draw Canal boats. 86

Elevator. 9—

Submarine Engine. 10

System submarine lightinga 11

Submarine Electric Railway 12

Steamship feeler for Ships Icebergs. 13

Lighting submarine buoys—14

Emery wheel with 5000 Rev motor 157

Motor applied Lathes Etc place belts. 168

Our system Lighting have Electric fire Engines to attach our mains, devise Electric fire Engine, 17

Ice sawing dynamo Engine. 18

Portable Electric drill 19

Electric Band & Circular Saw can run armature with battery 20Page 777

Electricb Well borers 21


Band saws

Circular sawsc

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X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-07-02:3 (TAEM 36:605; TAED N108:3). aPreceded by checkmark in left margin. b Obscured overwritten text. c “Band saws” and “Circular saws” written by Charles Batchelor.

1. Charles Mott referred to Edison’s entry on the preceding page, dated 3 July, in his journal that same day. Mott did not return to work until 7 July, when he found this “list of applications to be made of the system for power, lighting, & c. both for land and submarine purposes.” Later that day Edison asked Julius Hornig to make working drawings of these devices but they have not been found. Mott Journal N-80-03-14: 277, 280 – 81, 283, Lab. (TAEM 33:822, 824 – 25; TAED N053:140, 142).

2. Mott noted on 7 July that John Kruesi had in his office sketches of “two systems of operating canals by Electricity” but these have not been found. One plan was to have each vessel draw current from conductors alongside the canal for a motor to drive a propeller. The other would use a “track lain along the tow path over which a motor with hand over hand clutch gear travels and by line or otherwise tows the boat or boats.” Mott Journal N-80-03-14:280 – 81, Lab. (TAEM 33:824; TAED N053:142).

3. This is the only extant reference to a rock drill prior to Edison’s statement of its development in Doc. 1957; nothing is known of the tamper.

4. The New York Herald reported that Edison built a “captive machine” for making preliminary experiments with heavier-than-air flight (“Ships of the Air,” New York Herald, 3 Aug. 1880, p. 4; for descriptions of other nineteenth-century efforts to build rotary wing flying machines see Liberatore 1998, chap. 2). On or about 7 July several sketches were Page 778made of this device, which consisted of fan blades mounted on a vertical shaft turned by a small electric motor. Charles Batchelor found that a blade of “two ordinary palm leaf fans” revolved at 200 r.p.m. produced a lift of twelve ounces per square foot. On 9 July Edison made a similar drawing of the “Electric Balloon” and that day Batchelor built and tested one with a tin fan wheel but found that it could not raise its own weight. Work continued intermittently on this device another ten days. Batchelor put in a more powerful motor on 12 July and, according to Mott, “the wheel revolved with fearful rapidity all standing well back expecting to see the wheel fly to pieces by centrifugal force”; it produced four ounces of lift. The next day he tried an arrangement of palm leaves which produced seventeen ounces of lift and “will give a fine motion to the air and make a neat and desirable apparatus to combine with electric light systems, for ventilation or keeping air in room in agitation.” An additional experiment was made on 19 July, after which no more were recorded, but Edison stated in the August Herald interview that he hoped to achieve 8,000 revolutions per minute with a three horsepower motor. N-80-06-28:11–17; N-80-07-02:84, 142 – 43, 55; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:287– 88; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:8 – 9, 22; all Lab. (TAEM 36:77– 80, 615, 624, 614; 33:827– 28; 37:306, 313; TAED N102:6 – 9; N108:13, 22, 12; N053:145 – 46; N117:4, 11).

Edison’s captive balloon.

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At the end of November Edison received an inquiry from an engineer wondering if he intended to pursue his earlier investigations. Edison wrote a draft reply on the letter stating that he had “tried some experiments in the aerial navigation line & did intend to take the matter up but have been so attacked for my criminal efforts to devise a subdivided electric light I have given it up.” TAE marginalia on John Mackenzie to TAE, 22 Nov. 1880, DF (TAEM 53:333; TAED D8006Z).

5. See Edison’s U.S. Patent 248,435, which he executed on 11 August but did not file until October; it issued a year after being filed.

6. Edison made several sketches of this latter plan on 21 July. N-80-07-02:123, Lab. (TAEM 36:619; TAED N108:17).

Edison’s drawing of an electric locomotive for towing barges.

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7. Two months earlier Edison had conceived of another experimental project employing a high-speed electric motor: a “little Electromotor carrier that will run on a track in pipe track being composed of leafs for messenger service to take place of the telephone Central system. The Idea being to have a Central station with pipes leading to Customers 10 of Customers on a single line have permutation pins So a message put in a motor will be thrown out at the right customer.” Edison did nothing with this idea until 29 June when, according to Mott, he began “seriously discussing the putting of it in practical operation for six or eight Page 779miles as an experiment.” Two days later he instructed Hornig “to devise and make diagram of a motor geared expressly for speed and as light as practicable to be capable of 200 miles per hour for messenger.” During that week carpenters were at work on the superstructure for a test track but there is no record of the project after 3 July. N-79-06-12:119 –120; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:266 – 67, 272, 278 – 79; both Lab. (TAEM 35:540 – 41; 33:817, 820, 823; TAED N080:57– 58; N053:135, 138, 141).

Edison’s 6 May drawing of the “electromotor” messenger device.

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8. Edison devised one such mechanical arrangement in early August (see Doc. 1967 esp. n. 3).

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] July 910 1880


1253   made from bamboo taken from ftop of a fan1 4–⅝ long 12⁄1000 × 12⁄1000 put in large clampb
1254   made from Rye straw hade pith on one side 4–5⁄8 long 12⁄1000 × 12⁄1000 put in large clampb 〈Broke after it was put in lamp in glass Blowers house〉c
1255   large Bass Fibre 6 in long 12⁄1000 × 12⁄1000 put in large clampb
1256   made from Palmeto leaf 45⁄8 long 12⁄1000 × 12⁄1000 put in large clamp2 b
12573 1258 2 regular Bass Fibres put in same as we put paper carbon in old way of clamping 4–5⁄8 long 12⁄1000 × 12⁄1000b
1259d   made from paper 4 –5⁄8 12⁄1000 × 12 ½ 1000 put in large clamp4b
1260   Maded from Bamboo taken from top of a fan 4–5⁄8 long by 12⁄1000 × 12⁄1000

Chas Flammer

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-03-06:151 (TAEM 33:1035; TAED N057:75). Written by Charles Flammer. aBeginning of table below marked by horizontal dividing lines; item numbers separated from text by vertical dividing lines. bFollowed by dividing mark. cMarginalia written by Charles Flammer; followed by dividing mark. dObscured overwritten text.Page 780

1. This is one of the first extant references to experiments with bamboo lamp filaments. Lamp 1248 was made with a bamboo filament the previous day but it broke before testing. Lamp 1253 produced a cold resistance of 188 ohms and the equivalent of 8.6 lamps per horsepower. N-80-07-05:25, 28; Mott Journal 80-07-10:3, both Lab. (TAEM 36:279, 281; 37:303; TAED N104:14, 16; N117:1).

Edison’s impetus for trying bamboo is not certain. Charles Mott wrote in his journal on 7 July that “A collection of Bamboo Recd and choice Bast have been obtained and some loops cut out but none yet put in the lamps to test” (Mott Journal N-80-03-14:282, Lab. [TAEM 33:825; TAED N053:143]). Francis Jehl (1937– 41, 614 –15) recalled that:

We always had . . . palm leaf fans lying about on the tables upstairs; these fans were often used in the course of experiments, especially when we desired to evaporate some liquid in a shallow glass plate or dry some mixture. It thus happened sometime towards the latter part of April or May that Edison noticed, while doing some microscopic work with a filament of carbon, that one of these fans was lying near his instrument. In his stooping position he noticed that a part of the binding rim of the fan was detached and was away from the fan leaf. He received the impulse to take the fan up and examine the rim: on closer examination it was found to be made from some sort of cane. He cut a piece of it, planed it and put it under his microscope: its structural characteristics were the most ideal thus far obtained. Batchelor was called to prepare a few raw filaments from the rim of the fan and carbonize them. The results were that Edison was satisfied that he now had a better carbon than that produced from the paper cardboard.

2. This may be the lamp which Mott indicated this day was tested at 483 ohms cold, 300 ohms hot, and produced the equivalent of 9.6 lamps per horsepower. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:3, Lab. (TAEM 37:303; TAED N117:1).

3. The page that begins with this lamp record is marked to indicate that it was later entered as an exhibit for Edison in a patent interference, Edison v. Maxim v. Swan.

4. This lamp broke before it could be tested. N-80-07-05:30, Lab. (TAEM 36:282; TAED N104:17).

  • Draft to Edward Bouverie

Menlo Park, N.J., July 16 1880.a

I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the first instant. 1 when you first proposed that I should take in liquidation of my reversionary interest in the London Company £10,000 cash or shares of the United Company, before replying I gave your suggestion very careful consideration and decided that I shwould rather take my chances than accept so small an amount and I regret to feel obliged to say that I do not see my way clearb for changing the conclusion that I then came Page 781to— I have again considered the matter more fully with Col Gouraud.2 And wWhile And whilec we are perfectly content to [know?]d have carried out what was recently understood to be the desires of the board including yourself that the company should be concluded with continued fore the purpose of carrying out its contracts with me (but which you now inform me not to do you do not desiref but wouldb rather liquidate the company at an early day.) always we are bothg I amh anxious as far as lies in my power with what I deem a due regard only a reasonable regardi for my own interest to meet yr. wishes.j I have at your request again carefully considered the subject of a division of the United shares with a view to liquidating the Cok aAs I understand it the total issue of shares of the Edison London Company when its amalgamation with the Glasgow Company is completed will be £72 000. The total onlyb assets of the Company will be only 115,000l in shares of United Company will then be £115,000. now I think that if each shareholder of the London Company were to receive pound for pound in United Company shares as a repayment for total capital invested and a bonus of 30% on the shares in the United Company that considering that his investment will only have existed about a year he will have no reason to complain.

This will be the result if after giving pound for pound the difference between £72 000 and £115,000 were equally divided. as this is a subject that I really do not feel myself competent to judge being so far awaym and as Col Gouraud and the Gentlemen in my Laboratory are interested with me in this matter and asn I would not do anything without their full consent concurrenceb and having regard to all the circumstances of the case in the in view of all in view of allo and as there is allready some little diversity of opinion among us us on the subjectp I have thought it best to place the whole matter of my reversionary interest in the hands of a Trustee and I have accordingly executed a deed to that effect,q permanently resident in Londonr and as Col Gouraud will be much away from England this year I web have decided to make Mr A G Renshaw the Trustee. I have also requested him to furnish you with a copy of the deed & I have accordingly executed a deed a copy of which I have requested Mr. Renshaw to file with the Co3s you will find him entirely prepared to deal with the question whenever you find it expedient to raise it—& I have no doubt you you will reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion.4t I note with pleasure the satisfaction you express at the amalgamation of the Companiesu and sincerely hope the Unitedb Company Page 782will be a success, for andb I feel confident that nothing but bad management can prevent this its so being.v

Df, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:741; TAED D8049ZGA). Written by William Carman; letterhead of T. A. Edison. Interlineations in an unknown hand, except as noted. a“Menlo Park, N.J.,” and “1880.” preprinted. bInterlined above. c“And while” interlined above. dCanceled. e“continued for” interlined above. f“you . . . desire” interlined above. gwe are both” interlined above. h“I am” interlined above by Gouraud. i“only . . . regard” interlined above. j“to meet yr. wishes” interlined below by Gouraud. k“with . . . the Co” interlined below. l”will . . . £115,000” interlined below. m“being . . . away” interlined above. n“and as” interlined above. oin the in view of all in view of all” interlined above. p“us on the subject” interlined above. q“effect” mistakenly not canceled. r“permanently in London” interlined above. s“& I have accordingly . . . with the Co” interlined above. t“& I have . . . conclusion” interlined above. u“at the . . . Companies” interlined above. v“its so being” interlined above.

1. Bouverie expressed his wish that Edison might accept the company’s offer (see Doc. 1933 n. 6) but particularly asked him “not to decide, or to commit yourself to any absolute course , respecting the reversionary interest you have in the Edison Company, until you have seen Mr. Johnson.” The same day, Johnson wrote Edison asking him to comply “with Bouveries request ‘that you do nothing to alter the present status until the companys representative (ie me) has had the opportunity to personally present their case to you.’= I am in honour bound to use Every effort to induce you to withhold your signature from the Trust Deed of Gourauds until the Company has had an opportunity of stating their Case.” He went on to indicate his approval of the trust arrangement, which he hoped Edison would eventually adopt. Johnson did not immediately return to the United States, however, but accepted a leave of absence from the company from 1 July until the expiration of his contract two weeks later and took a vacation to the Continent. Bouverie to TAE, 1 July 1880; Johnson to TAE, 1 and 20 July 1880; all DF (TAEM 56:715, 707, 752; TAED D8049ZFK, D8049ZFJ, D8049ZGC).

2. Gouraud had sailed for New York on 3 July and visited Menlo Park on the date of this draft. Gouraud to TAE, 29 June 1880, DF (TAEM 55:737; TAED D8046ZBK); Mott Journal N-80-07-10:18, Lab. (TAEM 37:311; TAED N117:9).

3. Edison executed on this day the agreement designating Alfred Renshaw the trustee for his reversionary interest in the London telephone company. He subsequently arranged with Gouraud that the two of them would “together hold not less than the necessary two-thirds” interest needed to control the trust. Agreement with Renshaw, 16 July 1880; Agreement with Gouraud, 29 July 1880; both DF (TAEM 56:728, 755; TAED D8049ZFU1, D8049ZGE).

4. Two weeks later Edison and Gouraud jointly authorized Renshaw to accept in full payment of the reversion interest £20,000 in United company shares or “any larger amount if you find it possible to obtain it.” TAE and Gouraud to Renshaw, 29 July 1880, Lbk. 6:243 (TAEM 80:330; TAED LB006243).

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] July 16[–19] 18801

wet day To ground  
18 wire circuit2 55 25. 43.
Carmen Circuit 1.4 4.2 8.2
  2800 2900 21003
6 wire circuit 61.8 25.6 50.5
Edison’s line 1.6 5.8 9.4
The weather &c Book 103 page 1554  
In the afternoon Carmens circuit again testeda P.M |2850

Dry day

P.M 2900 to ground

The kerite wire leading to the lamp-posts dugb up and left in the air to dry.6

Monday— Yesterday was a dry hot day nNearly all the kerite wires leading to the lampposts have been exposed to the air so that they have no connection with the ground7

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-07-16:3 (TAEM 38:487; TAED N137:2). Written by Francis Upton. aObscured overwritten text. b“kerite . . . dug” written over illegible erasure.

1. This entry was dated 16 July (Friday) but was continued to the following Monday, 19 July.

2. The anticipated electrical load determined the number of wires in each line. Wires were dropped from the strand at intervals away from the generating station as the current decreased.

3. Francis Upton made his notes and calculations on this day’s tests in another book, from which this table is derived. The first column indicates resistance “wire to wire”; the other two give the resistance to the ground for each leg of the circuit, in this row the 25-wire Carman cable. There were several standard procedures for determining the resistance of cable insulation but how Upton conducted these tests is not known. In each instance he divided the measured resistance (such as 2800 ohms) by 200, presumably to compensate for a galvanometer shunt. From this he deducted the resistance of the “conducting wires from galvanometer” (6.3 ohms apiece). Upton erred in copying numbers to this row from his notes, in which he calculated the resistance to ground at 4.2 ohms where he measured 2100 ohms, and 8.2 ohms to ground where he measured 2900 ohms. N-80-06-29:145 – 55, Mott Journal N-80-07-10:16, both Lab. (TAEM 36:197– 202, 37:310; TAED N103:74 – 79, N117:8).

4. Upton remarked in the other notebook that “The weather has been raining for two weeks and the ground is thoroughly wet.” On 15 July Charles Mott had recorded in his journal that “The gang that have been at work on laying the conductors to the Street lamps since May 1, got Page 784them all down to day, but there is still a large amount of it to tar, cover and fill trenches. This job has taken Two & one half months—with an average I should judge of six men on the work” (N-80-06-29:155, Mott Journal N-80-07-10:14, both Lab. [TAEM 36:202, 37:309; TAED N103:79, N117:7]). After recording the disappointing results of the day’s first tests, Mott commented:

It will be seen that some of the circuits are very badly insulated and all more or less defective. Men have been set at work uncovering parts of the trench of 25 wire circuit and removing the dirt from around the lamp posts. after the boxes had been raised out of the ground at low wet points it was retested but with same results. It seems a little strange that unexperienced men should be permitted to put down nearly five miles of wire and cover it without being required to test a single circuit or wire until the entire work is finished, and it will now require considerable extra labor and delay in putting the circuits in working order. [Mott Journal N-80-07-10: 16 –17, Lab. (TAEM 37:310; TAED N117:8)]

5. Upton obtained similar results from three more tests on Carman’s line that afternoon. N-80-06-29:159, 165, Lab. (TAEM 36:204, 207; TAED N103:81, 84).

6. Mott reported on 17 July that workers spent much of the day removing soil from around the lamp posts and junction boxes “but late this after noon when tested by Mr Upton no improvement or change was found to have been effected, and Mr [Wilson] Howell to whom this work had been entrusted seems ready and more than willing to take advice, and listen to suggestions that if taken in time might have saved him the annoyance of having made a partial failure, and would surely have saved Mr. Edison the extra expense of redoing this work.” Mott Journal N-80-07-10:20 – 21, Lab. (TAEM 37:312; TAED N117:10).

7. Acting on the suspicion reported by Mott that the problems were partly attributable to the tar, Upton tested a bucket of it on Monday (19 July) but found the resistance “extremely high and could not easily measure” it. That day the exposed kerite wires on Carman’s line were “overlaid with rubber tape (‘piping’) and served with coal tar, then left exposed to the sun to harden” (Mott Journal N-80-07-10:23; N-80-06-29:183; N-80-07-16:7–15; all Lab. [TAEM 37:313, 36:216, 38:489 – 93; TAED N117:11, N103:93, N137:4 – 8]). Further experiments with tar and tar paper for insulating the electric railroad took place concurrently for several weeks (N-80-07-16:17– 53, 57– 79; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:16 – 34 passim; both Lab. [TAEM 38:491– 510, 513– 524; 37:310 –19; TAED N137:9 – 27, 29 – 40; N117:8 –17]; see also Doc. 1961).

  • To Charles Porter

[Menlo Park,] July 20, [1880]

Dear Sir;

Your letter of the 19th inst. is at hand.1

I feel satisfied with your representations respecting the success, for economy and durability, of the high-speed engine which you are at present constructing. I have concluded to give you an order for a second engine, to develope 120 H.P. at 600 revolutions per minute, with a boiler pressure of 120 lbs.2

I am Yours truly,

Thos A Edison

LS (letterpress copy), NjWOE, Lbk. 6:218 (TAEM 80:321; TAED LB006218). Written by William Carman.

1. Porter’s letter has not been found. It may have been prompted by Charles Clarke’s 16 July inspection trip to Philadelphia to see Edison’s engine under construction. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:18, Lab. (TAEM 37:311; TAED N117:9).

2. Clarke wrote to Porter the same day that this engine “is intended for the operation of a division of a railroad and not for electric lighting. The load to which it will be subjected will be very variable, resembling the duty of a rolling mill engine or working crushing machines; only the work in our case will be applied even more suddenly (instantaneously) and will vary with every variation in resistance on the line due to grades and curves &c.” Clarke also requested information about the relative economy and first cost of adapting a compound engine to this application. Edison sent Porter the patterns for the dynamo on 6 August. He asked to “have it cast in your foundry and planed to measurement. . . . It is desirable that the Iron is as soft as can be used to make a good casting,” presumably to avoid the magnetic retardation of the armature referred to in Doc. 1889. The engine was never built. Clarke to Porter, 20 July 1880; TAE to Porter, 6 Aug. 1880; Lbk. 6:219, 264 (TAEM 80:322, 336; TAED LB006219, LB006264).

  • Draft to W. H. Patton

Menlo Park, N.J.,a [July 21, 1880?] 1

Dear Sir

I suppose your intention is would be,b to usec the present pump rod & tanks down to the 3000 feet level and there to stop and and further pumping to be done by magnetos.2 We have no data here to make calculations on, but suppose, that after the 3000 footc level a Dynamo magneto of 7560 hp. would be sufficient for every 250 further than 3000. Our Generator consists of a porter allen Engine,c cylinder 9 × 10, steam jacketed piston rod connected directly to magneto The Engine makes 600 Revolutions per minute. TheEach nett horsepower can be [delivered? -------]d non condensing steam pressure 120 lbse Page 786The 60 hp magnetosc at the pump will give anf actualg duty of 1 hp for every 3 and ½ lbs coal. The Engine direct gives a h.p. for 265⁄100 lbs of coal, but The extra consumption from 2 65⁄100 to 3 ½ is to covers the losses due to converting friction etc, but not the friction etc of the pumping mechanism worked by the DMagneto, below.

As for hoisting I suppose you would Establish a station at the 3000 foot level with a smaller copy of the hoisting machine above, and transfer men & ore at the 3000 foot station. [How--?]d If you do this you might use say a 100 hp dmagneto with the hoisting apparatus at first and gradually add to the number as greater depths was reached, the dMagnetos could be coupled on each as you required more power from time to time.

The Space occupied by a 60 hp Magneto is about 8 × 5 × 3— The Engine & Magneto Converter 8 × 9 by 3.—the Bobbin of the Magneto acts as a fly wheel.

Could you give me with a little data of what you regarding your mines such as maps etc. Yours Truly

T A Edison

P.S. I have nearly finished a Diamond Drill worked by a Magneto direct—3 TAE

ADfS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 54:401; TAED D8032T). Letterhead of T. A. Edison. a“Menlo Park, N.J.,” preprinted. b“would be” interlined above. cObscured overwritten text. dCanceled. e“non condensing . . . 120 lbs” interlined above. f“n” added later. gInterlined above.

1. Stockton Griffin prepared the letter based on this corrected draft on this date, and copied it into Edison’s letterbook. Edison instructed Griffin on the draft to address the envelope to “W. H. Patton Supt Union Consolidated, Virginia City Nevada.” Lbk. 6:222 (TAEM 80:324; TAED LB006222).

2. This letter answers Patton’s 7 July response to Doc. 1949. Patton explained that miners were “rapidly approaching a vertical depth in the Comstock Mines of 3000 feet—beyond which point it will be difficult to carry the necessary power to drive our pumps and do our hoisting.” He stated that compressed air and hydraulic power had been rejected as too inefficient but “Electricity generated by Dynamo-Electric machines would seem to be most likely to fill the bill—provided you can accomplish what you claim.” He added that an electric power system could only be tested by actual use in a mine and “If your company is disposed to take any steps towards such a test—the companies which I represent will do all in their power to assist— should you feel disposed to entertain any thing of the kind please send me a description of the machines necessary to use and any information you may give regarding them—and the matter will receive immediate attention at my hands.” Patton to TAE, 7 July 1880, DF (TAEM 54:399; TAED D8032R1).

3. Edison referred to a rock drill in Doc. 1952 but there are no extant Page 787records of work on such a machine before 25 July. On that day Charles Batchelor made notes on the “characteristics of a rock drill,” particularly its reciprocating action, and drew several forms of drills. Some would be driven through pulleys or gears and cams but according to Charles Mott, one driven directly by the armature shaft would be “capable of being run at 2000 or 3000 revolutions per minute and with lateral stroke of probably one half inch imparted to it by a lifting cam, and having a short stroke is capable of acting rapidly, and incessantly pecks rather than striking heavy blows.” A few days later Batchelor made another set of brief notes, after which there is no surviving evidence of this project. N-80-06-28:47– 59, 65; Mott Journal 80-07-10:39; both Lab. (TAEM 36:95 –101, 104; 37:321; TAED N102:24 – 30, 33; N117:19).

One of Charles Batchelor’s 25 July sketches of a direct-driven electric rock drill.

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  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

Boilers & Chimney 21,0001
Engines 21,000
Foundation 2,000
Iron Structure 3,500
Wood flooring 1,000
Water heaters & pumps 7,000
Iron floor &and supports 6,000
Faradic Machines 24,000
Conductors 50,000
Page 788
6a per H. P.  
85,000a 5.9294
67,500 4.8293
     $1.25 1.1001
125,000 5.0969
67,500 4.8293
     $1.85 at consumers  .2676

$1.85 investment per M annually

Depreciation & repairs

Boilers & Chimney 10% $2100
Engines 3% 630a
Foundation 1% 20
Iron Structure 2% 70
Wood flooring 5% 50
Water heaters & pump 5% 350a
Iron floor 2% 120
Faradic Machines 3% 720
Condu   4060
Conductor   1000
406 000 5.69553  
  1.8662 7.3 per M
506,000 cts 5.7042  
67,5000 4.8293  
  .9749 9.4 cts per M at consumersc
Taxes 2% 2500    
  250,000 5.3979  
  67,500 4.8293  
    .5686 3.7 cts at consumer
  170,0000 5.2304  
    .4011 2.5 at stationc
Page 789
Labor per day  
2 Engineers $10
2 Wipers   3
7500 lights  
25 cu. ft  
187,500 M  
.8410 6.9 at station4

Continued Book 39 p 273

from Book 48 Endd

Coala taken a $3 per ton 2240 lbs5

1250a 3.0969    
3 × 5 = 15 1.1761    
18,700 4.2730    
2240 3.3502    
    8.36 tons .9228a    
 3 .4771    
$24 1.3999    
187.5 2.2729    
  9.1270 13.4 cts per M for coala 3 lbs
Stoking $4.00 per day
  4 2.6021
    .3292a 2.1 ct for stoking

Water for boilers Estimated at ⅓ coal abe 4 cts per M Insurance &e Rent $5,000 per year

500,000 5.6990  
  .8697 7.4 cts per M

Summary 6 per H.P.d

Depreciation 7.3
Taxes 3.7
Labor 6.9
Coal 13.4
Stoking 2.1
Page 790
Water 4.
Insurance, Rent &c 07.4
  • 44.8 cts at station 3 lbs per hours

  • 2½ lbs per hour 42.6 cts

  • at consumer 46.9 cts

  • No Exec 44.7

  • Executive 2 cts per M 489 cts per M

  • Say 50 cts per M cost at consumer

Dividends at 1.00 per Md

  • 125 000 invested

  • 67 500 M annually made $33,750 profit About 33% dividends

  • $1.50 per M 66% dividends

F R Upton

X, NjWOE, Lab. N-79-07-05; N-79-11-21:275 – 77, 280 – 81 (TAEM 33:268 – 69; 32:601– 02, 604; TAED N048:136 – 37; N039:123– 24, 126). Written by Francis Upton; document multiply dated. Miscellaneous calculations omitted; some decimal points and commas added for clarity. aObscured overwritten text. bCanceled. cFollowed by dividing mark. dPage ruled for recording lamp test results with horizontal line at top and vertical line at left margin. e“Insurance &” interlined in left margin.

1. About this time Edison requested the firm of Babcock & Wilcox to restate its April estimate for 1200 horsepower “Boilers with and without Economisers,” the original figures having been lost. On or about 13 July Francis Upton made a brief estimate, principally of operating costs, for a 600-light central station; also cf. Doc. 1897. TAE to Babcock & Wilcox, undated, DF (TAEM 53:812; TAED D8020ZGJ); N-80-06-29:117, Lab. (TAEM 36:183; TAED N103:60).

2. The consumption of one gas jet was assumed to be 9,000 cubic feet per year (see Doc. 1897). This calculation gives the number of “M” units produced by a 1250-horsepower central station, at six lights per horsepower. The two sets of logarithmic computations below, including the line “$1.85 at consumers,” are taken from the facing page.

3. The logarithm of 406,000 is 5.6085. The correct depreciation is 6.0 cents per M.

4. In this operation Upton used logarithms to divide the daily labor cost (1300 cents) by the 187.5 M units of electricity consumed in five hours.

5. In the calculation below Upton assumed that the engine would consume three pounds of coal per horsepower hour and that each lamp would operate an average of five hours per day. In the last step he used the logarithmic shortcut explained in Doc. 1795 n. 4.

  • From José Husbands

Valparaiso, July 24th 1880.a

My dear Sir.

I have this day remitted to Mr H. H. Eldred the full amount of my endebtedness to you, at least as far as advised, some things may be in transit.1 The last lot of goods, have only been in the house2 3 days & some not yet disembarked from the steamer so we are prompt although the time may be short long.b The Watson’s Batteries werec not cabled for, Laclanche in their stead. We would receive the same if it was not plain that they are a total wreck. We had one dose which left a bad taste in your mouth. By your statements we notice you charge every item of expense, even to 25 cents & also for your power of attorney to obtain a patent for you. 3 This is all right we do not complain, except there have been so many ways in which money was paid for faults not our own. At this writing I am without an answer to any letter written you or any word whatsoever which facts hurts me not a little, for I was & am so full of you and yours, that it grieves me to find myself in the position of a man holding his saddle looking at his horse running away. Time will tell your friends & I shall work hard and do my level best for our mutual interests here. You could not drive me away from you with a shot gun, although I cannot but feel the injustice of your not writing anything good or bad.4

I have also to report that on May 1st ‘80 I mailed you per English mail via Panama your Patent, which has not been acknowledged at this writing.5 Please do so & much oblige. Your having it, is an uncertainty until it is acknowledged I paid $587.55 Chile money, equal to $411.70 gold out for this patent, saying nothing of time & trouble You told me in your office that you furnished patents as against capital to work them. In this instance you furnish neither, all I want is to have youd say “thank you” & I am fully repaid. We would have been fully organized & stock issued if you had sent the papers. These delays are very expensive & to have waited longer would be actually impossible—as the gentleman associated with me would not stand it. 6 My contracts were taken before the proper legal authority and decided sufficient, defining the what you as well as myself should receive and your telegram changing the consideration from a cash, or cash & stock interest, to a stock interest only. Our contract says I am entitled to $5000. out of each $15,000. stock or any proportionate increase7 —which will give me one third ⅓ of one half— Our capital will be $200,000.00 Chile money $66,666.67. will be issued to you, in certificates Page 792of $10,000.00 each, $33,333.33. will be issued to me, which I hope will meet your approval. 8 We could not live longer without an organization both by law & in reality. This Chile matter may only be a drop in your great Electric bucket but please do not forget that one is just as tired after a days work in Chile & elsewhere also that the labor is not only harder but always more doubtful in the smaller Republics where their education is not quite so metropolitan—as with you. while doing this I might have handled a “bigger deal,” but as I came to represent you, knew no such word as fail. We are giving up the chalks because it cost so much to maintain them. This time of the year the rains are very heavy & they becomee mush in an night. When they are “just right,” the talk is wonderful but it cost too much to keep them “just right” again the repairs are something awful, the crank, the shaft where connected—& also in the seat where the chalk sleeve rests on rusts in tight by the moisture the sponge gathers. The frame of the receiver breaks & crumbles to peices where the screws are in &c improve this arm so as to make it an every day chalkb receiver & you can clean out the party. I own up that Mr Morgan was a prince beside Clark9 for M was simply a d——m fool while Clark is the same & additionallye a bloody knave. I own up & will not bother you with the plots of conspiritors—but if you care to get a little of it to amuse you (as it will) ask Mr Eldred.

I send to Mr Eldred in this mail, a request from the South American Steamship Co of this city for proposals for your light &c the same as the “Columbia” had, for their two new steamers building in England.10 This is worth your attention.

I trust you are well and enjoying the fruits of your hard earned fame to the satisfaction of your self and family who live after you. It was next to seeing you all to see Mr Henderson of the “Columbia” who talked of Mr Batchelder & you all. I enjoyed his visit. Yours Respectfully & truly

José D. Husbands

The stock of Receiver arms, is of no use and quite a loss. We have hard work to get in the Pony Crowns, after using the chalks, but doing away with turning the crank settles it.11

ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 55:864; TAED D8047ZBC). Letterhead of La Compañia Chilena Telefono de Edison de Valparaiso, José Husbands, director. a”Valparaiso,” and “188” preprinted. bInterlined above. cInterlined in right margin. d“have you” written in left margin. eObscured overwritten text.

1. Husbands enclosed the statement of his account with this letter (DF [TAEM 55:869; TAED D8047ZBC]). Two weeks earlier he remitted Page 793$1,000 and on this day paid $3,050.78 for telephones and supplies (Husbands to TAE, 10 July 1880, DF [TAEM 55:862; TAED D8047ZBB]).

2. That is, the customs house.

3. On 17 June William Carman sent Husbands two letters, enclosing with them copies of a series of Edison’s and Sigmund Bergmann’s bills charged to his account. These show small charges for a number of items including washers, screws, fare to New York, and sundry expenses there. Husbands apparently did not receive these until mid-August. Carman to Husbands, both 17 June 1880, with copies of enclosed bills, Lbk.6:100 –109 (TAEM 80:307–11; TAED LB006100, LB006101, LB006102, LB006103, LB006103A, LB006104, LB006104A, LB006105, LB006105A, LB006106, LB006106A, LB006107, LB006108, LB006109); Husbands to TAE, 14 Aug. 1880, DF (TAEM 55:872; TAED D8047ZBF).

4. Husbands wrote on 21 May that another party had submitted an application for the government license for Edison’s lighting system. He protested that “you promised me the handling of it, provided I was successful with the Telephone. . . . This is all right, but for the fact, That I might have been spared anoyance and mortification from friends by your simply writing me that I could not have it. Then I would have known where I stood” (Husbands to TAE, 21 May 1880, DF [TAEM 55:855; TAED D8047ZAY]). Edison also received a report from Fabbri & Chauncey that their agent in Valparaiso had made this application and was afterward visited by Husbands, who claimed to have Edison’s authority for the light. Edison wrote to Husbands that it was

unfortunate that you so misunderstood matters. I told you before you left Menlo Park that I had already made contracts to parties and disposed of the whole of South America on the light. What I intended to do was (provided you were successful with the Telephone) to arrange it with the parties who hold the contracts to take care of you so that you could introduce it and have the science part of the exploitation. This I fully intended doing. I will consider it a special favor if you will just let matters take their course as I intended from the first that they should. [TAE to Husbands, 16 July 1880, Lbk. 6:184 (TAEM 80:318; TAED LB006184)]

The license was eventually awarded to Edward Kendall, who was Fabbri & Chauncey’s representative; nothing more is known of him (Sherburne Eaton to TAE, 20 Nov. 1882, DF [TAEM 62:192; TAED D8237ZAJ]).

5. Husbands enclosed with that letter the declaration by the president of Chile granting Edison an exclusive eight-year licence for telephones. He explained that this privilege would begin in April 1881; a week later he cabled that the term was for ten years. On 29 April Husbands and his associates “celebrated by connecting the offices in Santiago & Valparaiso & talked successfully over a line 180 miles long.” This was apparently the only long-distance line that Husbands constructed. President of the Republic of Chile to TAE, 26 Apr. 1880; Husbands to TAE, 1 and 6 May 1880; all DF (TAEM 55:843– 44, 846; TAED D8047ZAP1, D8047ZAP, D8047ZAR); Berthold 1924, 37– 38.Page 794

6. Husbands was backed financially by W. H. Brown, a New York metals dealer. See Doc. 1823 n. 7.

7. Cf. Doc. 1823.

8. See Doc. 2031 n. 2.

9. W. J. Clark, who replaced Walter Morgan (see Doc. 1886 n. 2). This was apparently against Edison’s recommendation but nothing more is known of Clark. Husbands to TAE, 10 July 1880, DF (TAEM 55:862; TAED D8047ZBB).

10. The enclosure from Husbands has not been found. Two weeks earlier he had written that “The steamer ‘Columbia’ created a sensation here, all parts working good here. In the next steamer I will ask for proposals to do the same thing in the coast company here.” The New York Herald reported at the end the month that the Columbia’s lights worked well all the way to Portland (but see Doc. 1976 n. 3). Husbands to TAE, 10 July 1880, DF (TAEM 55:862; TAED D8047ZBB); “Electric Light on Steamships,” New York Herald, 30 July 1880, Cat. 1241, item 1518, Batchelor (TAEM 94:610; TAED MBSB21518X).

11. As recently as mid-May Husbands believed it would be easy to devise a better way of properly moistening the receiver chalks but had concluded that “the crank movement is an nuisance one can not read off or receive & write at the same time—& must be done away with.” Husbands to TAE, 15 May 1880, DF (TAEM 55:850; TAED D8047ZAU).

  • From Michael Moore

Glasgow, July 24 1880a

Dear Sir,

On my return here it occurred to me that your Polyform1 could be introduced into this country with success, as Neuralgia is a very prevalent affliction in England & especially in Scotland2

I sent you a cable asking on what terms I could acquire the right of it for Great Britain but have no reply. 3

If you are in a position to send me the formula & let me have an exclusive right to it, I would be willing to take it up & by spending a fair sum of money in advertising & agencies I’ve no doubt but that a very large demand could be created for it. I would bear all the expenses you retaining such a share in its profits as we might arrange betwixt us.

I hope all things are going on well at Menlo and the Electric Railway doing its grade of 1. in 7. & the light still burning.

I’ve enlightened our Scotch public a good deal about your doings since my return.

We feel a little sore down here on some points connected with the Telephone but these are matters in which you individually had no hand & no blame attaches to youPage 795

I’ve a letter to day from Johnson. He sails on the Arizona 21 Aug. You have a good & true man in him, & can trust him.

Kind regards to Mr Bachelor, Yours very truly

M M Moore

〈Write Moore that I would not for the world have polyform be brought out there I did it here to get rid of the annoyance due to Reporters publishing the fact & the consequent rush of correspondence & demands for it & I am sorry I now did it— I receive no compensation= 4 Gouraud said he would attend to your cable of Wednesday5

I am willing

ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 53:187; TAED D8004ZEA). Letterhead of W. B. Huggins & Co., United States Securities. a“Glasgow,” and “18” preprinted.

1. Polyform was Edison’s name for a topical analgesic compound he devised in 1878 whose ingredients included alcohol, chloroform, ether, and morphine (see Doc. 1287). His application for a U.S. patent was unsuccessful but in August 1880 a London agent filed the final British specification on his behalf (Serial No. 2,206, 8 Sept. 1880, “Medicinal Preparation” in Abstract of Edison’s Abandoned Applications (1876 – 1885), p. 12, PS [TAEM 8:539; TAED PT004 (image 13)]; Brit. Pat. 599 [1880], Batchelor [TAEM 92:155; TAED MBP024]).

2. The term neuralgia historically applied to intermittent acute pains, particularly in the face and head. By this time, however, its Englishlanguage use had greatly expanded to encompass a variety of pains for which no direct physical cause could be found, including some arising from internal organs and those now attributed to overly strenuous or repetitive muscle exertion. Alam and Merskey 1994, 429 – 58.

3. Moore had cabled from Glasgow on 15 July: “Can I acquire your polyform rights for this country if so write terms” (DF [TAEM 53:181; TAED D8004ZDU]). Stockton Griffin noted on Moore’s letter that Edison replied on 9 August.

4. Edison instructed Lemuel Serrell in September 1879 to assign his U.S. rights to Charles Lewis and several partners, and in April told one correspondent that he had done so in order “to rid myself of the awful amount of correspondence & trouble which the newspaper publications caused I have no interest in it.” Lewis and his associates organized the Menlo Park Manufacturing Co. in New York in 1879. It promoted “Edison’s Polyform” as a treatment for neuralgia, rheumatism, and headaches, among other things, although Edison told another correspondent in 1880 that “The medicine is improperly advertised to cure Rheumatism but it will relieve facial neuralgia” (TAE to Serrell, 3 Sept. 1879, Lbk. 5:129 [TAEM 80:143; TAED LB005129]; marginalia on G. H. Kent to TAE, 16 Apr. 1880; marginalia on H. C. Guck to TAE, 29 June 1880; [TAEM 53:149, 175; TAED D8004ZCS, D8004ZDR]; Menlo Park Mfg. Co. label and advertisements in PPC [TAEM 96:596; TAED CA016A]). The company subsequently relocated to Boston and in 1884, with the U.S. application still pending, asked Edison’s permission to obtain Page 796 a copyright registration on its labels featuring his autograph and portrait. Edison refused (Menlo Park Mfg. Co. to TAE, 15 June 1883, 26 June and 25 Sept. 1884; all DF [TAEM 64:209; 71:185, 277; TAED D8303ZDW, D8403ZEC, D8403ZGZ]; TAE to Menlo Park Mfg. Co., 2 Oct. 1884, Lbk. 19:291 [TAEM 82:909; TAED LB019291B]). The firm was apparently never profitable and in 1890 Lewis offered him a controlling interest in the stock of a new company called the Edison Polyform Co., but Edison instructed his secretary to “Write Lewis that if any further attempts are made to bring the polyform out that I shall knock it in the head” (Lewis to TAE with TAE marginalia, 4 Oct. 1890, DF [TAEM 128:701; TAED D9004AER]).

5. Edison received a cable via New York from Moore in London dated 5 August (Thursday) stating that the “Glasgow company in paying additional five and accepting London terms lose about 2000 will you abate what may be required up to this so we make no loss.” In a letter the same day Moore proposed that the company should withhold enough from the £5,000 advance royalty still outstanding to recover their loss. Edison drafted a reply on Moore’s cable that he would “do as Gouraud says.” George Gouraud was still in the United States. Moore to TAE, both 5 Aug. 1880; TAE to Moore, 6 Aug. 1880; all DF (TAEM 56:762, 759; TAED D8049ZGI, D8049ZGH, D8049ZGI1).

  • Charles Mott Journal Entry

[Menlo Park,] Saturday July 24—1880

Papers. Herald of today also has an article, purporting to be interviews with officers of Elevated Rail Roads of New York on the subject of electric roads concerning their adaptibility to the elevated roads.1

Lamp lines. Hickman2 was set at work on the 25 wire cable, winding it with strips of Muslin, preparatory to tarring for better insulation.3

Fiber cutters: The fiber holder or clamp for shaping and cutting was tried. The singlea brace in the center was found to spring the bars so it did not cloase evenly the whole length, and a steep piece was cut to bring the bearing neare the ends, but it was found that the wooden base then sprung. It was decided to get a cast base and pressa the clamp together with a double solid right angled lever acting under with the bite coming up in front of the former perpendicularly and the lever arms extending under and back. worked with treadle same as before. 4

Carbonizing former. Andrews is making a former for carbonizing moulds leaving the inside piece loose instead of rivuted as in others, and with a light weight fitted to the pressa the ends down flat, and prevent them from wharping or curling out of shape, instead of the ends drawing up they are permanently secured and the loop contracting draws with it the Page 797inside piece whicha at the time keeps it in symmetrical shape. Mr Batchelor has today been trying one in which the ends were clamped with light weights which were drawn up as the carbon shrinks, but did not give entire satisfaction.5

Oil carbon. A very interesting experiment was made today by immersing a carbon loop clamped and connected to inner tubes ina Kerosene oil and brought up to incandescence by the current, bubbles of gas or air were emitted from the carbon in at high heat the oil (assumed a smoky look) appeared to be infused with carbon. On removing the carbon it was found to be considerably increased in size, greyish in appearance, and perfectly homogenious— it was placed in a lamp, exhausted and burned at 16 candles till 14 minutes when engine was stopped.6

Work general Men preparing the gas carbonizing furnaces by putting in the gas and blast pipes and fixtures. Clarke on Electric Locomotives7 Mr. Batchelor on carbons and apparatuses for carbonizing. conductor gang uncovering street lamp circuits. Men finishing up gear for electric locomotive.8

Bast Fibers. Two bundles recd from Baltimore Md.

AD, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-07-10:36 (TAEM 37:320; TAED N117:18). Written by Charles Mott. a Obscured overwritten text.

1. This article was a follow-up to one in the New York Herald the day before, in which Edison reportedly claimed that applying his “electric engine” to the New York elevated trains would save $500,000 annually in direct costs. The later article, after noting that the company’s directors “would say nothing of importance, one way or the other, about the matter,” presented cautiously optimistic comments attributed to operating department officials. “The Electric Motor,” New York Herald, 24 July 1880, p. 3; a typed transcript of this article and typed extracts from the Herald’s 23 July article on “Electric Locomotion” are in Cat. 2174, Scraps. (TAEM 89:283, 279; TAED SB012:34, SB012AAS).

2. David Hickman worked on his uncle’s farm in nearby Metuchen before he applied to Edison for a job in 1880. Preparing the underground conductors was his first task at the laboratory. Hickman subsequently superintended the Pump Department of the Menlo Park lamp factory and remained associated with Edison until 1891. “Hickman, David Kelsey,” Pioneers Bio.

3. Six days later this line was wrapped with tarred twine. Francis Upton tested the insulation, finding 1,400 ohms resistance to ground and

4,000 between the wires. Insulation of this and the other lines continued until 28 August, when Charles Mott reported that Edison suspended the work. Insulation tests were conducted at intervals both on these lines and in the laboratory until September. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:52, 55, 81, 105; N-80-07-16:47– 51, 71– 76, 79 –101; N-80-07-05:72 – 75; all Lab. (TAEM 37:328 – 39, 342, 354; 38:508 –10, 520 – 33; 36:303– 04; Page 798 TAED N117:26 – 27, 40, 52; N137:24 – 26, 36 – 49; N104:38 – 39); see also Doc. 1985.

Chamber for passing a hydrocarbon atmosphere around a heated carbon.

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4. Mott reported on 20 July that Charles Dean was “making a pair of formers for cutting out fibers each one is designed only to cut one side or edge and intended to be secured to the bench and drawn and held together by a treadle leaving the operator both hands to adjust and use in cutting.” On 3 August Dean completed and tested one pair; Mott noted that they produced fibers of uniform dimensions and “are very convenient effective and work satisfactorily.” He noted in weekly summaries of work that Dean continued to work on the instrument and on 1 September one was sent to the lamp factory, “made very heavy to avoid all danger of springing and tempered to prevent scarrification by knife or hammer.” Mott Journal N-80-07-10:26, 61, 68, 93, 105, 108, Lab. (TAEM 37:315, 332, 336, 348, 354, 356; TAED N117:13, 30, 34, 46, 52, 54).

5. Two days later an arrangement in which the filament ends were secured was again tried. On 28 July Edison executed a patent application covering several similar devices to keep the filament “under strain during carbonization, with one or more points fixed against moving, and the contraction proceeds against the strain, which constantly keeps the filament against or in contact with a former, preserving its shape and obviating any risk of warping or twisting.” Such a device was particularly important with bamboo filaments, which shrank about 20% during carbonization. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:41, Lab. (TAEM 37:322; TAED N117:20); U.S. Pat. 263,139.

6. This is the first of a number of experiments in which filaments were heated in the presence of volatile hydrocarbons, particularly kerosene and gasoline, although paraffin, bituminous coal, and other substances were tried. The object seems to have been to deposit a uniform coating of carbon on the filament. In one series of tests, however, Batchelor deposited the carbon on thin platinum wires which he then instructed Alfred Haid to dissolve, leaving a narrow tubular conductor (see Doc. 2007 n. 1). Some hydrocarbons were placed in the carbonizing mould with the fiber but in most cases a carbonized filament was electrically heated in a chamber filled with a hydrocarbon. Mott recorded related experiments through the end of July and a number of lamps were made with carbons treated in this way before the experiments were suspended. Edison later returned to the subject but heating lamp filaments in a hydrocarbon atmosphere (called “flashing”) became an important manufacturing process for his competitors. N-80-03-06:181– 93; N-80-06-02:8 – 15; N-80-07-23:281; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:39 – 41, 44 – 45, 50 – 52, 54 – 55, 57; all Lab. (TAEM 33:1050 – 56; 36:401– 04, 981; 37:321– 22, 324, 327– 30; TAED N057:90 – 96; N105:4 – 7; N112:140; N117:19 – 20, 22, 25 – 28); Howell and Schroeder 1927, 79 – 81.

7. Beginning on 21 July Charles Clarke made numerous drawings and calculations pertaining to power transmission in the locomotive, especially reduction gearing and clutches for the wheels and modifications to the “climbers” for steep grades (see note 8). He did most of this work before the end of the month but continued it intermittently through mid- August. N-80-07-19:15 – 35, 45 –135, Lab. (TAEM 37:113– 25, 130 – 75; TAED N115:8 –18, 23– 68).

8. On June 15 Mott described Julius Hornig’s design for “a novel gear Page 799for attachment in front of motor to climb steep grades, its motion and action is very similar to hand over hand climbing, being composed of arms and clutches which grapple the rails one of each [side?] and by a cam movement the clutch is released arm raised up and extended, dropped down on and again clutched on the rail, the arms acting alternately.” Mott reported at intervals the progress of laboratory assistants in constructing and installing this equipment, which is described more fully in Doc. 1987. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:236, 249, 257, 263; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:4, 21, 30, 33; both Lab. ( TAEM 33:802, 808, 812, 815; 37:304, 312, 317–18; TAED N053:120, 126, 130, 133; N117:2, 10, 15 –16).

  • From Ernest Biedermann

Geneva, 28 July 1880.a

Dear Sir,

I did not write to you before as I thought our correspondence by Cable sufficient and I would not bother you with long letters.—1

In regard to the trade mark or what you may call a three quarter Patent, I have done all the necessary, that is to say I made duplicate drawings of everything and translated all your papers into French and German and have placed everything in Bern at the right place, so that we will be almost the first who will get papers, but as everybody who had a trademark under the old law comes before us we may have to wait a month or so to get our papers.—2

I received from you a generator a meter and a Safety wire but no regulator nor lamp nor motor.—

I tried to burn the ancient lamps with this generator, which I excited with an ordinary Gramme machine, but the light produced was very small until I got the speed up to 2400 turns.—3

M. Young cables me that you will send suitable lamps and I hope to receive them soon.—4

Now to the business part:

As the lamp up to the present as far as I know has not come into practical use I make you the following proposition, which I hope will be acceptable to you.—

First) I have associated myself for this business with M. M. A. Cherbuliez5 and M. G. Zurlinden6 of this City, both gentlemen of first class standing.—

Second.) We have made a Contract with the “Societé Genevoise pour la construction des Instruments Physique” (which is a Company for the construction of scientific machinery and instruments) in which we bind ourselves to give a certain amount of work and they bind themselves not to produce Page 800or sell or immitate or improve any of our machines, models or drawings except by our order and for our account.—7

All the above I give you as information so that you may exactly understand the position.—

Now we Cherbuliez, Biedermann and Zurlinden propose the following.—

You give us the right of your inventions and of all further improvements for Switzerland and we will at our Cost, besides producing the heavy machinery at the “Societé Genevoise” establish another laboratory for the manufacture of the Lamps and all other inventions of yours.—

We to give you 50% of the nett profits of everything produced payable half yearly. We to sell only at such prices as will be agreed upon with you.—

If you accept the above you must either send somebody over here, who can superintend our men and who at the same time can watch your interest or you would have to give us instructions to the smallest detail of everything so that we can manufacture as well as you.— It would be certainly preferable if you could send somebody who would naturally come at our expense.—

The above arrangement has another advantage for you and it is the following: We believe that we will be able to light immediately at least a part of the town of Geneva with your lamps, which if a success (I do not doubt it) will be the most powerfull advertisement for the whole of Europe and of great advantage for you.—

I think you will find the above proposal acceptable as it is impossible for us to pay an amount down before we have seen the light in practical use, but having an unlimited confidence in your final success, we are perfectly willing to risk a pretty large amount in making a laboratory and producing machinery and lamps and giving you 50% of the profits you taking no risk whatsoever.—

M. J. C. Young of New York will call on you for purpose of getting your ideas in regard to the above and I hope you will be able to arrange with him.— I have instructed him to cable me your reply at once and if you accept the above the contract can be made immediately and we will begin work without a day’s delay.—8

I remain Dear Sir Very sincerely Yours

Ernest Biedermann

Page 801ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 54:257; TAED D8026ZCL). Letterhead of E. Biedermann. a”Geneva,” “188,” and “.” preprinted.

1. See Doc. 1878.

2. Biedermann had cabled in April that he needed to know the “name of each particular apparatus and when machines will arrive.” Edison replied that the “System consists Electric Generators, Electric pressure regulator, Electric meter, Lamp and System laying wires, also Electromotor for power; will cable when shipped, will send copies patent papers” (Biedermann to TAE, 26 Apr. 1880; TAE to Biedermann, 27 Apr. 1880; both DF [TAEM 54:232, 233; TAED D8026ZBN, D8026ZBO]). Biedermann then arranged for trademark protection on the condition of having sample apparatus by 1 June and suggested that drawings might be acceptable if the machines could not arrive in time. Edison cabled on 11 May that he was still “working on samples fear not reach in time have mailed papers.” He shipped the devices two weeks later (Biedermann to TAE, 4 May 1880; TAE to Biedermann, 11 and 25 May 1880; all DF [TAEM 54:236, 239, 246; TAED D8026ZBP, D8026ZBT, D8026ZCA]).

3. When Biedermann cabled that the generator and meter had arrived and asked what speed he should run the generator, Edison replied that the “Generator sent only small sample Lamps you have not suitable this size will send you lamps suitable.” Biedermann to TAE, 22 June 1880; TAE to Biedermann, 24 June 1880; both DF ( TAEM 54:251, 252; TAED D8026ZCE, D8026ZCF).

4. J. C. Young was connected with the Adams Express Co. in New York and acted as Biedermann’s intermediary. On 12 July Edison wired him that “Biederman has all necessary appliances except another lot lamps which I am making.” TAE to Young, 12 July 1880; letterhead of Young to TAE, 24 May 1880; both DF (TAEM 54:255, 245; TAED D8026ZCJ, D8026ZBZ).

5. A. M. Cherbuliez identified himself as a commercial arbitrator. Agreement between Biedermann, Cherbuliez, Gaspard Zürlinden, et al., 8 Sept. 1880, Miller (TAEM 86:278; TAED HM800128).

6. Gaspard Zürlinden identified himself as a lawyer. Agreement between Biedermann, A. M. Cherbuliez, Zürlinden, et al., 8 Sept. 1880, Miller (TAEM 86:278; TAED HM800128).

7. The 8 September agreement between Biedermann, Cherbuliez, and Zürlinden refers to their intention to set up a manufactory for the elements of the lighting system “with the single exception of those machines whose manufacture they will turn over to the ‘Societé Genevoise pour la construction des Instruments Physique à Genève’” (Agreement between Biedermann, Cherbuliez, Zürlinden, et al., 8 Sept. 1880, Miller [ TAEM 86:278; TAED HM800128]). According to their 9 September 1880 agreement with Edison, Biedermann, Cherbuliez, and Zürlinden had arranged that this company would not manufacture similar instruments for anyone else (DF [TAEM 54:267; TAED D8026ZCR]).

8. On 14 August, two days after having visited Menlo Park, Young wrote Edison that he had “cabled Biedermann your acceptance of his proposal” and received an acknowledgment. Young to TAE, 14 Aug. 1880, DF ( TAEM 54:264; TAED D8026ZCO); see also Doc. 1985 n. 4.

  • To Pitt Edison

Menlo Park, N.J., July 30 1880.a


How much money can you pay on the Sanborn Mortgage.1

If I take it up and advance the 5000. to pay Sanborn I taking the Mtge at 8 per cent. If you [tooke?]b pay $2000. that will leave me to pay $3000. and on [--]c an anuald interest of $240— you could then go on and pay dividends of 6 per cent and the surplus I could credit road on the Mtge from time to time2

what say you=

Can you give me a detailed statement of Debts road to date, cash on hand net earnings last six months3

T A Edison Carman

L (copy), NjWOE, DF (TAEM 55:354; TAED D8040E). Written by William Carman; letterhead of T. A. Edison. a“Menlo Park, N.J.,” and “1880.” preprinted. bCanceled. cPaper torn. dObscured overwritten text.

1. See Doc. 1766.

2. On 21 July Pitt Edison wrote that having Edison’s proxy statement for his stock in the Port Huron Railway “would make me more secure in my position” at a future shareholders meeting. The next week William Wastell endorsed the idea of having Pitt formally represent Edison, promising that he and Pitt would cooperate in “the best interests of the road.” In reply Edison asked “how many shares I have got. you have 126. do we not controll if so let us at the next election put our own people in (Pitt Edison to TAE, 21 July 1880; Wastell to TAE, 28 July 1880; TAE to Wastell, 31 July 1880; all DF [TAEM 55:349, 351, 353; TAED D8040A, D8040C, D8040D]). However, nothing seems to have happened with this plan or towards paying off the mortgage. John Sanborn reported in December that he had declined Pitt’s offer to sell him Edison’s shares but had offered to trade stock in a narrow gauge line. The following November Pitt was still trying to secure a controlling interest in the company and suggested to Edison that “the way to catch these fellows is to be ready when they are sick as they have spells” (Sanborn to TAE, 21 Dec. 1880; Pitt Edison to TAE, 20 Nov. 1881; both DF [TAEM 55:355, 57:541; TAED D8040F, D8114F]).

3. At the end of August Pitt wrote that the railroad was “doing a good business” and promised that he would send reports the next week, but these have not been found. Pitt Edison to TAE, 30 Aug. 1880, DF ( TAEM 53:541; TAED D8015H).

  • To Henry Rowland

Menlo Park, N.J., [July 31,] 1880.1 a

Friend Rowland

I think you misunderstood my letter2 WeI will make out the patent papers drawings etc, all that weI desire is a brief sketch of connections, description of hol field magnet, shape polar Extremities, Commutator Brush, shape of it, nature of Brush, kind of Base inst was on, whether Connected as a Dynamo or otherwise. please have the field magnet & Every part you can sent us. We have recd the armature all right. After we send you the application to sign please give us a brief of dates & results,b [all?]c & collect all original sketches and memorandum [& me?]c of results & witnesses & keep the same in your possession, as powder for the Enemy—wed will give them a warm fight.3 Yrs

T A Edison

ALS, MdBJ, HAR (TAED X100AC). Letterhead of T. A. Edison. a”Menlo Park, N.J.,” and “1880.” preprinted. b“& results” interlined above. cCanceled. d Obscured overwritten text.

1. William Carman dated this letter 31 July when he copied it into Edison’s letterbook. Lbk. 6:250 ( TAEM 80:332; TAED LB006250).

2. On 25 July Rowland wrote from Keene Valley “that you request me in your letter to make out an application for a patent but I have not the slightest idea how to do it as I never had anything to do with patents. There is nobody up here to consult on the matter and so I must ask you to advise me on the matter.” It is not clear to which letter Rowland was referring but see Doc. 1951 n. 3. Rowland to TAE, 25 July 1880, DF ( TAEM 55:144; TAED D8036ZDL).

3. On 1 August Rowland explained to Daniel Coit Gilman, president of Johns Hopkins University, that he did “not expect to succeed in getting a patent but may at least defeat Siemens and establish my claim to have invented the machine first. If I get the patent I may be able to build my own laboratory.” Rowland to Gilman, 1 Aug. 1880, DCG.

In late August Edison wrote to Rowland in Baltimore asking if he had received this letter because “We are ready to go ahead with the patent and are waiting for the necessary papers.” Rowland replied from Boston that he would soon gather all the remaining materials in Newark and bring them to Menlo Park, which he did on 6 September. Samuel Mott completed the patent drawings by 11 September. TAE to Rowland, 24 Aug. 1880, Lbk. 6:334 (TAEM 80:364; TAED LB006334); Rowland to TAE, 30 Aug. 1880, DF (TAEM 55:161; TAED D8036ZDX); Mott Journal N-80-07-10:116, 127, Lab. (TAEM 37:360, 365; TAED N117: 58, 63).

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] Aug. 2 [1880]

6” Bamboo No. 13461

8:15 68.5” on Bar2
  314   53
  317   49
  631 1023
8:22 Stopped  
8:24 Starteda  
9:17 Edison  
9:25 Batch  
9:30 Hughes5  
9:150 Upton  
9:18 Böhm  
9:16 Martin6  

Batch bets $1.00 that Hughes does not not win with Hughes Hughes bets that Batch Ba does not not win 50 cts Batch bets $.50 that it does not last until 9:35 taken by Hughes Edison bets $2.00 that lamp does not last until 9:45 P.M. with Hughes7c

Martin took 50 cts for his chanced

Upton 9:45
Batch 9:50
Hughes 10:15
Edison 10—
Martin 10:20
Hughes 10:25
Pool closed Pool closede

Batch bets $1.00 that Hughes does not win

Hughes bets $2. to $1 that it last until 10:30 Batchelor Hughes bets $5.00 to $2.00 that the lamp lasts beyond 10:30c

Upton [10:30?]
Hughes 11:15
Martin 11:25
Batch 10:45
Page 805
Edison [10:50?]
Hughes 12—
Batch 12:15
Hughes 12:30
Batch 12:45
Hughes I-15$3.50
Pool closedf  

Batch 5.00 bets that $1.00 to 5.00 that the lamp wont last until 3 A.M. tomorrow morning open to 12 Hughes bets that $10 even that the lamp lasts until 2 A.M. Taken Upton Hughes bets $1.00 that Batch does not win the pot and that he wins Hughes bet $10 that the lamp will not last until 2 Upton betsg $10 to $1.00 that it will not last until 3 A.M. Taken Hughesc

  • 3h 340′ 11h 40′-30 Went

  • Lasted 3h 28’ 208 minutes


X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-07-23:125 (TAEM 36:903; TAED N112:62). Written by Francis Upton; multiply signed. Expressions of time have been standardized for clarity. aText to here written on page ruled for recording lamp test results with horizontal line at top and vertical line at left margin for time; following text regarding bets to “11 h 40’-30 Went” is overstruck. bPool closed” written in right margin. cFollowed by dividing mark. dSentence written in left margin. ePool closed Pool closed” written in right margin. f“Pool closed” written in margin of preceding page; followed by dividing mark. gInterlined above.

1. The following day Upton noted that this lamp had a “good carbon” and a resistance of 141.5 ohms. It was put on in the photometer room downstairs for twenty minutes and gave a light of 48 candles (N-80-07-23:151– 53, Lab. [TAEM 36:915 –16; TAED N112:75 – 76]). About this time a standard method of photometry was established at the Menlo Park laboratory. Each lamp was placed in a Bunsen photometer and measured against a spermaceti candle used for the British standard. The voltage and current required by the lamp were measured at the same time (Howell and Schroeder 1927, 193– 95; Jehl 1937– 41, 960 – 62).

2. The following day this was 68”. This probably represents the distance of the lamp from the standard candle on the bar of a horizontal photometer (Dibdin 1889, 16 –17, 29 – 30).

3. The purpose of this operation and the one adjacent are unclear.

4. Upton used similar calculations to determine the resistance of other lamps about this time. Those trials were made with a calorimeter and galvanometer, and the smaller of the quantities in the addition appears to represent the weight (in grams) of water. For reasons which are Page 806unclear, Upton divided this sum by 200 to get the resistance in ohms. N-80-07-23:95 –123, Lab. (TAEM 36:888 – 902; TAED N112:47– 61).

5. Charles T. Hughes (ca. 1847–1910) later claimed that he began working at the laboratory on 21 October 1879, the day the first successful carbon-filament lamp was tried. However, his letter of introduction from Horace Eldred is dated 25 October. At the time Hughes was working for the Commercial Telephone Co. of Albany, N.Y., and was being considered for the position of telephone expert in South America. It is not clear when Hughes actually began working at Menlo Park. According to his reminiscences he initially worked on experiments with the electromotograph telephones and also with Patrick Kenney on the autographic telegraph. Hughes’s name does not appear in notebooks related to those experiments and it appears that his main role was that of a buyer obtaining materials for the laboratory. Later, because he had railroad experience Edison had him work on the electric railway experiments. He also assisted with experiments on preserving food in a vacuum. After leaving the laboratory he worked as an agent for the Edison Electric Light Co. and subsequently was associated with General Electric. Eldred to TAE, 25 Oct. 1879; Laura Hughes to TAE, 25 June 1910; both DF (TAEM 52:216, 195:1092; TAED D7939ZAD, D1036); Hughes’s testimony, TI 1:398 – 99 (TAEM 11:176; TAED TI1029); Hughes’s reminiscences, 19 June 1907, Meadowcroft (TAEM 227:125; TAED MM010C); Jehl 1937– 41, 546 – 47.

6. Martin Force.

7. The same night they also bet on lamp 1348 (N-80-07-23:140 [TAEM 36:911; TAED N112:70]). Wilson Howell later recalled that

Life tests of lamps were made in the old days at Menlo Park generally in groups of about 100 lamps arranged on long laboratory tables. The lamps were burned above normal temperature so as to get quick results. These tests generally ran about twenty-four hours, being the occasion for all night work by Mr. Edison and some of his associates. Wagers on the life of individual lamps or upon which one would be the next to fail afforded us mild excitement. [Howell’s reminiscences, p. 2, Pioneers Bio.]

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] Aug 4th 1880


On our gas furnace (which works elegantly)—we can make an improvement by making it up of bricks moulded right shape & binding together so as to allow a little shrinkage and expansion.1a

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I find that in our mould sometimes the large weight moves by reason of the small weight sticking this I remedy by putting a pin at X which is made moveablea Page 807

The sticking of the small weight is due toin some cases to small globules of metal or other substance coming out of the nickel at a high heata

These globules sometimes actually hold up the small weight so that its pressure is not felt on the fibres and consequently the ends are not flat— In such a case when the fibre shrink it pulls the weight by jerks and when finished is corrugateda

A good way to obviate part of this is to make a mould like this:—

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A thin plate of nickel lies under the fibre and has a side turned up— The weight lies on top of this plate with the fibre ends in between— The sides of this plate has also confine the body of the fibre to a smaller chamber thus making less liability to oxidization

Chas Batchelor

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-06-02 (TAEM 36:414; TAED N105:17). Written by Charles Batchelor; multiply signed and dated. aFollowed by dividing mark.

1. This furnace was designed in connection with a nickel mould so that carbonization took place in an atmosphere of hydrocarbon gases to prevent oxygen from affecting the filaments. Earlier in the year, probably in February, laboratory chemist Otto Moses had designed a carbonizing furnace for this purpose (it is pictured in Friedel and Israel 1986 [p. 164]). It is not clear if the Moses furnace was more generally used at the laboratory for carbonizing filaments. The new mould and furnace were designed by Charles Batchelor in late June and early July. According to Charles Mott the mould was a “nickel box of size sufficient in depth to hold 30 slotted plates, the bottom of one serving as a cover or lid for the one beneath, each entire plate in this way requiring about ⅛ of an inch. The plates are only large enough for one loop at a time and the box or mould filled with the plates is designed to be used in a gas furnace which will be devised expressly for the purpose.” The furnace was contracted out and arrived at Menlo Park on 20 July. During the following week the “gas and blast pipes and fixtures” were installed and the furnace was tested on 29 July; the following day another of these was apparently set up in the chemical laboratory. Edison executed a patent for this carbonizing apparatus on 30 July, which subsequently issued as U.S. Patent Page 808248,423 on 18 October 1881. On 3 August the furnace was “connected with blast [and] gas pipes in carbonizing room, the blower did not give sufficient air blast so one of the glass blowers tables and bellows were carried in and the furnace heated. One of the large moulds for 30 carbons was put in and on first trial it was found that the gas had gotten in around the jointed base and formed a sort of tar which held the carbon together. Mr. Batchelor then drilled a small hole in top of mould and used pipe clay around the base or lid and on the second trial with mould thus arranged the carbons came out first class.” The following day Charles Mott noted that “The gas furnace has been in use to day, and with five formers in the mould first class carbons were gotten out safely and the furnace gives perfect satisfaction so far”; it continued to work satisfactorily and was soon installed at the lamp factory. Batchelor continued to experiment with and redesign the furnace over the next several days and on 14 August Edison sent Mott to a firm in Woodbridge, New Jersey, to “order Three Gas furnaces for carbonizing to be made with the square holes for vent in the top of the lid instead of the side and to have two one inch bands one around the lid and one around the furnace.” These arrived on 6 September, bringing to five the total at the factory. N-80-01-28:19 – 20; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:270 – 71, 273, 279; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:26, 38, 49, 54, 58, 62, 64, 69, 81, 115; N-80-06-02:45 – 71; all Lab. (TAEM 33:839 – 40, 819 – 20; 37:315, 321, 326, 329, 331, 333–34, 336, 342, 359; 36:416 – 29; TAED N055:10; N053:137– 38, 141; N117:13, 19, 24, 27, 29, 31– 32, 34, 40, 57; N105:20 – 33).

  • Draft to W. H. Patton

Menlo Park, N.J.,a [August 7, 1880] 1

Dear Sir

Regarding Heat and moisture there will be no difficulty as our bobbins can be thoroughly insulated—2

Regarding The Reduction Translationb of a high speed Dynamo 600 Revolutions per minute to mechanismc which would serve to givec twelve reciprocations, [we cou?]d per minute bothered usc at first as we could think of no device except a worm & worm wheel which through which about 25c to 35 pc of power is lost, but we now have a device by which the Dynamo may run 600 per minute while the pumping mechanism shall work out 12 & accomplish the result by mechanism which has only the friction due to a couple of shafts spindles so we shall have no difficulty here, 3 will

We find that the Dynamo can be placed in a water tighte box with a shaft protrudingc through a stuffing box with a small bilge pump inside worked byc the Dynamo to pump out Leakage water.

Thec are two plans which can be adopted for working the Dynamos Say at the 3000 feet lamp level you establish a Station the same as on the saurface, 500 [-]d or 1000 hp can be Page 809transferred from the surface to the 3000 foot station and there reproduced working the hoisting machinery as on top and you could from that station start another pump rod thusc obviate the necessity of putting any Dynamos at intervals below the 3000 foot level in other would wordsc you can duplicate the surface station at the 3000 feet level either with a small or large plant. The Dynamo method make is an especially convenient one when increased power is desired: as whenb you go lower & lower as you can add Dynamos to the pumping & hoisting shafts as required.

The other plan would be to place the hoisting Dynamos & mechanismf at the 3000 foot level and put a Dynamo & pump combined every 200 fooeet downward one pumping into the tank of the other.

The action of a Dynamo machine is exactly analagous & similar to that of an automatic Engine, with an automatic variable cut-off govern

Supposing that you desired 70 h power at the 3200 feet level. Now On a base 9 feet long 8 broad is placed an Engine & Dynamo combined as one mechanism The pitman rod of the engine is connected to the shaft of the Dynamo The bobbin of which acts as a fly wheel The Engine (Porter Allen) makes 600 Revolutions per minute. When no machine other Dynamog is connected with this combination, the Engine of course cuts off at almost nothing and all the power lost is that due to the friction of the Engine, the Dynamo bobbin, and 45,000 foot lbs in the field magnet and about 80 000 foot lbs in the magnetic change of the iron [of?]d duringb the rotatingon of theh bobbin, total about 5½ hp. atsi long as the capacity of the Engine at 120 lbs boiler pressure, cylinder 10 diam 9 long is

120 h.p. horse if no machine hence the loss of 5 ½ h.p. when no work is being done is not so great.

If now a Dynamo is connectedc to the wires leading from the sSteam Dynamo and this Dynamo so connected will [--]d aborb enough power will start off and attain a speed nearly that of the origin if allowed to do no workj will absorb onlyb fsufficient power to over come its own friction but if a load is put upon it, conditionsc are created which draws more current from the steam Dynamo, and the cut off governor & cut off mechanism of the steam Engine alter the point of cut off. The amount of work taken done by the in connected Dynamo [Is?]d is shewn exactly on the indicator card of the steam Engine.= Byc means of a prony brake run by the power connectedb Dynamo and the taking of Indicator cards in the Engine,k The exact Page 810 loss in turning between the Engine & the workc can be ascertained. therefore hence there

If 52 pumping Dynamos were connected by cable to such the ESteam Dynamo & no water was pumped the indicator card would should showb a consumption of power due to the friction of the Dyna Initial loss in converting mass motion into Electricity or molecular motion the friction of the pumping mechanism. If one of the pumping Dynamos should suddenly have to do work The work itself creates conditions which causes power to be drawn from the steam Dynamo & the steamb cut off would be at a later period in the stroke, whilec the other pumping dynamo doing no work would not draw on the Engine although both were on the same wire.

The whole thing in a nutshellc is that we turn mass massb motion of the steam enginel into molecular motion (electricity) and then back into mass motion, (Rotation of Dynamo mechanism) and in so doing we of course lose by the necessary frictions of the translating mechanism, but we havec the great advantage that while it mightc be commercially & mechanically unpractical to give a mass movement to a large wire rope 10 miles long to convey power & reproduce it at the distance,c It is perfectly possiblec commercially & mechanically to stop substitute in place of a movement of the whole mass of a metallic rope 10 miles long a movement of its molecules throughout the ten miles.

The larger the wire or rod the worse it would be for translatmission by moving the whole mass while the larger it is the easier becomes th it becomes to transmit by the molecular m movement of the molecules.

The losses even at comparativelyb short distances between transmittingc a given power by the movement of a wire rope or the stoppage of the rope & the translation of the power into Electricity & passing it through the rope are not widely apart. if anything They are in favor of Electricity By It is possible bym molecular transmission to conveyn a power 100 several hundredo times beyond the breaking strain of the wire conveying it if the same were to be used to convey by its movement over pulleysc horozontally.

The Electrical system as developed here is very reliable and dos not require an “Electrician” to workc the system, but can be attendedc to by any Eng Steam Engineer or fireman our 120 hp Dynamo & Engine combined with will deliver 12000 hp at the 3000 foot level for 3 ½ to 3 ⅝ lbs of coal per hp per hour of forb the 100. This amount of coal making up all losses.Page 811

A Rough I will give you a rough calculation of cgenerating conveying & Reproducing 1000c hp. at the 3000 feet level based on actual costs no royalties= [---]d

Ninty seven thousand dollars.

This estimate does not includec boilers as you probablyb have extrac capacity—or freight on apparatus from NYork, or labor of setting up.

Depreciation of Steamb Dynamo, never more than 3 p.c. [-]d on Dynamo at lower level with pump mechanism Depreciation about 2 p.c. The cost will be reduced into nearly exact proportion asif you want less to the horsepower needed less than one thousand h.p.

This price will probably mayb scare you out of the notion, but if you take Into consideration the fact that you can deliver this power easily & reliably add & take from it from time to time, get each hp for 3½ to 3⅝ lbs per coal or wood equivalentp per hour per hp delivered or the small depreciation, etc I think you will find it to be the cheapest & most reliable method that is known

I should like to ask a few questions

What size Pumps, of what construction and how many in station for 200 Ft. lift are used at present at the mine?q Their capacity

What improvements are desireable?q

How much Water per min. is to be raised 200 ft. high?q

What size and kind of Pipe isb used?q

What Space at Station occupied at present for Pumps and tank or reservoir?q

What Space can be given to locate Dynamo–Motor (to move mechanism) to operate Pumps direct or for a series of Pumps below.q

Would any special Kind Rotary Pump work to satisfaction?q What are the sizes and specialities of Pump rods used at the Mine, assuming that the Engine above ground operates all Pumps to the 3000 ft. level —q

Could you send us any old drawings etc of your mines or any mine so that we can get out of the region of conjecture regarding your methods.4 [In re locquit?] 5r Yours

T A Edison

ADfS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 54:410; TAED D8032V). Letterhead of T. A. Edison a“Menlo Park, N.J.,” preprinted. bInterlined above. cObscured overwritten text. dCanceled. e“water tight” interlined above. f“& mechanism” interlined in right margin. g“other Dynamo” interlined Page 812above. h“of the” interlined above. i “s” overwritten on “t.” j “if . . . work” interlined above. k“in the Engine,” interlined in right margin. l“Engine” interlined in right margin. m“It is possible by” interlined above. n“to convey” interlined above. o“several hundred” interlined above. p“or wood equivalent” interlined above. qSentence written by Julius Hornig. rIllegible.

1. William Carman noted on this draft that he copied the letter and Edison signed it on 9 August, but the letterbook copy made by Carman and signed by Edison is dated 7 August. TAE to Patton, 7 Aug. 1880, Lbk. 6:283 (TAEM 80:348; TAED LB006283).

2. This letter is in answer to Patton’s 27 July response to Doc. 1957. Patton wrote that the air in the shafts 3,000 feet below the surface was between 100 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit and “highly sprayed with moisture—would this affect the insulation and reduce the effectiveness of machines?” (Edison wrote in the margin next to this paragraph: “no we should take precautions.”) He also inquired about four other specific operating conditions: submerging the motor in water; reducing its speed for pumps working at six to twelve strokes per minute; operating under variable loads; and dividing the electric current among motors at several locations. He hoped to use electric motors below 3,000 feet, “conveying the power generated at the surface to the points required in such a way as to loose as little as possible in effectiveness—the power to be reliable and under perfect control— If you can get the 76% you claim and operate the machines under the conditions stated above the system will succeed— should you desire to go further in the matter please answer as soon as convenient.” Patton to TAE, with TAE marginalia, 27 July 1880, DF (TAEM 54:405; TAED D8032U).

3. Edison made two sketches of a “means for getting a slow movement to mechanism” on or about 5 August. In his only references to this apparatus Charles Mott noted that Julius Hornig was working on it on 6 and 9 August (N-80-07-30:18, 52; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:67, 70; both Lab. [TAEM 38:471– 72; 37:335, 337; TAED N135:10 –11; N117: 33, 35]). Edison filed a provisional British specification on 30 September for “Improvements in Dynamo-electric Machines” which included apparatus to reduce the speed of driven machinery “belts or gearing, in whose use there are inherent defects, such as the slip and stretch of belts, the rattle of gear, and so forth.” In this arrangement

The rotary motion of the armature is first converted into an oscillating motion, which is then converted into a continuous rotary motion in the following way:—

Upon the shaft of the armature is a balanced crank pin to which is attached a pitman or driving rod connected to an oscillating frictional pawl mechanism.

Upon the driving shaft is fixed a wheel having a frictional periphery. Loose upon the driving shaft is an arm extending a distance above the rim of the frictional wheel, and then bent over and fashioned into a frame, in which are pivoted two pawls connected together by a frame capable of being shifted, so that only one pawl can take at the time upon the wheel. . . .

The arm carrying the pawls is slotted, and the pitman or driving rod is connected thereto by a pin whose position is adjustable in the Page 813slot, so that the leverage may be adjusted and the speed communicated easily varied.

The arrangement described is used in duplicate; that is, two or more driving rods communicate motion from the armature shaft to as many frictional pawls and driving wheels on the driven shaft, the crank pins being so arranged relatively to each other that a continuous motion is imparted to the driven shaft, and mechanism connected therewith. [Brit. Pat. 3,964 (1880), Batchelor (TAEM 92:212; TAED MBP030)]

British patent specification drawing of Edison’s adjustable pawl mechanism for reducing the speed of the shaft driven by an electric motor.

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The final specification illustrated and particularly described the application of this mechanism to pumps.

On 1 October Edison also filed what was evidently a similar U.S. application (Case 249). It was forfeited and only the claims and drawings, as well as a later summary, are extant. Mott Journal 80-07-10:70 – 71, Lab. (TAEM 37:337; TAED N117:35); Patent Application Casebook E-2536:172; Serial No. 18,421, 1 Oct. 1880, “Motors” in Abstracts of Edison’s Abandoned Applications (1876 –1885), p. 2; both PS (TAEM 45:716, 8:529; TAED PT020172, PT004 [image 3]).

In an undated draft to an unknown correspondent, Edison discussed the general relationship between the dynamo and motor. If the two machines were of the same construction they would turn at nearly the same speed under no load. However,

If the Resistance of the Receiver [motor] is changed it may be made to revolve at 1200 Revolutions while the steam Dynamo is going but 600, and by adding work until it is brought down to a speed of 600 the maximum will be obtained. But the maximum work is not the most economical it is the same as a Steam Engine there is small economy in taking steam to the full stroke & getting the maximum power of the Engine but let it cut off early & we get the most economical work all of which you well know hence; we only work the Receiving Dynamo up to 20 or 25 pc of its capacity. [Undated Notes and Drawings (c.1879 –1881), Lab. (TAEM 45:132; TAED NSUN07:10)]

Edison incorporated this relationship into the 30 September provisional specification, explaining it in terms of the counter electro-motive force developed in the motor.

4. Patton did not address all of these questions but in a subsequent letter he provided some details about the Comstock pumping and hoisting operations and enclosed drawings of a typical shaft, although these have not been found. He expressed particular concern that the hoists should be made to start and stop smoothly, and invited Edison to make a practical demonstration with a single 100 horsepower dynamo. Stockton Griffin informed Patton that Edison had prepared working drawings but preferred not to send them “until his test with the large Dynamo (120 h.p.) is made here which will be in 5 or 6 weeks—from these tests absolute calculations can be made as to cost, while now there is liability of an error of from 3 to 5%” (Patton to TAE, 20 Aug. 1880, DF [TAEM 54:416; TAED D8032W]; Griffin to Patton, 25 Oct. 1880, Lbk. 6:498 [TAEM 80:396; TAED LB006498]). Edison referred the matter to Julius Hornig but took no further action until Patton inquired again in Page 814December 1881, telling him that “the Brush Company are becoming very active on this coast—and have made propositions in regard to the same business.” Edison explained that he could not act because “The trouble as to the transmission of power by electricity is that the demand is so great for machines that our Directors do not feel inclined to send out any machines simply for an experiment at their expense” (TAE marginalia on Patton to TAE, 1 Nov. 1880 and 5 Dec. 1881, DF [TAEM 54: 429, 59:147; TAED D8032Z, D8138ZAJ]; TAE to Patton, 29 Dec. 1881, Lbk. 9:484 [TAEM 81:177; TAED LB009484]).

5. Edison’s intended meaning is unknown, and this phrase was omitted from the completed letter.

  • From Grosvenor Lowrey

New York Aug 7th 1880a

My dear Edison

I have now returned & am prepared to go on with R.R. matters. 1

It will be more useful at first to have a meeting with Villard, Fabbri & perhaps Navarro & that will be best managed here— What do you say to Thursday of next week? Fabbri is not here on Wednesday & on Monday & Tuesday the Elevated R.R. arbitration will keep me— 2

Let me know about the hour

Fabbri asked me this morning if there was any dissatisfaction with them in taking out orb rather paying for foreign patents &c— He said he understood from Gouraud that he was going to take out the English R.R. patents— F. thought as they are interested in that portion of them which the Electric Light Co gets here—i.e. the same for England [SA?]3c that Company gets here—that the taking out of any seperately would possibly lead to disputes & differences for which there is absolutely no occasion, but which being once on foot interfere with successful business— I am sure you will do best to stick to your present relations— If you dont want any of the patents to be considered as coming under your agreement with D.M. & Co.4 you can specify them & they can be held separate until the matter can be determined— They can of course command any & all facilities & economies that any one can Yrs in Haste

G. P. Lowrey

〈Will come over Thursday if you will say what hour I have not made any arrgnts with Col G to take out pats in Engd on RR I wld not do anything to dissatisfy Wright or Fabbri in any manner for all I cld make out of the pats5

I neverb done anythig as yet of kind that I know of 〉

Page 815ALS, NjWOE, Cat. 2174, Scraps. (TAEM 89:265; TAED SB012AAL). Letterhead of Porter, Lowrey, Soren & Stone. aPlace from letterhead; “18” preprinted. bObscured overwritten text. cIllegible.

1. In June, just before the scheduled visit to Menlo Park of two Metropolitan Elevated railroad officials (see Doc. 1940 n. 3), Lowrey wrote that he wished to explain to Edison a plan for the electric railroad “which will perhaps put us on velvet (as the vulgar say) in respect to the light as well as the railroad.” A short while later he expressed his hope that the unspecified arrangement would “produce a sum of money sufficient to set up an Electric Lighting district in the city of New York” and shortly afterward arranged for José Navarro, a principal investor in the Metropolitan Elevated railroad, to visit Menlo Park. Lowrey to TAE, 9 and 19 June 1880; Zenas Wilber to TAE, 29 June 1880; all DF (TAEM 55: 311, 54:56, 55:134; TAED D8039H, D8023T, D8036ZDD).

On 5 August the New York Herald reported that electrician Stephen Field had received a patent on an electric locomotive intended for San Francisco’s streetcar system but which the inventor hoped to test on New York’s elevated lines. Field had not yet built a prototype and Edison, in a subsequent Herald interview, dismissed the design’s chance of success but Field went on to enjoy a successful career designing and building electric traction systems. “Electric Locomotion,” New York Herald, 5 Aug. 1880; “Field’s Electro-Motor,” ibid., 6 Aug. 1880; “Electric Inventions,” ibid., 10 Aug. 1880; Cat. 1241, items 1514, 1515, and 1519, Batchelor (TAEM 94:608, 610; TAED MBSB21514X, MBSB21515X, MBSB21519X); DAB, s.v. “Field, Stephen Dudley.”

2. In July 1880 the New York Elevated and Metropolitan Elevated companies, joint owners of the Manhattan Elevated railroad which operated all of New York’s elevated railroad lines, began contentious and ultimately unsuccessful merger negotiations. It is also possible that Lowrey was involved in resolving lawsuits, recently sanctioned by the courts, by property owners for damages caused by the elevated lines. Klein 1986, 283– 84.

3. Possibly a reference to Fabbri & Chauncey’s interest in Edison’s South American electric light patents.

4. Doc. 1649.

5. See Doc. 1979.

  • To John Shapter 1

Menlo Park 8. 9. 18802

Dear Sir

It is very difficult in the present state of the experiment to give the cost of apparatus but I can probably give you an estimate that will approach closely

Cost in plant for one boat with capacity and equipments for 75 lights 3

Engine & Electric machine complete taking steam from your boiler 1800.00  
100 Lamps of which 25 are extra 60.00  
Page 816
Sockets 75.00  
wires to all parts of boat 200.00  
labor running wires, setting engine 50.00  
Total plant 2185.00  
Depreciation Engine etc 4% 72.00  
Depreciation Lamps 80.00 yearly each lamp lasts 6 month
Inst at 7% say 152.00  

If running 8a hours daily 60a lights 10 horse power requires 35a lbs coal per hour or 280a lbs coal for 8a hours or 365 days in the year requires 45 ½ tons at $2.00 (as I understand you use pea and dust coal)

per ton 91.00
The oil and waste may be estimated for the year at 8.00
Depreciation interest etc 304.00
Total cost per year $403.00

In comparison with gas:

Each burner must burn if it gives a light equal to the Electric light 5 feet per hour that is for 8 hours 2400 feet. for 365 days 876 000 feet. this at

75 cents per thousand4 amounts to 657.00
Inst on tank & appliances costing 216 000. at 7% 112.0
Leakage 15% 131 000 feet @ 75 per M 98.00
Hence cost by Gas lighting 867.00
Hence cost by Electric lighting 403.00
In favor of Electric Lighting $464.005

The advantages of the Electric Light are

  1. That it is absolutely steady.

  2. That nothing can be set on fire by it.

  3. That it is not affected by wind.

  4. That it gives no trouble.

  5. That it gives a pure monochromic light.

  6. That it makes no inovation but imitates exactly one gas jet. 6

In respect to the large lights of several hundred candle power, they are expensive, require a man to attend them, are unsuitable, and as the Carbon is consumed they disintrigate Page 817and throw white hot carbon particles around so that pans are necessary to prevent the places where they are used from being set on fire.

In these estimates I have nota allowed anything for royalty to the Edison Electric Light Company but this will be reasonable and will not materially affect the price. I do not think it will bring the price of the light equal to that given by 1000 feet of gas above $1.00 per thousand which may be considered reasonable when if City gas were used on the ferries $2.00 per 1000 ft would have to be paid.

Perhaps $150. per year royalty would be required by our Company. this added to the cost would still leave $314. yearly as the saving effected by the Electric Light to say nothing of the lessening in insurance and the advantages over gas7

Yours Trulyb

Thomas. A. Edison.

LS (letterpress copy), NjWOE, Lbk. 6:292 (TAEM 80:353; TAED LB006292). Written by William Carman. Some decimal points added for clarity. aInterlined above. b“Yours Truly” written by Edison.

1. John S. Shapter was chief engineer for the steamboat service of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, which operated ferries to Manhattan from its Jersey City terminal. Calvin Goddard to TAE, 15 July 1880, DF ( TAEM 53:783; TAED D8020ZFO); Condit 1980, 65 – 66, 141– 42, 368.

2. Edison drafted this letter on or about 26 July (DF [TAEM 53: 786; TAED D8020ZFR (images 1– 4)]). Stockton Griffin transcribed it largely unchanged with a date of 26 July and also copied it into Edison’s letterbook; Edison subsequently made extensive emendations on the transcription which, with the exception of one paragraph (see note 7), were incorporated into this document (DF [TAEM 53:790; TAED D8020ZFR (images 5 – 7)]; Lbk. 6:235 [ TAEM 80:325; TAED LB006235]).

3. On 3 August, Thomas Connery wrote to Edison from the New York Herald office that publisher James Gordon Bennett “would like to know if your electric light could be applied successfully for the illumination of his new steam yacht Polynia. If yes, what would be the entire cost of the thing? I wish you would figure it out fully and write me at your earliest convenience.” Edison telegraphed the next day that “It can be applied with great success shall I take the order It will take six or seven weeks.” Connery wired back that he would need to know the expense, to which Edison replied that he assumed Bennett “would like seventy five lights this requires small engine and magneto machine combined. cannot give exact estimate as Engine builder has not sent price Engine but think it would not exceed twenty six hundred dollars, without he wants it extraordinarily fancy.” Connery to TAE, 3 and 5 Aug. 1880; TAE to Connery, 4 and 5 Aug. 1880; all DF (TAEM 53:797, 800, 799; TAED D8020ZFW, D8020ZFY, D8020ZFX, D8020ZFZ).

4. Presumably the cost of producing gas (cf. Doc. 1707 n. 9).

5. Edison’s original 26 July draft (see note 2) presented a difference of Page 818$42.60 “In favor of gas.” The advantage attributed here to electricity is based on a series of revisions made by Edison to the copy made by Griffin (see note 2), including reducing depreciation from 5% and interest from 8%, fuel from $4.20 per ton (with the stipulation of pea or dust coal), and charging leakage to gas. The earlier versions also contained a paragraph following this itemization indicating that “if the gas fixtures were added, the tanks and other apparatus upon the boat, breakage of globes, substitution of new burners at the jets etc, this gain would disappear.”

6. In his revision of Griffin’s 26 July draft copy (see note 2) Edison added two advantages to this list: a one-quarter decrease in insurance costs; and “This light will burn under water.”

7. Edison appended this paragraph to Griffin’s 26 July draft copy (see note 2). He also dictated a brief paragraph, evidently for insertion elsewhere and later canceled, about the economy to be gained from using existing gas fixtures for the electric light.

  • Patent Application: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park, c. August 9, 18801]

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Attest= S. D. Mott James A. Payne2 Inventor= Thos. A. Edison per Dyer & Wilber atty.

In using magneto or dynamo-electric machines, it is very important that the armatures should be rotated at an uniform and constant speed, as any variation therein immediately manifests itself in the current.

As ordinarily used, such machines are connected to the prime motor by intermediate gearing, usually belts, which are liable to slip, causing irregularity in the rotation of the armature or bobbin, every such irregularity effecting the current, causing the irregularity to be repeated and shown, in the operation of whatever translating devices are used in the circuit.3

To obviate this it is preferable to connect the prime motor, Page 819and the generator directly, that is, supposing the prime motor to be a steam engine, the pitman-rod 4 of the engine is connected directly to the shaft, or axil, of the revolving bobbin, preferably by a crank pin on a disk upon the end of the bobbin shaft, which disk is weighted upon the side opposite to the crank pin, with a weight which counterbalances the weight of the pin and pitman, so that any jar, or irregularity, in passing dead centers, is obviated. This arrangement is especially needed as the engine used should be one of very rapid stroke, not less than 4 to 500 per minute, in order that the bobbin may receive its needed high rate of rotation. The engine should also be what may be called a “self contained engine,” that is, provided with a governor and an automatic variable cut-off, which may be so adjusted that upon the speed becoming too great, the cut-off shall be automatically changed to cut off at a less fraction of the stroke, and visa versa.

Of course, as the speed of the engine lessens, the rate of the rotation of the bobbin is lessened, and consequently the electric motive force, or “pressure,” of the generated current drops.

If the steam engine and generator be so arranged, there is provided a system of generation, in which, automatically the pressure, or force of the current may be maintained constant.

In manufacturing generators of large capacity, very large cores, and very large castings for polar extensions are required. These very large parts cost more proportionately than small ones, and are much more difficult to handle, the winding of them requiring greater labor and care.

The greatest effect upon the cores is given by the coils nearest to it, but in using very large cores, some of the coils are necessarily somewhat distant from the core.

With several smaller cores, whose aggregate of weight is that of one larger core, a larger surface for the action of coils may be obtained, and a larger amount of wire used, whose average distance from the surface of the cores in either case, is the same.

Generation, of very great capacity, may therefore be profitably constructed of a series, two or more, of coils and cores, or field magnets, each set having its own polar extensions, but one armature or bobbin common to all being used.

By such construction, as before explained, ease and economy of construction are secured, the coils are brought on an average, nearer their cores, and a greater amount of wire may be profitably used.

Moreover, if at any time it is desired to increase the capacity Page 820of the generator, it may be done by adding more field magnets to those already in the generator, the only new part required being a proportionately larger bobbin.

As insuring compactness and strength, it is preferable to mount the engine and generator upon one base, on which is secured, upon intermediate supports of a non-magnetic substance, the generator, the non-magnetic supports being necessary to avoid the formation of a magnetic circuit outside of the polar extensions.

In order to give greater rigidity and needed support to the generator, the series of polar extensions are united physically by a brace or union of non-magnetic material, which in effect, makes the opposite poles one structurally but preserves them separate, magnetically.


1. A magneto, or dynamo-electric machine, consisting of a series, two or more, of independent field of force magnets, and a single armature, or bobbin, common to them all, substantially as set forth.

2. The combination of a magneto, or dynamo-electric machine, a steam engine connected thereto, by a counterbalanced connection, a governor and variable cut-off, automatically controlled thereby, and an armature or bobbin, serving both as an armature, or bobbin, and as a fly or balance wheel, substantially as set forth.

3. The combination with a common base, of an automatically controlled engine, a magneto, or dynamo-electric machine, and non-magnetic supports placed between the generator and the base, substantially as set forth.

4. The combination with the polar extensions, of independent electro magnets, forming with a bobbin common to them all, a generator, of a non-magnetic plate or brace uniting and supporting the polar extensions, substantially as set forth.

5. The combination of a generator, a high speed steam engine, and a variable cut-off and governor, so that the speed of the engine and the force or pressure of current are automatically regulated, substantially as set forth.

D (typed transcript), NjWOE, Patent Application File Case 237, PS (TAEM 45:534; TAED PT011AAA).

1. This is the date that Edison filed the application as Case 237; he probably executed it a few days earlier. The application was rejected in October by the Patent Office, which held that each of the claims was anticipated by other American and British patents. After Edison filed an additional affidavit (not found) in October 1882 it was again rejected and Page 821 subsequently abandoned. Patent Application Casebook E-2536:140, PS (TAEM 45:712; TAED PT020140).

2. Unidentified; possibly a clerk for Dyer and Wilber.

3. The text of the application, from the beginning of this paragraph to the claims, was incorporated into Edison’s provisional British specification for generators, machines, and motors filed on 30 September. Brit. Pat. 3,964 (1880), Batchelor (TAEM 92:212; TAED MBP030).

4. That is, the connecting rod.

  • To Corning Glass Works 1

[Menlo Park,] Aug 10th [1880] Gents:

Please inform me the time I may expect the glass; my factory is ready for work and needs the glass immediately.2

Please answer and you will greatly oblige Very Truly,

Thos A. Edison Per C[harles]. B[atchelor].a

L (letterpress copy), NjWOE, Lbk. 6:290 (TAEM 80:352; TAED LB006290). Written by William Carman. aSignature lines written by Charles Batchelor.

1. The Corning Glass Works of Corning, N.Y., supplied “tubes & bulbs” to the Edison lamp factory, which “work[ed] them up into Electric Lamps by table blowing with gas” (TAE marginalia on U.S. Census Office to TAE, 27 Nov. 1880, DF [TAEM 54:25; TAED D8021R]). Discussions with the Corning Glass Works concerning a supply of glass for lamps probably began in June when a representative of “A Glass Manufacturer from Corning N.Y.” visited Menlo Park (Mott Journal N-80-03-14:250, Lab. [ TAEM 33:809; TAED N053:127]). According to Howell and Schroeder 1927 (p. 163), the Corning Glass Works supplied bulbs that were “hand made and free blown taken directly from the furnaces. These free blown bulbs were used by the Edison Lamp Works for about twelve years, although other lamp manufacturers adopted moulded bulbs much earlier. The hand made moulded bulbs were uniform in size and shape, while the free blown bulbs varied a great deal and had to be gauged and sized into groups of similar dimensions.”

2. There is a note of the same day addressed from Edison to the Corning Glass Works (possibly for a telegram) that reads “How soon will our glass come need it very bad.” There is no extant answer to either inquiry (DF [TAEM 53:802; TAED D8020ZGB]). On 18 August Charles Mott reported that “Two boxes of tubing from Corning N.Y. glass works received at Factory and upon test by Holzier pronounced very good glass for the purposes of the lamp” (Mott Journal N-80-07-10:87, Lab. [ TAEM 37:345; TAED N117:43]).

  • Memorandum: Electric Lighting Demonstration Plans

[Menlo Park,] Aug 11 [1880] Wednesday eve

Mr. Edison wishes to start 200 lamps next Friday1 a


The line leading along the turnpike to be wound with three layers of cloth tarred, then wound with marlain.

See that plenty of cloth and marlain are ordered and that men enough are put on the job.2

  • seven days labora

  • cloth 〈OK〉b

  • Marlain 〈OK〉b

  • Tar 〈OK〉b

  • labor

  • rubber tape

  • lines cut off


3 [4?]c machines

Present lamp requires 115 volts machine must run 1100 revo. The exciter must run from main shaft.

3d machines probably enough since the lamps are so much higher resistance.

Must run 1100 revo.

The three machine ind position now will do the business of changed to multiple arc which can be done in a minute. Metersa

Reg meters for

2 for 20 lights Edison Jordan3

1 for 30 lights laboratorya


  • Glass must have Blowers 〈OK〉b

  • Pumps arrangement for bringing up lamps while on.

  • Pick out lamps. class the lamp post and number lamps accordingly.

  • 5 classes according to distance


  • The average E.M.F. is 115 Volts 115⁄165 Webers

  • 1 mg. per hour

  • 1⁄10 mg. per hour


  • In Mrs. Jordans relay the the wire out of sight.

  • Segredor 4

  • Herrick5 Mills 6

  • Page 823Hammer 7

  • Force8a

Davis’ Hotel9 Mrs. J Cornish’s10 Kuesie11 Edisonsa

Drop wire used in twicee rubber tape solder joints. use lead safety clutches.


D, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-07-23:257 (TAEM 36:969; TAED N112:128). Written by Francis Upton; document multiply signed. aFollowed by dividing mark. bMarginalia written by Upton. cCanceled. dObscured overwritten text. eInterlined above.

1. There is no extant record of 200 lamps being started on Friday, 13 August.

2. On 14 August Charles Mott reported “Men wrapping conductors with Muslin tarred and then wound with Marlin and again tarred.” Mott Journal N-80-07-10:81, Lab. (TAEM 37:342; TAED N117:40).

3. That is, for Edison’s house and for Sarah Jordan’s boarding house.

4. John R. Segredor was an out-of-work would-be inventor when he first contacted Edison in April 1879 to tell him some of his ideas and to ask for a job at the laboratory, indicating that “if I can get a position that will pay my board I will be satisfied.” Edison apparently offered to let him come to Menlo Park for a limited period in order to work up some of his ideas. He was at Menlo Park by the end of May when a time sheet shows him working on a “telephone order.” Another time sheet shows that he was working on electric light experiments in mid-October. The next indication of his presence at the laboratory is a note by Edison on a 10 March 1880 letter from a man who was having trouble getting an Edison dynamo, which he had built after reading the Scientific American article about it, to work properly. In response Edison told Segredor to make a diagram of the connections. Soon thereafter he left Menlo Park. This notebook entry indicates that he had returned to Menlo Park by sometime in the summer. In early September Edison sent him to Florida to gather plant samples for possible use as filaments (see Doc. 1984). Segredor to TAE, 22 April and 4 May 1879 and 3 May 1880; Clay McDill to TAE, 10 Mar. 1880; all DF ( TAEM 49:888; 49:894; 53:365, 301; TAED D7913S, D7913V, D8007U, D8006H); Time Sheets, NjWOE.

5. Albert B. Herrick (1860 –1938) began working at Menlo Park on 28 August 1879. He was primarily involved with lamp experiments in the laboratory and the lamp factory. He left Edison’s employ in January 1881 to study mechanical engineering and chemistry at the Stevens Institute. After leaving school in 1884 he worked briefly for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. and then for two years with the Brush-Swan Electric Co. In 1886 he established the manufacturing business of A. B. Herrick & Co. in New York City. Two years later he became chief electrician for Bergmann & Co. After the formation of Edison General Electric he became chief electrician of the Schenectady plant. When the company merged into General Electric he was made chief electrician of that company’s departments but soon left to form the engineering partnership of Herrick & Burke in New York City. “Albert B. Herrick,” Pioneers Bio.Page 824

6. Possibly William Mills, who joined the laboratory staff in 1880 but about whom nothing further is known. Jehl 1937– 41, 545.

7. William J. Hammer (1858 –1934) joined the Menlo Park laboratory staff in December 1879 after working for a year as an assistant to Edward Weston at the Weston Malleable Nickel Co. in Newark. At the laboratory Hammer helped with conducting tests and keeping records of experimental lamps and in 1880 Edison appointed him chief electrician of the lamp factory. In the fall of 1881 he went to London to assist Edward Johnson with the construction of the Holborn Viaduct central station (becoming its chief engineer) and the installation of the Edison exhibit at the Crystal Palace Exposition, where he designed the first electric sign spelling out Edison’s name in electric lights. In 1883 he became chief engineer of the German Edison Co. He returned to the United States in 1884 to work for the Edison Electric Light Co. and then served as chief engineer and general manager of the Boston Edison Electric Illuminating Co. He also had charge of several of Edison’s exhibits, including the 1889 Paris International Exposition. In 1890 he established himself as an independent construction and consulting engineer in New York City. Hammer did significant research on radium, including developing the first radium-luminous paint. Hammer was also noted for his pioneer work on electric signs and for the historic lamp collection he amassed. “Hammer, William J.,” Pioneers Bio.; ANB, s.v. “Hammer, William Joseph.”

8. Martin Force.

9. A boarding house kept by a Scotchman named Davis near the railroad tracks in Menlo Park. Jehl 1937– 41, 38.

10. Probably the Cornish grocery store, which was in the same building as the Menlo Park post office. Marshall c. 1931, 113.

11. The John Kruesi and Charles Batchelor families lived in a divided house across Christie Street from the Edison family home. Jehl 1837– 41, 220 (see map).

A map of Menlo Park showing several key buildings. Taken from Francis Jehl’s Menlo Park Reminiscences.

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  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] Aug 13th 1880


The cause of the bending over of the loop after it is heated in vacuo weI thought was due to insufficient heating in carbonization but after a series of experiments to determine that point we came to the conclusion that whether heated slightly or to a high temperature some of each bent whilst others kept straight.1

We then remembered that some bamboo fibres which were 4 in long and of which we mad a great number almost all kept straight we also remembered that almost all these were put in the clamps edgeways instead of flatways.

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This led us to think seeb that probably the way Bradley cut them from the cane, and the bending them flatways afterwards, would leave the ‘pith side’ on one face and the ‘hard shell’ side on the other face unequal shrinkage of course must occur on two such faces and cause the bending— We now made a mould for carbonizing that would hold the fibre edgeways so:—

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This made moveable weight of three pieces the middle piece pressing out the sides to suit the shrinkage of the fibre in thickness From this mould we tried some on the pumps and they not only were perfectly flat themselves but did not changec their upright position with the most intense heat we could get on them2

Chas Batchelor

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-06-02:73 (TAEM 36:430; TAED N105:34). Written by Charles Batchelor; document multiply signed and dated. aFollowed by dividing mark. bInterlined above. cObscured overwritten text.

1. On 4 August Charles Batchelor noted that “We are considerably bothered with the carbons bending over whilst they are on the pumpsPage 826

We think this must be due to to unequal heating so I have put up 2 fibres in moulds and heated up only one end of each in the preliminary heating.” He did not record results of this experiment. Two days later he theorized that if the carbons were “not heated sufficiently in carbonizing when they are put on the pump and heated a great deal higher the outside shrinks more than the inside; and the clamps being held tight it has to bend over to adjust itself.” He proposed on 8 August a number of experiments to see if any changes in the heating process would correct the problem, and it is to these trials that Batchelor refers in this document. N-80-06-02:49, 55– 65, Lab. (TAEM 36:418, 421–26; TAED N105: 22, 25 – 30).

2. In his journal entry of this day Charles Mott noted that “All the plates used in moulds as formers or shapers for carbons are being changed by Andrews so as to hold the widened ends so the thin edge of them will stand towards the faces in the lamp by which means the fiber will in every case be bent so that the inner or pith side of the fiber will come on the inside or outside of the loop instead of on the face as formerly.” On 17 August Cornelius Van Cleve “made the commencement at carbonizing in the Factory to day and from first mould of twelve carbons and formers got out eleven in nice order and from second mould of fifteen carbons got 13 out successfully.” It is unclear if these were the new moulds but the same day Batchelor noted that these were carbonized “edgeways.” Mott Journal N-80-07-10:79, 86; N-80-03-06:207; all Lab. (TAEM 37:341, 345; 33:1063; TAED N117:39, 43; N057:103).

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] Aug 13 18801

Use a Dynamo bobbin, in a shunt from the house circuit as we now use our copper cell. The field magnet should be large & multiple arc’d on the mains having such high Res that it would give current up to near saturation. The Bobbin is connected by saya a worm and wm orb wheel — with a dash or revolving chain in which is glycerin two or 3 gear wheels with a Revolving churn filled with glycerine, a Regular Counter gives the Revolutions in a month, the Rev being proportionate to the [space?]b

Voltometer, in place our copper cell=c

A Dynamo bobbin in place of Dolbears axial magnet & paper Drums 2 an arm from Dynamo bobbin has pencil touching paper. A spring prevents bobbin twisting around more than ¾ of a Revolution work this up with a Counter. If paper record is used a Electro motor governed by a pendulum could be used to give motion to the paper to get the timing

This wayPage 827

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Capaliarity meterd

Water meter—with a trip worked by a ¾ turn Dynamo bobbin


X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-08-13:1 (TAEM 38:291; TAED N132:2). aObscured overwritten text. bIllegible. cFollowed by dividing mark. dDrawings followed by dividing mark.

1. In his journal entry of this date Charles Mott noted that “Mr. Edison wrote descriptions and made sketches of several new forms of electric meters in Book No. 132 page 1 &c.” The pages are those encompassing this notebook entry. Three days later Mott wrote “Mr. Edison made sketches of several different forms of meters and means connected to lamp for measuring the electric current which were given to [Samuel] Mott from which to make Patent Office drawings for caveat.” Nothing further is known of the caveat or the meter designs described in this notebook entry. An entirely different meter design became the subject of a patent application executed by Edison on 20 August. In this design the plates of the meter cell were suspended from a balance arm so that as copper was deposited on one plate it would tip the balance. As the balance arm moved it would cause a registering apparatus to record a mark and also reverse the current so that the copper was deposited on the other plate, thus moving the balance in the other direction. Edison explained in the application that because “the amount of current needed to cause the deposition of metal enough to cause the tipping is known, and Page 828as it is a definite percentage of the entire current, the registration may indicate the total amount of current; or, as the ratio existing between current and feet of gas for illuminating effect has been determined, the registration may indicate the equivalency in light of feet of gas.” Mott Journal N-80-07-10:79, 82, 138 – 39, Lab. (TAEM 37:341, 343, 371; TAED N117:39, 41, 69); U.S. Pat. 240,678.

The balance meter shown in Edison’s U.S. Patent

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2. Edison is probably referring to the current meter patented by Amos Dolbear on 15 June 1880. Dolbear’s device consisted of a slender iron core suspended by a spring directly over a cylindrical coil that was hollow along its axis. As electricity passed through the circuit, the coil attracted the rod against the spring’s tension into the central hole, in proportion to the strength of the current. A pencil was attached to the rod to record this motion on a strip of paper wound continually from one drum to another by a clockwork mechanism. U.S. Pat. 228,807.

  • From Chester Pond

New York Aug 14 [1880] Dr Sr:—

I am making a small Indicator which will be specially adapted to Telephone use.—

It will be infinitely ahead of the one you have in perfection and looks. When it is finished, I will let you have it in place of the one you now have.1

Shall not be at Menlo again for several days— Very resy

C. H. Pond2

Am going to Boston Monday Return friday or Saturday.a If convenient please have our contracts fixed by an addition so as to include England & France3 and send them in by Mackenzie,4 Monday as I leave at 5 P.M.

ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 55:652; TAED D8043ZAR). a “See Back Side” written at top of page to indicate page turn.

1. Chester Pond was in the process of securing U.S. patents for visual electric signaling devices. On 7 September he received a patent for an annunciator in which the line number of an incoming signal was displayed by a vertical indicator slide. Two weeks later he obtained a patent for a similar device in which a wheel rotated into position to display the appropriate number (U.S. Pat. 231, 970 and 232,415). For reasons which are not clear but presumably were related to the impending issue of Pond’s patents, Edison requested him to come to Menlo Park “immediately” on 4 August. Pond came the following day (TAE to Pond, 4 Aug. 1880; Pond to TAE, 5 Aug. 1880; both DF [TAEM 55:569 – 70; TAED D8042ZBD, D8042ZBE]). On 10 August Edison tested whether the instrument could indicate the subscriber number desired by callers to a switchboard. The next day he executed an agreement by which he took a two-thirds interest in it for telephonic applications only. In return he promised to pay for further experiments and the expense of foreign patents. Edison later gave George Gouraud one-half his own interest in certain European countries and authority to sell the patents in those countries; Pond also drafted a power of attorney to Gouraud for that purpose (Mott Journal N-80-07-10:72, Lab. [TAEM 37:338; TAED N117:36]; TAE agreement with Chester Pond, 11 Aug. 1880, DF [ TAEM 55:645; TAED D8043ZAP]; TAE agreement with George Gouraud, 24 Aug. 1880; TAE draft agreement with Gouraud, Aug. 1880; Pond draft power of attorney to Gouraud, Aug. 1880; all Miller [TAEM 86:267, 271, 274; TAED HM800124, HM800125, HM800126]).

According to an undated draft of Edison’s agreement with Pond, the “Fire Alarm Indicator” consisted of “disks or wheels bearing numbers or characters in their peripheries, combined with all motive power, releasing devices and stopping devices, so that upon a signal being sent in from a numbered signal box, The disks are released and then stopped so that the number or symbol of the signalling box is displayed by the disks or wheels through a proper aperature” (TAE draft agreement with Pond, Aug. 1880, DF [ TAEM 55:653; TAED D8043ZAS]). ImmediatelyPage 830 after Edison signed the Pond agreement, John Ott (evidently assisted by James MacKenzie) began work on what Mott described as a

call box for the Pond indicator. In the Indicator the figures are thrown in position to read, by . . . telegraphic characters and to simplify the operation so that any person unacquainted with telegraphy may signal. the box is an arrangement of three indicator slides on each of which the necessary contacts for the characters representing the different numbers are formed by raised blocks and after each slide is adjusted to the numeral desired the contact is rapidly made by a spring with a platina point which is drawn across the raised characters by a clock work.

A more complete version of the call box was finished and “working very satisfactory” on 31 August (Mott Journal N-80-07-10:77, 96, 106, Lab. [TAEM 37:340, 350, 355; TAED N117:38, 48, 53]).

2. Chester Pond was the inventor of telegraphic signaling and relay devices and electric clocks, and was president of the Pond Electric Signal Co. in New York. NCAB 15:160 – 61; Letterhead of Pond to TAE, 24 Oct. 1881, DF (TAEM 57:243; TAED D8104ZEB).

3. These countries were specifically excluded from the 11 August agreement (see note 1) but incorporated into it by an amendment dated 14 August.

4. James MacKenzie had facilitated the 11 August agreement (see note 1), for which Edison assigned him an interest equal to one-twelfth of the whole (TAE agreement with James MacKenzie, 11 Aug. 1880, DF [ TAEM 55:650; TAED D8043ZAQ]). Edison had pulled MacKenzie’s young son from the path of a moving freight car in 1862, in gratitude for which MacKenzie taught him railroad telegraphy. MacKenzie subsequently became a manager of the American District Telegraph Co. Although his exact relationship with Edison at this time is not known he seems to have been involved with Pond’s indicator for more than a year (TAEB 4:23 n. 12; Pond to TAE, 6 Aug. 1878; MacKenzie to Union Fire Alarm Co., 14 May 1879; both DF [TAEM 19:538, 49:228; TAED D7836ZBS, D7903ZDT]).

  • Draft to Ernest Biedermann

Menlo Park, N.J.,a [August 17, 1880?] 1

Write Beiderman

That it is impossible for us to send a man:2 The light is a vast system a new art & industryb & before we can get things ready we shall have to arrange for the manufacture of our machinery We Arec establishing the nucleus of d a Lamp factory here with a daily capacity of 1200 lamps. This factory alone has cost many thousand dollars & months of labor in inventing automatic apparatus for cheapening the lamps and working people had to be learned to work the apparatus: It would be impossible Page 831to establish such a factory in Switzerland fsooner than 2 or 3 years hence everybody must depend for their lamps for a while on our fairst factory=3

Regarding the Engine:

Our Dynamo machine is 8 times larger & more powerful than any hentherto built. Is worked direct by an Engine of special construction making 600 strokes per minute 4e no belts or gears are used. To build this class of Engine, & Dynamo over $150 000. have been invested in phila hence you see The inventor of the Engine has spent 20 years in perfecting his Engine to obtain such high speeds with economy & reliability, he has trained workman etc so you see it would be impossible to make thecsteam Dynamos in Switzerland or in any other country for some time; for the Establishing the lighting of say Geneva all machinery must be sent from here with an expertc thoroughly capable to superintending the erection of the plant for lighting 5 or more square miles of a city. We are perfecting our arrangements here for the manufacture of all apparatus on a large scale, and will keep you posted regarding it and when we shall be able to take an order to light for one station, lighting ½ a mile square in Geneva or elsewhere: Yrs—


ADfS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 54:260; TAED D8026ZCM). Letterhead of T. A. Edison. a”Menlo Park, N.J.,” preprinted. b”a new art & industry” interlined above. cObscured overwritten text. d“the nucleus of” interlined above. eMultiply underlined.

1. Stockton Griffin made this draft the basis of the letter dated 17 August that he sent to Biedermann and copied into Edison’s letterbook. TAE to Biedermann, Lbk. 6:311 (TAEM 80:361; TAED LB006311).

2. This letter is a reply to Doc. 1962. Edison also had seen the text of Biedermann’s cable directing J. C. Young to “tell Edison important his man knows all dimensions and understand whole manufacture— Cable immediately when he departs.” On 22 August Biedermann requested Edison to “cable when your man leaves important to have one full sized generator and 60 ordinary lamps quickly Please send immediately cable when they will leave.” Edison answered that “It is impossible and useless to do what you request Have written in full.” Young to TAE, 14 Aug. 1880; Biedermann to TAE, 22 Aug. 1880; TAE to Biedermann, 23 Aug. 1880; all DF (TAEM 54:264 – 66; TAED D8026ZCO, D8026ZCP, D8026ZCQ).

3. See headnote p. 767.

4. Stockton Griffin copied this in the letter (see note 1) as 60 strokes per minute.

  • From George Hopkins

New York, Aug 17 1880a

Dear Sir

If your lamp works are in operation we would like to make sketches of them as well as other things for a large cut. If it will suit your convenience I will come over on Thursday or Friday and bring Mr Mead1 our artist. Please reply by return mail and oblige Yours truly

Geo M Hopkins2

〈Write Hopkins that we are going to keep factory buz out of the papers. [—]b we It would educate our enemies, Etc.3 Say that nextc Mondayc hope to have our Loco altered so as to go up the 880 foot grade4d

ALS, Cat. 2174, Scraps. (TAEM 89:268; TAED SB012AAN). Letterhead of Scientific American. a”New York,” and “1880” preprinted. bCanceled. cObscured overwritten text. d“next . . . grade” later marked with “Note” by William Hammer.

1. Possibly William Mead, identified in Wilson 1880 (1031), as a Brooklyn artist having an office or studio in Manhattan.

2. George Hopkins was editor of Scientific American. Hopkins testimony, p. 18, Böhm v. Edison, (TAED W100DEF018).

3. No article on the lamp factory appeared in Scientific American at this time. However, a more general article on electric lighting published in November did observe that “Mr. Edison has reduced the manufacture of his lamps to what may fairly be called a commercial basis, judging by the scale of the manufacture, the simplicity of the processes involved, and the uniformity and cheapness of the resulting product. He has erected a large factory for lamp making, and trained a numerous corps of glass blowers and other workmen for the work in hand.” Sci. Am. 43: (1880), 336.

4. The reference to 880 feet is not clear but probably refers to the change in elevation over the entire length of track. The traction mechanism for pulling the locomotive up steep grades (see Doc. 1961 nn. 7 and 8) evidently took several weeks to fabricate and install. Charles Mott reported that on 21 August “The new gear of the electric locomotive was run some little time this afternoon to grind down and wear smooth” before one of the generators gave out. When tried again two days later “the creepers did not work entirely satisfactorily but the dificulty was easily detected and can be readily remedied.” There was a separate problem with the friction wheel, however, which “would not hold sufficiently to carry the motor up the grade beyond the Pond,” but no suggestions were made to correct this. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:68, 70, 81, 93– 95, Lab. (TAEM 37:336 – 37, 342, 348 – 49; TAED N117:34 – 35, 40, 46 – 47).

  • From George Gouraud

New York [August] 18 [1880] 3:10 PM

Please have griffin stay at Menlo tonight witness documents1

G E Gouraud

L (telegram), NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:751; TAED D8049ZGM1). Written by Stockton Griffin on Western Union message form.

1. On this day Edison executed a number of agreements regarding the disposition of foreign patents for telephones, electric light and power, and electric railways. Three of these were with George Newington of London, trustee for the prospective Edison’s Foreign Telephone Supply and Maintenance Co., Edison’s Foreign Electric Light and Power Co., and Edison’s Foreign Electric Railway Construction Co., each of which was to operate in extensive and somewhat overlapping regions of the world outside of Britain and the major Continental nations. These provided for Edison to take a large majority of each company’s stock in return for the rights to pertinent patents. Miller (TAEM 86:231, 233, 235; TAED HM800106, HM800107, HM800108).

The same day Edison executed three contracts giving George Gouraud one-half his profits from the Newington agreements in payment for helping to organize those companies, for which purpose he also granted Gouraud separate powers of attorney. He executed two similar contracts and powers of attorney to Gouraud for telephones in Mexico, and in India and British colonies other than Australia and Canada. He also signed one contract each for electric lighting and railways in portions of Africa and the Caribbean; the accompanying powers of attorney were dated 18 August but not signed until 24 August. On that date he executed an eighth power, for which no accompanying contract was completed, for electric light and power in unspecified British colonies. TAE agreements with Gouraud, 18 Aug. 1880; TAE powers of attorney to Gouraud, 18 and 24 Aug. 1880; all Miller (TAEM 86:239, 245, 251, 253, 255, 259, 241, 247, 237, 243, 249, 265, 257, 261, 263; TAED HM800110, HM800113, HM800116, HM800117, HM800118, HM800121, HM800111, HM800114, HM800109, HM800112, HM800115, HM800123, HM800119, HM800121A, HM800122); Gouraud to TAE, 24 Aug. 1880, both DF (TAEM 55:337– 38; TAED D8039ZAF, D8039ZAG).

  • From George Gouraud

New York, Aug. 20th, 1880a

Dear Edison:

In accordance with our understanding of yesterday I went to Messrs. Drexel Morgan & Co. this morning to arrange the credit for you on account of the electric railway experiments; and when in the course of conversation with Mr. Fabri it became necessary to explain the circumstances,1 Mr. Fabri suggested that it did not seem right that I should do this, but at the sametime appreciating the importance of your going on with Page 834the work it was arranged the credit should be opened not as from me personally but by Messrs. Drexel Morgan & Co. for the account of the proposed “Edison’s Electric Railway Construction Co. of the United States.”2 There is, consequently, to your credit in this connection $1,000 subject to your check as the work goes forward.b Both Mr. Fabri and Mr. Lowery are as anxious as yourself that no time whatever should be lost in perfecting the organization of the railway, Co.c and the general lines have been settled this morning with Mr. Lowery, and at Mr. Lowery’s request I go to Tarrytown to spend the night with him, with the view, if possible, of crystallizingd the matter so as to enable its being put in hand at once.

I have had a very satisfactory conversation with Mr. Fabri with respect to the British interests in this connection, and shall have more to say to you about this when I next go down to Menlo. Yours sincerely

G. E. Gouraud

LS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 55:335; TAED D8039ZAE). Written by Samuel Insull; letterhead of Mercantile Trust Co. a“New York,” preprinted. b“as . . . forward” interlined above. c”Co.” written in left margin. d Obscured overwritten text.

1. See Doc. 1978.

2. The Electric Railway Co. of the United States was not incorporated until 1883. It controlled all of Edison’s pertinent United States patents.

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] Aug 25th 1880

Lamp Socket1

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The rings of brass x x to be fastened on to the inside socket A

Chas Batchelor

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-06-02:97 (TAEM 36:443; TAED N105:47). Written by Charles Batchelor.

1. In his journal entry for this day Charles Mott noted that “Mr. Batchelor devised and sketched several forms or styles of sockets for lamps which may be found Book No 105 pge 97 &c.” Two other, less detailed, drawings follow in the same book. On 2 September Mott reported that “John Ott completed one of the lamp holders devised by Mr. Batchelor and sketched in Book No. 105 pge 99. The thumb screw or circuit completer in this case admits of turning one way only and the contact is made by the pin connected to the thumb piece, which by a spring is thrown in against a metallic ring fitted to inside of socket. A tooth on the thumb piece drops into a notch in the sleeve of the shaft or pin thus letting the pin come suddenly in contact with the ring to complete the circuit and the tooth and notch are so formed that the thumb piece can be turned one way only and in so doing the circuit is suddenly and completely broken.” The next day “Ott finished a somewhat different lamp socket . . . in the former one the inside cup or socket was secured in the outer one by a screw on the bottom, in the one today the inner socket has projecting pin on lower end which finds under a single screw thread or incline thus making the contact for one line and holding the inner cup in position.” Page 99 of this notebook is missing. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:99, 109 –11, N-80-06-02:101, 103; both Lab. (TAEM 37:351, 356 – 57, 36:444 – 45; TAED N117:49, 54 – 55, N105:49, 48 – 49).

  • Charles Clarke to W. H. Merrick 1

[Menlo Park,] Aug. 28th [1880]

Dear Sir,

We are going to try a new arrangement of winding the armatures which we think will greatly increase the safety of the machine from crosses in the coils.2 As the plan if successful may call for a modification of the present general plans as regards space I will say not to go on with the sole plate until you hear from me.3 This will however in no way affect the progress of the engine construction. I remain: Yours truly,

C. L. Clarke.

ALS (letterpress copy), NjWOE, Lbk. 6:353 (TAEM 80:368; TAED LB006353).

1. William H. Merrick was president and treasurer of the Southwark Foundry and Machine Co., recently organized to manufacture the Porter-Allen engine in the Philadelphia shop formerly operated by Merrick’s family. Letterhead of Merrick to TAE, 28 Oct. 1880, DF (TAEM 53:920; TAED D8020ZIJ); Porter 1908, 276 – 96.

2. Armature short circuits had hindered the laboratory generating station for more than a week. Charles Mott noted on 19 August that an Page 836armature “misteriously gave out this morning and no internal examination or test would reveal the point or cause.” The problem recurred in the same generator on two successive days and again on 23 August. Mott surmised then that “so many armatures giving out in this one machine would seem to indicate that the magnets in some way might be the cause or partial cause of it but that theory or suggestion does not seem to be entertained by those most familiar with the machines. one fact is observed in this machine that I have never known of in others, and have not been able to get an explanation of it and that is that a shock may be had by contact between the base of the magnet and the commutator brush or holder” (Mott Journal N-80-07-10:89, 91, 93, 95 – 96, Lab. [TAEM 37:346 – 50; TAED N117:44 – 48]). In fact, Mott reported on 2 September that

The magnet in which four or five consecutive successive armatures were burned out, was to day unwound and prepared for rewinding. The suggestion at the time, that there might or must be some defect in the magnet that was the cause of destroying so many armatures, made by a non collegiate , was promptly set down on, as presumptious, but now after a couple weeks have passed, the magnet is discovered to have a cross with its base and that rewinding is necessary. [Mott Journal 80-07-10:109, Lab. (TAEM 37:356; TAED N117:54)]

3. It is not known what changes, if any, may ultimately have been ordered. Charles Clarke was redesigning the armature, and especially the commutator connections, even before the late August generator problems. Mott referred to this project as a “new form of armature adapted for large machines.” Clarke worked on this (evidently with some assistance by Charles Batchelor) until mid-September (Mott Journal N-80-07-10:105, N-80-07-27:23– 79, N-80-06-02:87, all Lab. [TAEM 37:354, 194 – 222; 36:437; TAED N117:52, N116:12 – 41, N105:41]). At the end of the month Edison filed in London a British provisional patent specification incorporating Clarke’s design, which he stated would be easier and faster to repair in case of a short circuit between the coils:

This is accomplished by making of wire only that portion of the coil which is upon the operative face, the wires of a coil being connected at the ends by metallic plates fastened to an insulating base and insulated from each other. These plates are made so as to project at the proper points above the general surface of the core, at which points the wires are secured to them by soldering, brazing, or clamping devices. At one end each plate is suitably connected to the proper commutator block.

In case of necessity of removal of any coils it is unloosed from its plates at each end without disturbance of other coils. In fact, by such construction it is possible to remove, repair, and replace any coil without taking the armature out of the machine and with but a slight stoppage of the machine.

The plates upon the end are made as concentric almost semicircles insulated from each other with the projections for receiving the wires nearly at right angles thereto.

These plates offer less resistance than the wire, and consequently the internal resistance of the generator is proportionately reduced. [Brit. Pat. 3,964 (1880), Batchelor (TAEM 92:212; TAED MBP030)]

British patent specification drawing of new armature design using metal plates to complete the circuit through the inactive portion of each coil so as to reduce internal resistance.

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The final specification incorporated the further modifications discussed in Doc. 1992. Edison also executed a U.S. application for this armature design on 11 December (Case 266); it issued in June 1881 as U.S. Pat. 242,898.

  • To U.S. Consul, Pernambuco, Brazil 1

[Menlo Park,] Aug 30th [1880]

Dear Sir:

Would you be so kind as to inform me if cane or bamboo grow in your vicinity the smaller variety of which is used for fishing poles and canes in the U.S?. If so to what extent and size does it grow?. I should very much like to have the address of a person or firm with whom I might obtain samples and if satisfactory a quantity of the cane? That which I use at present comes from Japan and its high price renders it almost prohibitory. 2 An early reply will be appreciated. Very truly3

T. A. Edison G[riffin]

L (letterpress copy), NjWOE, Lbk. 6:357 (TAEM 80:370; TAED LB006357). Written by Stockton Griffin.

1. This position had been held by Andrew Cone since 1878. Cone was a publisher connected with the Pennsylvania oil industry who had been U.S. Consul at Para, Brazil, from 1876. He left Pernambuco on 10 September 1880 for a medical leave in the United States, where he died soon thereafter. Henry Lee Atherton, who was in the insurance business in New York City, was named to succeed Cone in November. Cone 1903, 405 – 407; Cone to Second Assistant Secretary of State, 10 Sept. 1880; Atherton to Second Assistant Secretary of State, 18 Nov. 1880; both in Despatches from the United States Consuls in Pernambuco, 1817– 1906, vol. 11, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T-344, reel 11; Wilson 1881, 54.

2. It is not clear when or how Edison came to seek especially Japanese bamboo, or from what source he obtained samples. On 18 August Charles Mott observed that “Four bundles of common Bamboo were recd. this morning and cable prepared to send to Japan for a quantity of Page 838large Japanese bamboo.” Mott Journal N-80-07-10:87, Lab. (TAEM 37:345; TAED N117:43).

3. This document precedes in the letterbook nearly identical letters of the same date to U.S. consuls in Puerto Rico; Para, Brazil; Port au Prince, Haiti; Kingston, Jamaica; and Panama. There are no extant replies (Lbk. 6:357– 59 [TAEM 80:370 – 72; TAED LB006357A, LB006358, LB006358A, LB006359, LB006359A]). Edison had sent a similar inquiry two days earlier to Vesey Butler in Havana stating that he needed “many tons” of the cane or bamboo for which he would “pay a good price if can get the right quality.” In October Butler forwarded samples of dried cane and also described other types of fibers found on Cuba, including one “as fine as silk & very white & strong.” Butler later promised that “we can supply you with all the cane you require from here as it exists in large quantities in the marshy districts. paying a trifle to the owners of the land we could cut all we require” (TAE to Vesey Butler, 28 Aug. 1880, Lbk. 6:354 [TAEM 80:368; TAED LB006354]; Butler to TAE, 6 Oct. 1880 and 20 Nov. 1880, both DF [TAEM 53:879, 956; TAED D8020ZHO, D8020ZIZ1]).

  • From John Harjes

Paris, 2d 7tha Sept. 1880b

Dear Sir

I have just now received copy of the amalgamation act in reference to which I cabled you Augst. 17th and which I signed on that day as cabled to you same evening:1

After endless vexations and legal difficulties have just signed papers amalgamating Edison and Gower under title Société Générale des Téléphones Edison Gower” I had insisted on the mentioning of your name as the firstc

It is needless here to refer to the almost endless difficulties and troublesome meetings that have taken place since Mr Bailey left Paris in order to bring about this arrangement. Numerous appointments had been taken by the notaries representing the sundry interests, having at times even the papers ready for signature, all to end in nothing but diasappointment owing to legal difficulties by reason of the french law of 1867 in reference to the formation of Societies. I enclose copy of Mr Harrisse’s letter of Augst. 9th on the subject which will assist in partly explaining matters. 2

I can but congratulate you that this amalgamation plan was finally adopted especially on a basis which will ensure to you a greater advantage, the capital as well as the apportsd (of both companies) as you will notice have been largely reduced yet your portion always remaining fr. 900,000. (in shares.)3

The sundry parties interested have endeavoured to obtain a Page 839reduction of your said fr 900,000. in shares to which of course I have not listened.

This amount I shall receive later i.e in shares fully paid up. I have decided that all the shares for the apports and of course your fr. 900,000 included, should be issued in fully paid up shares, the french law on partly paid up shares holds the first owner liable for all additional calls during a period of 2 years which in your case is the more desirable since you have at once to hand over to others a portion of your fr 900,000. I remain, Dear Sir, Yours very truly

John H. Harjes

LS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:250; TAED D8048ZFV). Letterhead of Drexel, Harjes & Co.; written in an unknown hand. aInterlined below. b“Paris,” and “18” preprinted. c“I . . . first” written by Harjes at bottom of page with asterisks to indicate intended location. dMultiply underlined.

1. Edison received the cable quoted below at 7:45 p.m. on 18 August. The agreement combining the interests in the French patents was dated 16 –17 August; it designated the company to be formed as the Société Générale des Téléphones (Système Edison, Gower & autres). Harjes to TAE, 18 Aug. 1880; Harjes agreement with Constant Rousseau, Georges Lebey, and Jules Lair, 16 –17 Aug. 1880; both DF (TAEM 56:244, 235; TAED D8048ZFM, D8048ZFK1).

2. In the enclosed letter Henry Harrisse explained that French law required that

all the contributions, patents, privileges, and devices, called in French “apports,” which form the basis of a society and that are brought into the same for a certain price, shall be approved by a vote of stockholders not interested in the said “apports” either directly or indirectly. Now, the stockholders of the “Edison” [Telephone Co.] were all apparently actual owners of the patents; and, as such precluded from voting. The Banque Franco Egyptienne said that they could not raise a subscription for new stock, out of the general public and thus obtain the required number of disinterested stockholders to vote on the “apports.” [Harrisse to Harjes, 9 Aug. 1880, DF ( TAEM 56:253; TAED D8048ZFW)]

3. Joshua Bailey wrote Edison at the beginning of October that the Banque Franco Egyptienne wished to reduce the shares that patent holders would have in the new company, and in any case did not intend to issue shares until the number of subscribers increased. Near the end of the month, however, Harjes reported that the amalgamation was progressing smoothly and would receive final approval by all shareholder in a few days. Bailey to TAE, 1 Oct. 1880; Harjes to TAE, 27 Oct. 1880; both DF (TAEM 56:263, 270; TAED D8048ZGC, D8048ZGE).

  • Telegrams: From/To John Segredor

September 7, 1880a

Monticello Florida

Sent samples canes and so forth to day address me here1


[Menlo Park,] Sent Sept 8 1880b

J R Segredor2

Can you go from Cedar Keys3 to Cuba after you are through in florida4

T A Edison

L and ALS (telegrams), NjWOE, DF (TAEM 53:814; TAED D8020ZGL, D8020ZGM). First message written by William Carman on letterhead of T. A. Edison; second message written below. aDate from document, form altered. bWritten by William Carman.

1. John Segredor left Menlo Park on 27 August. There is no record of when these samples reached Edison but earlier shipments arrived on 2 and 6 September (Mott Journal N-80-07-10:104, 109, 116, Lab. [TAEM 37:354, 356, 360; TAED N117:52, 54, 58]). A record of samples sent by Segredor was kept by William Carman in a laboratory notebook which has not been reproduced on microfilm (N-80-06-01, Lab., NjWOE [see TAED N151]).

2. Stockton Griffin noted below Edison’s reply that the message was sent on 8 September.

3. An island group in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida’s peninsula. WGD, s.v. “Cedar Keys.”

4. Segredor replied on 8 September, “Yes will write today full details information received.” The same day he sent a lengthy description of his largely fruitless search through Georgia and Florida. He sent another long report on 15 September, telling Edison that “so far I have seen no cane that near equals the cane you are using in density. All I have come across is full of pores,” but the following day he mailed 128 samples collected in Georgia and Florida. Segredor wired again from Cedar Keys at the end of September that he could reach Havana “quicker cheap more certain” from the north. Edison replied “All right” and Segredor returned to Menlo Park on 5 October. Segredor to TAE, 8, 15, 16, and 28 Sept. 1880; TAE to Segredor, 28 Sept. 1880; all DF (TAEM 53:815, 828, 835, 868, 869; TAED D8020ZGN, D8020ZGR, D8020ZGS, D8020ZHD, D8020ZHE); Mott Journal N-80-07-10:155, Lab. (TAEM 37:379; TAED N117:77).

  • Charles Mott Journal Entry

[Menlo Park,] Wednesday Sept. 8. [1880] Insulationa

Cable No. 1. Rubber cloth, white, each spiral overlaping about ⅓ width, tarred well with coal tar boiled stiff—put on hot— 54 ohms No. 0. bare wire, No 10—100 ft long. 127.Page 841

No. 2. Three thicknesses white rubber cloth each tarred with boiled coal tar. 51 000 ohms fell to 4850—3200—2630—1500.

No. 3. Two thickness white rubber cloth wound in opposite directions. 77 ohms.

No. 4. Three Muslin each covered with boiled coal tar. 120 ohms.

No. 5. 2—Muslin each served with hot Linseed oil. 470 ohmsb 140 ohms 110 ohms.

No 6. Muslin served wound on cable 1 thickness served with paraphine then black rubber cloth. then Muslin again & paraphine 1200 ohms. 171. 120.c

No 7. Three Muslin each served with coal tar treated with quick lime to neutralize acid 120 ohms.c

No. 8. bare wire rubbed with cold paraphine. 1 layer black rubber cloth, black rubber cement, then rubber cloth, smoothed down with black hard paraphine 12 500 ohms 7000. 130 ohms.

No. 9. Same as No. 8. except rubber cement was replaced with hot paraffphine. 9,000 ohms 3500—120—ohms

No. 10. bare wire served with white rubber cement, then white rubber cloth, then compound, No. 3. rubber cloth then rubber cement, then again rubber cloth and rubber cement, dusted with percipitated chalk,b 299,000 ohms. 1400.

No. 11. Same as ten except compound no 1 is used instead of compound No 3. 79,000 ohms.

No. 12. bare wire wound with Marlin served with compound No. 2, then Muslin soaked in Linseed oil, then compd. no. 2. thinned with cotton seed oil, then muslin, then blackd rubber cloth, then white rubber cement, then white rubber cloth 26,000 ohms 1000

No. 13. bare wire wound with Marlin, coiled & boiled in compound No. 3. then covered with rubber cloth. Not yet tested Compound No. 1. is Asphaltum Pine tar cotton seed oil. No. 2 is rosin pine tar cotton seed oil. No. 3. black pitch, pine tar & cotton seed oil.

The above cables and compounds have been made and tried up to the evening of Sept. 8. by Howell1e the numbersb and manner of insulating and also the tests of resistance or insulation were furnished by Howell him from a private memorandum book.2 and the tests by Frances3 may be found in Book No 137 pge 103. 4 The tests of No. 1. and No. 0. show curious results and speaks badly for insulation or testing. It is rather dificultPage 842 to reconcile the records with a bare wire testing better than one with an insulation.

Contract. Made twof Copied by request of Mr. Wilber, of agreement T. A. Edison with Biederman et. al. of Switzerland, giving them exclusive use of Patents relating to Light and Power System for that country for one half of the net profits, and guarantee from any liability or loss.5

Pump Motor. The machine taken to Factory yesterday was set running on the pump but after a time suddenly stopped, and on the full current indicated a cross of in the armature but no burning or unusual heating. the armature however tested all right with a battery current and the action was rather puzzling. Theyb were led to examine into the cause of the upstairs machine always giving out and it was discovered that they were using or trying to use a .14 ohm armature there against a .55 ohm. one down stairs and reasonably supposed that that had caused the dificulty 6

Reverser. Mott7 made Pat office drawings of a lamp arranged with a reverser of his own design, which can be turned only one way and each time that the lamp is turned on the current is reversed through the carbon, or sent contrary to the way it had just previously been passing through8

AD, NjWOE, Lab. N-80-07-10:119 (TAEM 37:361; TAED N117:59). Written by Charles Mott. aInterlined in left margin. bObscured, overwritten text. cFollowed by check mark. dInterlined above. e“by Howell” interlined above. f“Made two” interlined above.

1. Wilson S. Howell (1855 –1943) began working at Menlo Park in December 1879. He worked initially on exhausting lamps. From 1881 to 1885 he worked for the Edison Co. for Isolated Lighting and then organized and managed the New Brunswick, N.J., Edison Electric Illuminating Co. Between 1887 and 1891 he was a consulting engineer. He then took charge of the Lamp Testing Bureau of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, which became the Electrical Testing Laboratories.

Shortly before Mott made this journal entry Edison gave Howell the task of developing an insulating compound for the underground cables. In his reminiscences Howell recalled that

Mr. Edison sent me to his library and instructed me to read up on the subject of insulation, offering the services of Dr. Moses to translate any French or German authorities which I wished to consult. After two weeks search, I came out of the library with a list of materials which we might try. I was given carte blanche to order these materials from McKesson & Robins and, within ten days, I had Dr. Moses’ laboratory entirely taken up with small kettles in which I boiled up a variety of insulating compounds. The smoke Page 843and stench drove Dr. Moses out of his laboratory. The results of this stew were used to impregnate cloth strips, which were wound spirally upon No. 10 wires one hundred feet in length. Each experimental cable was coiled into a barrel of salt water and tested continually for leaks. Of course, there were many failures, the partial successes pointing the direction for better trials. These experiments resulted in our adopting refined Trinidad asphaltum boiled in oxidized linseed oil with paraffin and a little beeswax as the insulating compound with which to cover the bare wire cables, which had been previously laid along side of trenches throughout the streets of this little Jersey village. Through the pot in which this compound was boiled, we passed strips of muslin about 2 inches wide. These strips were wound up into balls and wrapped upon the cables. After the man who served these tapes upon the cables had progressed about six feet, he was followed by another man serving another tape in the opposite direction, and he in turn by a third man serving a third tape upon the cable in the direction of the first winding. After the cables were all covered with this compound and buried, the resistance to earth was found to be sufficiently high for a working system. [Howell reminiscences, pp. 4 – 5, Pioneers Bio.]

2. Not found.

3. Francis Jehl.

4. Francis Jehl’s notebook entries regarding these experiments began on 31 August. Mott took the results from Jehl’s notes. Four days earlier Mott had noted that Jehl was “making some experiments for insulation of wires underground. the materials tried mixtures of tar paraphine and kindred substances and gums in various mixtures and combinations.” Experiments with insulation compounds continued through 21 September; beginning on the 14th they began experimenting with insulated cables No. 15 – 21. A summary of the compounds used on cables No. 1–7 and 15 – 20 was recorded by Mott on 18 September. On 22 September Mott recorded that the laboratory had “received during my absence a portable furnace (or stove) and boiler or kettle for boiling and preparing the insulating composition for the lamp lines.” The next day “Men commenced uncovering again (third time) the conductor trenches of street lamps. others preparing Muslin with compound of Oxidized Linseed oil, Pine tar, Asphaltum and Paraphine (No. 7.) with which to rewind the cables.” On the 24th Mott noted that “Fifteen men and boys were today set at work on insulating the Street Lamp conductors” with this compound (see note 1) using two thicknesses of muslin. N-80-07-16:100 – 23; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:103, 107, 112, 114, 134 – 37, 140 – 41; both Lab. (TAEM 38:533– 42; 37:353, 355, 358 – 59, 369 – 70, 372; TAED N137:49 – 58, N117:51, 53, 56 – 57, 67– 68, 70).

5. Mott apparently made two copies of the agreement between Edison, Ernest Biedermann, A. M. Cherbuliez, and Gaspard Zürlinden granting them exclusive rights to Edison’s electric light and power system in Switzerland (see Docs. 1878, 1962, and 1976). Edison executed this agreement the following day. Both copies were probably sent to Switzerland to be signed by the other parties and one of these was returned to Edison. Mott subsequently made a copy of the signed agreement along with notarizations by Stockton Griffin dated 9 September, Page 844the Swiss Consul at Philadelphia dated 11 September, and the American Consul in Geneva dated 30 September; all of these notarizations are found with the original signed agreement. The copy also contains a notarization by the American Consul in Geneva certifying that it is a true copy of the original; the notarization is dated 21 June 1880 but was most likely made in 1881 (DF [TAEM 54:267; TAED D8026ZCR]; Miller [TAEM 86:291; TAED HM800129]). On 8 September, Biedermann, Cherbuliez, and Zürlinden signed an agreement with several others in Geneva to form a company to exploit the Edison system in Switzerland. It is unclear if this arrangement was carried out, as a week later Biedermann, Cherbuliez, and Zürlinden transferred their rights to the Compagnie Genevoise l’Industrie du Gaz, which in turn agreed to form the Société Suisse d’Électricité to exploit the Edison system (agreement between Biedermann, Cherbuliez, Zürlinden, et al., 8 Sept. 1880; agreement between Biedermann, Cherbuliez, Zürlinden, and the Compagnie Genevoise l’Industrie du Gaz, 15 Sept. 1880; both Miller [TAEM 86: 278, 300; TAED HM800128, HM800130]; TAE to Biedermann, Nov. 1880, DF [TAEM 54:309; TAED D8026ZDX]).

6. The previous day one of “the regular dynamoes being the third machine was taken to Factory to replace the one crossed and to be used as pump motor.” On 9 September it was replaced by another motor with a .55 ohm armature, which was used “part of the afternoon supplying the carbon testers and one tier of (about forty) vacuum pumps, and being of the same resistance of the blower motor no preceptable fall in speed or power was observed in the blower machine when the other was put in the circuit.” The next day the motor seemed to be working fine. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:117, 12 – 25, 125, Lab. (TAEM 37:360, 363– 64; TAED N117:58, 61– 62).

7. Samuel Dimmock Mott (1852 –1930) was Charles’s brother. He studied for two years at Lehigh University but left in 1873 to promote his first patent, a guiding attachment for a boy’s sled. For the next several years he studied engineering and invention. In spring 1879 he enrolled in mechanical drawing and physics classes at Princeton. He joined the Menlo Park laboratory staff following the end of classes. He primarily worked as a draftsman for Edison. During his life Mott obtained thirty-six patents in a variety of fields. “Mott, Samuel,” Pioneers Bio.

8. On 18 August Edison had sketched a device that reversed the direction of the current through the lamp each time it was turned on or off. This was apparently a variation of Francis Jehl’s “Circuit changer” to prevent electrical carrying (see Doc. 1944 n. 7). Samuel Mott took Edison’s sketches to make drawings for a caveat. Mott presumably made some further variation that he hoped to patent himself. There is no record of either Edison’s caveat or Mott’s patent application. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:88, Lab. (TAEM 37:346; TAED N117:44).

  • From George Gouraud

London 11th Sept 1880a

My Dear Edison

Vacuum Preserving.1 After opening the fruit I cabled you as follows:—

“Perfectly preserved little water from all tastes slightly alcoholic flavour as if fermented. Try everything my expense”2 which leaves but little to add except that the results of the experiment so far apparently conclusively shows there is something in it.

What explains the fermentation you will know better than I. I am particularly anxious that you should send me some fish and meat say some grouse & praire chicken some with the feathers on and others with them off I want this thing followed up and am game to spend $1,000. Set Somebody at it without delay. This I should think could be done without interfering with the greater work going on. At least enough has been accomplished to show the desirability of patenting the process which indeed I think you had already decided to do before I left3

I have kept one peach marked the 19th August which has about four drops of water in the bottom which I think is owing to the shaking about it has received [----]b in consequence of its being rather loose in the glass. This has been the case with all the fruit which probably explains the water. Try packing some in Cotton Batting

I have been on shore too little time to learn anything of sufficient interest to report except that Hubbard has apparently been unable to bring matters to a conclusion till my return. Telephone business here looks all right except the difficulty of getting a good [manager?]c Yours truly

Geo. E.Gouraud I[nsull]

L, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 53:214; TAED D8004ZFC). Written by Samuel Insull; letterhead of George Gouraud. a“London” and “18” preprinted. bCanceled. cIllegible.

1. Between 16 and 24 August 1880 Edison and Ludwig Böhm undertook a series of experiments to determine whether fruit could be preserved by placing it in a vacuum. In the first attempts “the fruit was injured by the heat but one pear was enclosed with slight injury and after exhaustion was hermetically sealed.” When George Gouraud came to the laboratory on 18 August he brought “some choice selected fruits to be sealed in vacuum,” which was done the next day. On 24 August Gouraud sent more peaches. These were also sealed and he took them to England. On 16 and 24 August Böhm made drawings of apparatus used for the fruit preservation experiments. Nothing further was done in regard to these experiments until the following April. Mott Journal Page 846N-80-07-10:83, 88, 90, 97; N-80-03-19:190, 217; N-81-04-30:1– 77; all Lab. (TAEM 37:343,346 – 47, 350; 34:700, 713; 41:1156 – 94; TAED N117:41, 44 – 45, 48; N068:94, 107; N306:1– 39); TAE to Gouraud, 17 and 22 April 1881, Cable Book (1881–1883), Misc. Lbk. 1:9 –10 (TAEM 83:876 – 77; TAED LM001009F, LM001010D).

2. This is the text of Gouraud’s cable to TAE, 9 Sept. 1880, DF (TAEM 53:213; TAED D8004ZFB).

3. Edison executed such a patent application on 11 Dec. 1880 and filed it three days later; it issued in October 1881 as U.S. Patent 248,431.

  • British Provisional Patent Specification: Electric Railway

Menlo Park, New Jersey, [c. September 13, 1880] 1a


The object of this Invention is to furnish an economical and reliable system of electro magnetic railways or tramways, which while useful in any locality shall be particularly adapted in regions where the traffic is too light for ordinary steam railways, or where the main bulk of the traffic is limited to certain seasons, or where the difficulties or expense of grading render ordinary steam roads impracticable.3

To this end the Invention consists in a complete electro magnetic railway system embracing the generation, distribution, and utilization of electric currents as a motive power, and in the novel device and combination of devices therefore, as more particularly hereinafter described and claimed.

In carrying this Invention into effect the rails of the track are electrically connected, so that each line of rails forms one half of a circuit. The road is divided into sections, where from its length this is desirable, each section forming substantially a small independent railroad. For each section a central station is provided at which is located any suitable motor for giving motion to one or more magnets or dynamo electric machines connected thereto.

At each central station, and also at other points where necessary, a portion of a section is electrically cut off from the remainder, which in connection with a siding there laid enables trains to pass each other. Movable switches or shunts are formed in the ends of the main track adjacent to the sidings. The switches are operated by mechanism set in motion by electro magnetic motors having connection to the central station. From each end of each rail section connections are made Page 847to series of electrical switches at the central station, by which means the engineer there in charge is enabled to put the current off or on, or reverse the same or any particular track or switch section, and to operate any particular switch.

For the travelling motor or locomotive an electro magnetic engine is mounted upon a suitable frame supported upon the axles of the driving and other wheels. In order that the circuit from one line of rails to the other be not directly through the wheels and axles, but be through the motor, each car is, so to speak, electrically cut in two by the interposition of insulating material somewhere in its structure, the poles of the motor being connected one to each division. A seemingly preferable method is to form the hub and flange of a wheel of separate metallic parts, uniting them by bolting each to a wooden web, which insulates the two, whereby the body of the car and the axles are insulated from the track.

Contact springs bear against the flanges, or preferably against hubs secured thereto by cross bars or “spiders,” whose outer ends are bolted to the flanges. These contact springs are connected to the commutator springs of the motor, one to each respectively, through the reverser and governor, controlled contacts hereinafter spoken of.

As in a central system the motive power is constant, irrespective of the conditions of the trains, it seems requisite that the motive power should be connected directly and inflexibly to the driving wheels, but in some such manner as will enable the force to be gradually applied to or withdrawn therefrom.

Therefore a friction wheel is mounted upon a shaft of the motor, and one upon the main driving axle, the two being disconnected, so that motion is not communicated from one to the other. In a swinging frame pivotted at one end, and provided at the other end with a handle, is mounted another or connecting friction wheel, which on depression shall take upon both the friction wheels before named, and transfer the force from one to the other; of course the amount of this transferring is dependent upon the perfection of the frictional bearing of the intermediate upon the other two friction wheels, and may be varied between the limits of the minimum and maximum frictional contact.

To accomplish the same result a motor pulley and a driving pulley may be connected by a loose belt to be tightened by a swinging pulley belt tightener, or the same result may be accomplished in several other known ways.

As the motive power sufficient to move a load upon a level Page 848with great speed is totally inadequate to move it with the same speed up an incline, and often fails to move the load at all, means (extra amount of steam generative capacity for example) are generally used for furnishing a large excess of power over the amount usually required, adding largely to the dead weight to be carried. In this system however it is proposed to use at all times for a load or train only the amount of power normally required under favorable conditions, providing means by which speed is automatically exchanged for power when necessarily, this to be accomplished by a governor, which upon speed falling upon reaching an incline shall automatically operate to alter the leverage either of belts, friction gear, or clutches, through which the motor acts upon the driving wheel.

As the devices for this purpose are applicable to other than electro motor systems they are not further herein described, but will form the subject matter of a separate application for a Patent.4

Upon each engine is located a reversing key through which the circuit passes to the motor, which may be used as a brake in case of emergency, the reversing of the current acting to reverse the direction of the motor, and thereby more rapidly stop it. The operative lever of this reverser is so combined with a spring that it may be held in a central position without any of its contacts infringing on other contacts, and so act also as mere circuit closer or breaker. A centrifugal governor driven from the driving axle is used connected to a series of contacts so as to break the circuit at a number of points simultaneously upon a certain predetermined speed being reached.

Provision is made to dispense with the necessity of much grading, enabling the engine to ascend ordinarily impracticable grades, as follows:—5

Upon one or both sides of the engine car a wheel having a grooved face adapted to clasp the head of the rail is mounted in a bearing so combined with a screw or other lifting device that it may be depressed into or elevated from contact with the rail. Upon its axle is fixed a rag or sprocket wheel.

Upon the main driving axle is loosely mounted a friction wheel having attached to it a rag or sprocket pinion. To this loose wheel when necessary motion is communicated from a friction wheel on the motor shaft through an intermediate friction wheel mounted in a swinging frame, as before described. A sprocket chain connects the sprocket wheel on the axle of the grooved wheel and the sprocket pinion. Under ordinary circumstances this friction wheel in the main axle has no motion Page 849communicated to it, and the grooved wheel is not in contact with the track; when necessary the grooved wheel is depressed and the intermediate friction wheel so applied as to cause the loose wheel on the main driving axle with its rag or sprocket pinion to be rotated, the motion being communicated to the grooved wheel, which grasping and biting upon the rail head pulls the load up without danger of slipping.

Where the rails are used as conductors of an electrical circuit there is always more or less surface conduction, the amount depending largely upon the dampness or dryness of the adjacent soil ties, and such like.6

This surface conduction may be largely reduced, or prevented entirely, in the following manner:—

Between the rail and the tie is placed a piece of felt, paper mache, or other flexible insulating material, preferably so treated as to make it water proof, which piece extends upward on the web on both sides of the rail to the head, forming an insulating shoe.

Between it and the spike is placed a piece of metal of the general configuration of the foot of the rail, upon which the head of the spike takes and bears, so that the insulating material is protected from abrasion or damage by the spike.

Instead of this metal piece a much heavier piece of wood may be used, forming a shoe fastened down by the spike and in turn securing the rail.

The foot and web of the rails are covered with some elastic insulating composition; for example, a rubber paint of which the base is pure linseed oil, the ties, for a space of, say, one half foot to a foot, on each side of the rails being similarly painted.

In using electro motors the best results are obtained when the speed of the rotating armature is maintained uniform and at a very high rate.

In railway motors a large excess of power over that required for a given speed upon the level is provided, in order that even a very much diminished speed may be maintained upon an up grade, the speed of the motor being diminished proportionately.

One object of this Invention is to so arrange a motor in relation to the driven mechanism that the speed of the motor shall always remain unchanged, not being affected by changes in the speed of the driven mechanism, and that power may be exchanged for speed, or vice versa, as circumstances may demand, without the speed of the motor being affected. Another object is to furnish a method of propulsion of trains analogous to the Page 850action of a quadruped in drawing a load, especially applicable as means for climbing a grade or assisting therein.7

To accomplish these objects a thread is mounted upon the shaft of the rotating armature meshing into a worm upon a shaft, at whose opposite end is a bevil gear taking into a bevil gear upon a shaft parallel to the shaft of the engine.

Upon this latter shaft are two gear wheels, one having several times as many teeth as the other, both being loosely mounted upon a shaft, on which and between the two gears is fixed a suitable clutch in order that one or the other may be caused to rotate with the axle upon the clutch being thrown to the extreme limit of its motion, but that when the clutch is in an intermediate position neither shall be locked into the shaft. In order to prevent the clutch being moved too rapidly it may be operated by a screw threaded lever passing through the free end of the lever.

Upon the main driven axle two gear wheels are rigidly fixed, one large and one small, the larger one gearing with the smaller one loose upon the shaft last noted, while the smaller one gears with the larger one loose upon such shaft.

It is evident then that whether speed be converted into power or power into speed will depend on whether motion be communicated from the shaft driven from the armature shaft to the main driven axle through the smaller or through the larger gear thereon.

For use upon grades a device which may be called a creeper is used somewhat as follows:—8

Upon the front of the engine is mounted a vertical shaft carrying a worm gearing into the thread upon the armature shaft.

This vertical shaft is mounted in adjustable bearings, so that the worm may be thrown into or out of gear with the thread, as desired.

Upon the lower end of the vertical shaft is a bevil gear meshing into a bevil gear upon a horizontal shaft, to whose ends by crank arms or pins are attached rods, each carrying at its opposite end a box or casing provided with a central wheel which rides upon the rail. In the box or casing, so as to take upon the sides of the rail, are eccentrically pivoted two wheels, one on each side. These side wheels being eccentrically pivoted allow the box to be pushed forward along the side of the rail, but prevent retrograde motion by closing together and grasping the rail. The arms carrying the grippers or creepers are mounted so that they may be let down upon or removed from the track as occasion requires; hence as a rod is reciprocated from the Page 851motor through the gearing described it pushes forward during one half revolution the box or casing which slides upon the rail; upon the commencement of the other half of the revolution by the action of the eccentrically pivoted wheels or rollers the box or casing is locked to the rail and the engine is pulled up.

One only being used the action would be a series of pulls and pauses, and if desired one only may be used, taking upon either rail or upon a central rail laid especially for this purpose.

In practice however it is desirable to use at least two, one for each rail, with cranks so arranged relatively to each other that while one is being slid forward the other is holding, so that a continuous motion may be produced. Additional grippers or creepers may also be placed at the rear of the train, so that a continuous pulling and pushing action is produced.

Instead of rollers within the box or casing referred to another form of device may be used, in order to give a larger gripping surface.

Within the box or casing are two bars parallel to the rail, one on each side. These bars are attached to the casing or box by loose toggle joints in such way that upon motion forward of the box or casing the bars recede from the rail, but upon retrograde movement they approach and grip the rail.

Another object of this Invention is to produce a simple and effective electro-magnetic brake adapted for use on any style of rail road vehicle, but more especially intended and adapted for use in the system herein described.9

It consists in placing an electro-magnet in such relation to some rotating metallic portion of the running gear of the vehicle to be stopped that the magnetic circuit shall be through such rotating metallic portion, the electro-magnet being furnished with mobile heads, which may move towards and clasp the rotating portion whenever the circuit of the magnet is closed.

Upon the axle and at or near its centre is rigidly fixed a disc of iron, which rotates with the axle and between the polar extremities of an electro-magnet, suitably fastened to or supported from the bottom of the car.

The cores of this electro-magnet are extended beyond the coils, forming a spindle, which is reduced in size when necessary, the ends being screw threaded to receive nuts.

Upon each spindle is placed a block of iron or other magnetic metal, forming a polar extension secured in place by a nut.

The orifices in the blocks into which the spindles pass are elongated, so that the blocks or polar extensions may have a Page 852movement to or from the fixed disc upon the axle rotating between them.

The polar extensions are normally held away from the disc by suitable springs of low resistance.

When is is desired to use the brake a circuit from any suitable source of electricity is closed through the coils of the electro-magnets, whereupon the polar extensions mutually attract the disc. It however being fixed while they are movable the attractive force causes them to move to the disc and grasp it between them, causing a retardation or stoppage of its rotation, and so acting through it as effective brake upon the wheels. Upon breakage of the circuit the springs restore the polar extensions to their normal position.

When desired, for the purpose of throwing the brakes off instantly, a momentary reverse current may be thrown into the circuit just after breaking, causing a momentary but instantaneous repulsion from the disc, and assisting the springs in removing the polar extensions. It is evident that instead of one, several sets of such brakes may be applied to each axle when desired.

In this system of electro-magnetic railways where the tracks themselves are used as the conductors, it is desirable to make some provision, guarding against cessation of effect of the current at crossings, switches, frogs, and such like, or other places where it may be desirable to cut out a portion of the track from the circuit.10

This may be accomplished by connecting the ends of the tracks in circuit adjacent to the opposite ends of the cut out section by wire or other conductors, so that a circuit is formed around such cut out portion.

As the greatest length of any section necessary to be cut out will never exceed the average length of a train, or even the length of the shortest trains, it is preferred to accomplish the result in the following manner:—

As before described, wheels having their flanges and hubs insulated from each other are used, commutator brushes being used to take the current from hubs electrically connected to the flanges, such commutator brushes being used only with the wheels of the engine.

It is now proposed to use such commutator brushes with the wheels of several of the cars of the train, one of which car should always be the last one in the train.

All the commutator brushes used on either side of the train are connected by a conductor to the appropriate commutator Page 853on the engine, and the conductors are so arranged on the cars that they may be readily connected.

By this arrangement the cut out section is electrically bridged over on the train itself, instead of by wires attached directly to the portions of the track in circuit.

Upon roads already built and equipped for steam transport, but where it is desirable to use this system of locomotion, it may be preferable to make the change from one system to the other gradually.

To admit of gradual change, arrangements must be made permitting the use of both systems.

To do this, a third or central rail or conductor is used, electrically connected in stations of suitable length, and thoroughly insulated from the bed. To the cars are attached arms carrying rollers or auxiliary wheels, taking upon the third rail and conveying the current therefrom through the motor upon the train, the ordinary rails being used as the return circuit.

In order to most thoroughly insulate the third or centre rail it may be placed at the ties in a chair of glass or other insulating material, only morticed into the tie or laid on the tie and spiked thereto, or an insulating shield of glass may be interposed between the rail and a metallic chair.

PD, NjWOE, Batchelor, Cat. 1321 (TAEM 92:194; TAED MBP029). aPlace taken from printed docket, form altered.

1. This specification was filed in London on 25 September 1880. Edison would have had to draft it about this date in order to allow a day or two for copying and at least ten more days for it to reach London by the 25th, since the cost of cabling a document this long would have been prohibitive.

2. London patent solicitor Peter Jensen filed this specification as a communication from Edison; he filed the final specification on 25 March 1881, taking British Patent 3,894 (1880), Batchelor (TAEM 92:194; TAED MBP029) in his own name on Edison’s behalf. The document is an omnibus specification combining elements from several U.S. applications that Edison completed during the summer, as discussed below. There is extant a portion of Edison’s undated draft of a broad specification for electric railways but it bears no clear relation to this document or his prior U.S. applications. There are also several pages of Edison’s sketches and notes dated 3 August pertaining to electric railway applications. Undated draft, DF (TAEM 55:243; TAED D8036ZGL); N-80-07-30:12 –17, Lab. (TAEM 38:468 – 70; TAED N135:7– 9).

3. This paragraph and the fourteen which follow concerning the operation of the electric locomotive and general operation of the railway were evidently similar to a U.S. application that Edison filed on 3 June 1880 (Case 218). That application was rejected, amended, placed in interference, and eventually abandoned. Its fifteen extant figures and Page 854eighteen extant claims were included in the thirty-six figures and thirtyfour claims of the final British specification. Patent Application Casebook E-2536:90 – 92, PS (TAEM 45:707– 9; TAED PT020090); see also Edison v. Siemens v. Field, passim, Lit. (TAEM 46:5 –114; TAED QD001).

4. At the end of September Edison filed a provisional specification covering the governor and transmission arrangements for maintaining a constant armature speed. Brit. Pat. 3,964 (1880), Batchelor (TAEM 92:212; TAED MBP030).

5. These figures from the final specification show loose wheel H secured to sprocket (or rag wheel) I, and revolved by friction wheel Z. An axle connects sprocket K to grooved wheel L, which can be pressed against the rail by screw S.

In the undated patent draft (see note 2), Edison suggested that severe grades could also be surmounted by “the use of swinging Extensions connected to the [motor] field magnets, which Extensions may be thrown downward so as to nearly touch the track and thus produce a powerful traction.” This arrangement was included in the claims of Case 218 (see note 3).

British patent specification drawing of grooved wheel engaged against the rail head, for drawing loads up a steep grade.

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6. This portion of the specification concerning track insulation is similar to a U.S. application that Edison executed on 6 August 1880 (Case 238) which issued as U.S. Pat. 293,433 in February 1884.

7. On 3 July 1880 Edison executed a U.S. application (Case 223) specifically for “grippers” or “creepers” for drawing a load up a steep grade; it did not include the clutch mechanism and reduction gearing described in this document. The application issued in October 1882 as U.S. Pat. 265,778.

8. The final specification showed the entire mechanism for carrying motion from the motor armature to the creeper and, in detail, the locking creeper S, within which “and upon each side of the rail, wheels s are mounted, eccentrically pivoted as shown, the opening between them at the widest point being just enough more than the width of the rail to permit its passage therethrough. . . . [I]f a body the width of a rail be slid between them in the direction of the arrow . . . it will push them apart, Page 855but that if the motion be in the opposite direction it will cause the rollers s, s, to approach each other, gripping the body between them.”

Illustration and detail from the British patent of “creepers” for drawing the electric locomotive up a steep grade.

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9. This portion of the specification concerning the electromagnetic brake is similar to a U.S. application that Edison executed on 2 July 1880 (Case 222) that issued in 1881 as U.S. Pat. 248,430.

10. This paragraph and the remainder of the specification are similar to a U.S. application that Edison executed on 14 August 1880 (Case 246) that issued two years later as U.S. Pat. 263,132.

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park, September 14, 18801]

Boss Socket2

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X, NjWOE, Lab. N-80-09-11:18 (TAEM 39:254; TAED N153:10). Written by Edward Johnson.Page 856

1. In his journal entry of this date Charles Mott wrote “Johnson sketched a new socket which is designated as ‘Boss socket’ in Book No. 153 pge 18 etc which is now being made by one of the new men in Shop.” Edward Johnson had arrived back in New York at the end of August and first came to the laboratory on the 31st. On 6 September he was again at the laboratory when Edison “made sketches of a number of styles and ways of running and concealing wires on gas chandeliers Some devices being fitted to permit of the use of either Electric or Gas Light without interference with each other”; these sketches have not been found. On the 10th “Johnson produced a six light chandelier on which to experiment in artistically fitting with connections, wires &c for substituting the electric lamp and to arrange for use of both or either without as little change or disfiguring as possible” (Mott Journal N-80-07-10:130, 107, 116, 125, Lab. [TAEM 37:367, 355, 360, 364; TAED N117: 65, 53, 58, 62]; Josiah Reiff to TAE, 28 Aug. 1880, DF [TAEM 53:207; TAED D8004ZET]). Johnson seems to have headed the development work on sockets and other fixtures, which were subsequently manufactured by Bergmann & Co., in which both Johnson and Edison were partners with Sigmund Bergmann (see their agreement dated April 1880, DF [TAEM 57:7; TAED D8101C] and Bergmann & Co. catalog, n.d., PPC [TAEM 96:185; TAED CA002C]). For the subsequent work on sockets and fixtures see the notebook kept by Johnson (N-80-09-11, Lab. [TAEM 39:245; TAED N153]; see also Mott Journal N-80-07-10:174, 188, 208, 223, 249, 255, 276 – 77; N-80-10-25:33– 35; both Lab. [TAEM 37:389, 396, 406, 414, 427, 430, 440 – 41; 34:168 – 70; TAED N117:87, 94, 104, 112, 125, 128, 138 – 39, N060:33– 35]; Johnson to Mitchell & Vance, 20 Sept. 1880; Charles Batchelor to George Merril, 19 Oct. 1880, Lbk. 6:415, 475 [TAEM 80:308, 393; TAED LB006415, LB006475]). Edison filed four patent applications on sockets and fixtures in March 1881 and Johnson filed one for a socket in May 1881 and for a chandelier the following September (U.S. Pats. 248,420, 248,424, 251,553, 251,554, 251,596, 256,701).

Edward Johnson’s drawing of a chandelier design. 1 and 2 are square tubing, 3 is round tubing, 4 is a flat scalloped ornamental band, and 5 is a hook on which the shade would rest.

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2. This drawing and the one on the preceding page are the first extant evidence for a screw socket. In his reminiscences Wilson Howell describes its origins:

Mr. Edison and a number of his helpers were grouped under a hanging lamp in the laboratory one evening. Edison was talking of the introduction of his light into homes, factories, stores, and of the necessity of making the system “fool proof.” Pointing to the lamp overhead hanging by its two wires from the open conductors, he explained to us how dangerous such a method of attachment would prove in the hands of the public. He explained that it was necessary to devise an attachment which would be secure, “fool proof,” insulated and quick. He described what was needed in such vivid language that one who listened attentively to Mr. Edison was given a picture of the device needed. The “picture” was that of another and older lamp attached to its source of supply—a kerosene lamp “burner” attached to its fount by a screw thread. A sketch was hastily made of this “socket” and, when shown to Mr. Edison was pronounced by him to be exactly the device he (Mr. Edison) had in mind. [Wilson Howell reminiscences, pp. 6 – 7, Pioneers Bio.]

  • From George Gouraud

London 23rd Sept 1880a

Dear Edison,

Edison Telephone Coy of London. There was an Extraordinary meeting of the shareholders held a few days since at the instigation of a number of shareholders who desire to divides the United Company shares and liquidate the Coy to save otherwise unnecessary expense. This thing has worked out just as I expected. The shareholders want the division and do not see any reason to pay Directors simply to speculate with United Coy shares. seeing the temper of the Shareholders the Board the decided, evidently with considerable reluctance, to fall in with the spirit of the movement rather than oppose it and so the meeting came off quite amicably and resulted in unanimous resolutions being instructing the Board to negotiate with the Trustee of the Edison Reversion with a view to arriving at a basis of settlement and requiring the Board to report the resultb at an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held prior to the Ordinary general meeting for the year.

In Mr Renshaws absence the negotiations have been opened with me and I was yesterday informed that a written proposal would be made me in the course of a day or so.1

Numerous speeches were made at the meeting and I was Page 858 called upon to give an explanation as to the Trust and so far as I was able the views of the Parties to the interested in the Trust, which I did in such a way as to receive repeated expressions of approval I made it clear to them that the parties interested would readily assent to a division upon fair and equitable terms; that meanwhile the Trust Certificates were as negotiable and their value as ascertainable as the shares of the Coy itself, as the values of the one could not be ascertained without determining the value of the other which they seemed to see. There seemed considerable disapproval of Mr. Bouveries course in abandoning the negotiations at the time when he made the proposition which you declined and the shareholders are evidently determined that they shall not be dropped this time but settled upon some equitable basis They all clearly see that the investment has termed out a very handsome one and I told them that we were prepared to settle on a basis which would leave them an extremely good profit.

In this connection I must tell you that my worst suppositions about White and Bouverie are fully realized and this is conclusively proved by a memorandum drawn up by White and referred by the Board to Counsel for opinion. This memorandum is the most bare faced expression of a most unfair intention on the part of the Board as you will be able to see for yourself when you read the memorandum which I will endeavour to send you by this or next mail.2 In a word it was no less than an attempt scheme by which the Edison shareholders should sell their shares to the United Telephone Coy thus leaving you to fight the question of your interest with the that Coy instead of settling with the Edison Coy

This however was found to be impracticable and they pretty well see they have got to deal on the square and so they mean to do it. Yours very truly

G E Gouraud

LS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:793; TAED D8049ZHE). Written by Samuel Insull; letterhead of George Gouraud. a“London” and “18” preprinted. b“the result” interlined above.

1. Renshaw was in New York on this date on his way to Colorado. He visited Menlo Park on 28 September and asked to do so again on his return in November. Gouraud to TAE, 10 Sept. 1880; Renshaw to TAE, 23 Sept. and 15 Nov. 1880; all DF (TAEM 56:792, 791, 797; TAED D8049ZHD, D8049ZHC, D8049ZHG); Mott Journal N-80-07-10:147, Lab. (TAEM 37:375; TAED N117:73).

2. Gouraud apparently did not send this memorandum until 20 November. The transmittal letter is somewhat confusing. In it he stated that “I have just come across a document that will satisfy you and Johnson Page 859very fully as to the wily ways of EPB[ouverie] and A.W[hite]. as shown by a memorandum of which I send you a copy.” The enclosed memorandum called for the stockholders of the Edison Telephone Co. to sell their shares to the United Telephone Co. White asserted that the transaction would be “between the United Company and each individual Edison shareholder and not between the two companies.” According to Gouraud, Theodore Waterhouse, the Edison company’s attorney, told Bouverie that the proposed transaction would not be legal. Gouraud to White, 20 Nov. 1880, enclosing undated White memorandum, DF (TAEM 56:798, 800; TAED D8049ZHH, D8049ZHI).

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[New York, September 23, 18801]

At Bergmans2 4th story 50 feet. Pressure measured with a pressure U shaped3 bought at Goodwins4 was 19⁄10ths= =a

Upton turned off slightly at meter gauge 14⁄10 very noticable diminuation in size of jet and light, latter very considerable= 5 lights were on we noticed that all jets were set vibrating about 300 per min.— Could hear no sounds.—

Bergman put on graudually lighta by light (5 on) up to 30 when 5 were on the pressure was 18⁄10— when 12 extra added 15 ½ 10 14 on 14⁄10 20 added 13⁄10— 24 added 12⁄10 30 added 11⁄10

This made no change in first test except to reduce its size and amount of light 36 Lights on Upton reads Gas Cos Meter=

7:301½ PM. Meter reads 1 foot.
7:32:45 sec. Reads 6a feet
7:34:55. Reads 11
7:37:5 16 feet
7:39:20 21 feet
7:3641:30 26 feet
7:43:45. 31

First [25?]b feet burned [in?]b

25 feet 11 minutes in 36 burners,— or 3.8 per burner per hour on testing photometrically we find that the average jet with all on iec 36, gave 7½ candles size of jet

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This was not streaky from high pressure but apparently at the best point for greatest light.

  PM —    
  8:29:30— ourd Meter reads ½ foot
  8:34: 6 Brays spceial Lava tip5e reads 1 foot
  8:43:   reads 2 foot
  8:59:45   reads 24 foot
  —First test 16 candles—  
2 15 @ 166    
  9:17   6
  9:30   7½f

Pressure in m at meter at 8:38 20⁄10— ditto 9:17—f

Size flame

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3 high—3 broad 15 @ 16 7 feet per hour

Frances7 bends a wire to pass over edges flame thus

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1st trial with wire

Brays Manhattan8 15 @ 16 Bray 6 candles 7 feet hour 2nd & more Acurate trial with wiref Page 861

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Pressure at 9:32— 20⁄10
10:10 same
10:40 19⁄20f
Measurement with Brays slit union No 7—
9:40 Meter reads ½
9:452:30 Meter reads 2f
23 candles— 1st test—  
10:01 3.
10:10 4.+f
21 @ 22 2nd test. candles
10:26 6.f
23 @ 24 3rd test  
10:40— 7½ just 7 feet

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Bray Slit Union No 7 Actual size by wire. 21 @ 23 Candles 7 feet hou[r]

Bergmans [lava?]b Brass 2 hold burnerg burner been working 4 months— Same one that gave 7 candles when 36 lights on & 11⁄10 pressure now have 19⁄10 pressure = @ 17⁄10 Page 862

10:48 Zero
8 7 @ 8 Candles–  
10:55 ½ foot
11:01 1f
8 @ 9 Candles—pressure 17⁄10 2nd test.
11:07 f
7 @ 8 Candles  
11:26 2½3
8 @ 9 candles with opal 3 candles (pressure 16 ¾ 10 )
11:39 4 feet
11:48 pressure 16⁄10 46⁄10 feet
Brays Union Slit No 7. Made it 15 candles. Pressure 15⁄10
12:10 Reads ¾ foot
12:23. 2
12:35 3
12:40½ f
2nd test 22 Candles candles probably low
3rd test 15 candles.  
1:09 AM — 6a feeta

Suggs London Argand standard up as high as it will go without smoking Reaches nearly to top

1:39:30 Reads ½  
1st test 18 @ 19 candles    
1:45 1  
1:49½ 6 feet per hour

we now put it down to what the public would use it. Measures 14 candles

1:55:30— Zero
2:02 ½
2:08:30 1

2:10 am pressure 15⁄10f

Lighted 36 jets and standard Sugg Argand fell to

Bergmans new Lava tip burner just bought

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2:31:30 Reads ½
2:37:15 1
Page 863
12 @ 13 Candles  
2:42:15 1 ½
2:47:45 2
2:54:30 2 ½

With Opal globe—2 candles without 12 @ 13. probably 4 candles as it throws some downwards

X, NjWOE, Lab. N-80-06-16.2:5 (TAEM 39:491; TAED N160:4). Expressions of time have been standardized for clarity. aObscured overwritten text. bCanceled. cCircled. dInterlined above. e“Lava tip” interlined below. fFollowed by dividing mark. g“Brass 2 hold burner” interlined above.

1. James Russell returned the first completed notebook of his survey of gas usage in the projected New York central station district on 22 September (see Doc. 1995). The next day, according to Charles Mott, “Messrs Edison, Upton and Frances [Jehl] went to New York at 3:20 I hear to visit some gas works.” Mott reported that they returned “late in afternoon” of 24 September, having “found the ordinary burner at usual burning, to give about 7 to 7½ candles but from one burner in Bergmann’s got 27 candle power. Notes measurements ect Book No. 160 pge 5 etc.” Edison presumably made these tests to establish a basis for estimating the amount of light produced by gas lamps under actual operating conditions in New York. Mott Journal N-80-07-10:138, 140 – 41, Lab. (TAEM 37:371– 72; TAED N117:69 – 70).

2. S. Bergmann & Co.’s shop at 106 –114 Wooster St. in New York. Letterhead of Bergmann to TAE, 30 Aug. 1880, DF (TAEM 53:14; TAED D8001J1).

3. A standard instrument for measuring commercial gas pressure consisted of a U-shaped glass tube, with one end connected to the gas line and the other open to the air. A small amount of water was placed in the tube so that the difference in the water level in each side provided a visual indication of the pressure in the line. The water’s highest level was read against a vertical scale ruled in tenths of an inch. Because gas is less dense than air its pressure increases with height above the source. U.S. Department of Commerce 1914, 140.

4. William W. Goodwin & Co., at 142 Chambers St. in New York, manufactured gas and water meters. Edison wrote the name and address of this firm and another one, as well as references to several gas-related publications, on the first numbered page of this notebook. On the facing page was pasted the published results of routine tests of gas conducted by the New York Department of Public Works on 5 June, showing considerable variation in illuminating power at different times of day and among the various gas companies. A printed advertisement from a New York book seller of items pertaining to the gas industry was pasted to the third page. Wilson’s Business Directory of New York 1879, 290; N-80-06-16.2:1– 3, Lab. ( TAEM 39:488 – 90; TAED N160:1– 3).

5. This was evidently one of a number of standard burners used in photometry tests of municipal gas. One of the most common of these burners was the Brays No. 7 slit-union (see below). The Bray burners were of the open flame type (as opposed to the annular Argand) and were considered to operate relatively uniformly with different types of gas Page 864and at different pressures. Nothing is known of the “special Lava tip.” U.S. Bureau of Standards 1914, 91.

6. As indicated by the above measurement of flame size, these experiments were probably conducted using the techniques of jet photometry. A jet photometer was not properly a photometer, but rather a carefully-calibrated standard burner whose flame height at a given pressure provided an indirect measure of candlepower. This approach invited several sources of error and fell into disuse by the end of the century. However, Edison appears to have used it as a benchmark for the intensity of light consumers would expect to obtain at this pressure from a clean and adjusted burner, that is, sixteen candlepower. The phrase “15 @ 16” presumably represents a photometer measurement of fifteen candles in practice under conditions where sixteen candles would be expected. U.S. Department of Commerce 1914, 104; see also Doc. 1991.

7. Francis Jehl.

8. The Manhattan Gas Light Co., one of four New York gas suppliers, served the area south of 42nd St. as far as Grand and Canal Sts., a few blocks south of the Bergmann shop. Stotz 1938, 40, 45, 53.

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park, c. September 25, 18801 ]

At present lamps are made which will give 16 candles for ⅛ of a horse power of energy in the shape of current of electricity.

That is 8 lamps may be obtained for each giving 16 candlesa for one horse power or 33,000 ft. lbs. per minute of available electrical energy.

That is 8 lamps each giving 16 candles if immersed in a calorimetera will show 33,000 ft. lbs per minute given to the water in heat.

The life of these lamps will average 600 hours giving 16 candles, thata is if 10 000 lamps are lighted and a record kept of the hours that they gave light the sum total of the burning time ofb all the lamps would be 6 000 000 hours

At 8 per horse power of 16 candles the light is estimated as costing the company ¼ ct per hour. [if?]c that isd for 600 hours

$1.50 $1.50
Cost lamp .35  

For 10,000 lamps

For power $15,000
For lamps  3,500
Page 865

Received from these at $1.50 per M

Profit $26,500

At 9 per horse power there cane be obtained from the same plant ⅛ more lights

11,250 lights2  
    .35 lamps  
33,750a [For power] 15,000.
3,937.50 [For lamps] 3,937.50
Receipts 45,000  
7,375 3  
52,355a $52,355
Increase Profits $ 6,917.5

128 ÷ 8 = 16e candles in eight places for a H.P. of current.f

128 ÷ 12 = 10.7e

10 per H.P. 12 candles eachg

10 per H.P 12 candles each

¼ × 8 = 2 cts per hour

2 cts per hour 600 hours

$12.00 for 10 lamps horse power 3.50 for 10 lamps cost


$1.55 per lamp cost to company

  11 lamps for 1 Horse power

11 lamps for $.02 cts$ .02 cts
  3.85 4
Page 866
  11 cts gain per lamp
½ 5.5 cts to be addeda to price
2.2 ctsg

Company sells 10 lamps

Tests show that 10 lamps of 12 candles each may be obtained from each Electricalh horse power of electricity.a That is if such a lamp were, when giving 12 candles, immersed in a vessel of water, the water would rise in temperature at a rate indicating that 3300 ft. lbs of energy were added to it every minute in heat.

Such a lamp will last on a average 600 hours

That is, if 10,000 lamps were lighted at irregular or regular intervals and a careful record were kept of the time that each lamp was giving 12 candles of light, and after every lamp had ceased to give light these various burning times were summed up, it would be found that they had burned asa an aggregate 10,000 × 600 = 6,000,000 hours

The lamps are considered as burning an equivalent toi 12 candle gas, that is each one giving 12 candles may be thought as taking an equivalent of five cubic feet of gas for each hour that they are burned.

This unit is taken as it is found by experience that the devices by which the light may be made so much more effect practically effectual add so much to the apparent light that every[one] is satisfied when told that it is giving a good gas jet. Also that gas cannot be burned in practice so as to give out the maximum of light show by the photometer5j while the electric light must give the consumer as much as does the tester at the laboratory of 12 candles photometric value will give at least 16 to 18 candles of effective light as Compared with gask

X, NjWOE, Lab. N-80-08-00:117– 21, 123, 122, 125 – 33 (TAEM 36:695 – 703; TAED N110:58 – 66). Written by Francis Upton. Every page except 122 canceled by single vertical line. Miscellaneous intermediate mathematical operations omitted; some commas inserted in numerals in calculations for clarity. aObscured overwritten text. b“the burning time of “ interlined above. cCanceled. d“that is” interlined above. eForm of equation altered. fThis line to “$1.55 per lamps cost to company” comprises page 122; not canceled. gFollowed by dividing mark. hInterlined above. i“an equivalent to” interlined above. j“show by the photometer” interlined above by Edison. k“of 12 candles photometric value . . . with gas” written by Edison.

1. The reference at the end of this document to a lower candlepower incandescent lamp providing more effective light in comparison to a gas Page 867lamp of greater candlepower suggests that this was probably written soon after the 23– 24 September gas candlepower tests at Bergmann & Co. See Doc. 1990.

2. That is, 10,000 plus one-eighth more.

3. It is unclear where Upton gets this figure for additional receipts from using 9 lamps per horsepower.

4. That is, .35 multiplied by 11.

5. That is, according to the indication of a jet photometer; see Doc. 1990 n. 6.

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] Sept. 28, 1880.

Experiment on heating of copper rods revolveda through the magnetic lines of force.

  • Temp. of atmosphere at commencement 76.5° F.

  • Temp. of Irona Plates of Armature 77.5° F.

  • Temp. of Fields 81° F.

  • Time of Commencement 7-27 P.M.

  • No. revo. per m. 136.

  • After revolving 10 m. in strong field the temp. still remained 77° F.

  • Started again at 7-40 P.M.

  • No. revo. per m. 2140a

  • Field strengthened

  • Temp. of atmosphere remains constant 76.5° F.

  • After running 30 m. no perceptible heat.b

Third test commenced 8-30a P.M.

  • No. revo. per m. 300.

  • 30 minutes duration of exp.

  • Copper bar went from 80° to 87.c

4th test

  • commenced 9-7 P.M.

  • No. revo. per m. 300.

  • Duration 1 h.

  • Temp. at end 88° F.

  • Temp. of air 76° F.1


X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-07-27:85 (TAEM 37:225; TAED N116:44). Written by Charles Clarke; some decimal marks added for clarity. aObscured overwritten text. bFollowed by dividing mark. cSentence written by Edison; followed by dividing mark.

1. Charles Clarke and Edison continued these tests the next day, when they made three more trials. Clarke recorded that “No appreciable rise in temperature was found to have taken place by revolving rods of copper in the magnetic field therefore no injurious local currents and it was Page 868decided to adopt rods of large size instead of wires across face of armature.” On 30 September Clarke began to make sketches and notes for redesigning the large armature, calculating in particular the increased surface area of the induction coils to be gained from substituting trapezoidal bars for insulated round wire. N-80-07-27:89 –113, Lab. (TAEM 37:227– 39; TAED N116:46 – 58).

In the U.S. patent application Edison signed on 11 December (Case 266) he stated that

The construction of revolving armatures as ordinarily practiced, especially in the case of very large machines, requires the use of a large amount of insulated wire. This is expensive, and besides takes up room and allows of the accumulation of heat, owing to the nonconductor forming the insulation, to remedy which . . . I use rigid naked bars or wires of proper material, which are so disposed about the armature that each is separated from the others, there being between them an insulation partly of mica and partly of air, which suffices in practice for insulation, and in addition allows such access of air to all the active parts of the armature that danger of heating thereof by accumulation is greatly lessened. [U.S. Pat. 242,898]

This was essentially the form of armature built during the fall and winter for the Porter-Allen direct-connected dynamo, though it differed in a few particulars so as to be “more easily and cheaply constructed.” Edison also added the bar armature to a final British specification filed on March 30, 1881 (Mott Journal N-80-07-10:281, Lab. [TAEM 37:443; TAED N117:141]; Brit. Pat. 3,964 [1880], Batchelor [TAEM 92:212; TAED MBP030]).

  • Article in the North American Review

[Menlo Park, September 18801 a]


Not a little impatience has been manifested by the public at the seemingly unaccountable tardiness with which the work of introducing the “carbon-loop” electric lamp into general use has hitherto progressed. It is now several months since the announcement was made through the newspapers that all the obstacles in the way of the utilization of the electric light as a convenient and economical substitute for gaslight had been removed: that a method had been invented by which electricity for light or for power could be conveyed to considerable distances economically; that the current could be subdivided almost ad infinitum; and that the electric lamp was henceforth to be as manageable for household purposes as a gas-jet. But, so far as the public can see, the project has since that time made no appreciable advance toward realization. The newspapers have reported, on the whole with a very fair degree of accuracy, the results of the experiments made with this system of Page 869lighting at Menlo Park; scientific experts have published their judgments, some of them pronouncing this system to be the desiderated practical solution of the problem of electrical lighting which has vexed the minds of physicists since the day when Sir Humphry Davy produced his famous five-inch voltaic arc. Still it must be confessed that hitherto the “weight of scientific opinion” has inclined decidedly toward declaring the system a failure, an impracticability, and based on fallacies. It will not be deemed discourteous if we remind these critics that scientific men of equal eminence pronounced ocean steamnavigation, submarine telegraphy, and duplex telegraphy, impossibilities down to the day when they were demonstrated to be facts. Under the circumstances, it was very natural that the unscientific public should begin to ask whether they had not been imposed upon by the inventor himself, or hoaxed by unscrupulous newspaper reporters.

Now, the fact is, that this system of electrical lighting was from the first all that it was originally claimed to be, namely, a practical solution of the problem of adapting the electric light to domestic uses and of making it an economical substitute for gaslight. The delays which have occurred to defer its general introduction are chargeable, not to any defects since discovered in the original theory of the system or in its practical working, but to the enormous mass of details which have to be mastered before the system can go into operation on a large scale, and on a commercial basis as a rival of the existing system of lighting by gas.

With the lamp and generator which at the time of the first announcement it was proposed to use, the electric light could have been made available for all illuminating purposes as gas is now; the expense would have been considerably less with the electric light; the lamp would have been quite as manageable as a gas-burner. But, fortunately, the unavoidable delay interposed by administrative and economic considerations afforded opportunity for further research and experiment, and the result has been to introduce many essential modifications at both ends of the system—both in the generator and in the lamp; at the same time sundry important changes, all in the direction of economy and simplification, have been made at almost every point in the system, as well as in the details of manufacturing the apparatus.

As for the lamp, it has been completely transformed. The external form of the two types of lamp is identical; the principle of illumination—incandescence of a solid body in vacuo—is Page 870also the same; but, in the earlier lamp, light was produced by the incandescence of a platinum wire wound on a spool of zircon; in the perfected lamp the source of light is incandescent carbon. Another essential difference between the two is found in the form given to the incandescent body: in the platinum lamp it was coiled compactly on a small spool; in the carbon lamp it is a loop some five inches in total length. This incandescent loop is found in practice to afford a better light for domestic purposes than an incandescent mass of compact form: the shadows it casts are not so sharply defined, their edges being softened.

This loop of carbon is now prepared from the fiber of a cultivated species of bamboo from Japan.2 A thread of this material, after undergoing a certain chemical process, is bent into the required shape, and then reduced to carbon. The resulting carbon loop is of a remarkably homogeneous structure, and possessed of a high degree of tenacity, so that it can withstand, without breaking, all the concussions it is likely to be subjected to in household use.

The perfected lamp consists of an oval bulb of glass about five inches in height, pointed at one end, and with a short stem three quarters of an inch in diameter at the other. Two wires of platinum enter the bulb through this stem, supporting the loop or -shaped thread of carbon, which is about two inches in height. The stem is hermetically sealed after the introduction of the carbon loop. At its pointed end the bulb terminates in an open tube through which the air in the bulb is exhausted by means of a mercury–pump till not over one millionth part remains; the tube is then closed. The outer extremities of the two platinum wires are connected with the wires of an electric circuit, and at the base of the lamp is a screw by which the circuit is made or broken at pleasure. When the circuit is made, the resistance offered to the passage of the electric current by the carbon causes the loop to acquire a high temperature and to become incandescent; but, as this takes place in a vacuum, the carbon is not consumed. The “life” of a carbon loop through which a current is passed continuously varies from seven hundred and fifty to nine hundred hours. With an intermitted current, the loop has an equal duration of life; and, as the average time an artificial light is used is five hours per day, it follows that one lamp will last about six months. Each lamp costs about fifty cents, and when one fails another may easily be substituted for it.

The light is designed to serve precisely the same purposes Page 871in domestic use as gaslights. It requires no shade, no screen of ground glass, to modify its intensity, but can be gazed at without dazzling the eyes. The amount of light is equal to that given by the gas–jets in common use; but the light is steadier, and consequently less trying to the eyes. It is also a purer light than gas, being white, while gaslight is yellow. Further, the electric lamp does not vitiate the surrounding atmosphere by consuming its oxygen, as gaslights do, and discharging into it the products of combustion. The heat emitted by the lamp is found to be only one fifteenth of that emitted by a gaslight of equal illuminating power: the glass bulb remains cool enough to be handled. Of course, there are here no poisonous or inflammable gases to escape, and the danger of fire is reduced to nil, with a consequent reduction of the rate of insurance. Again, this light, unlike gas, is always of uniform quality. A sort of meter registers exactly the amount of electricity consumed in each house. Finally, not to enumerate all the advantages which this system possesses over gas–lighting, the lamp can be manipulated even by the most inexperienced domestic servant; nor can the most careless person do injury to himself, to others, or to property, through not understanding its mechanism.

Another important modification of the system, introduced since the latest authorized account of the light was published, is the substitution of dynamo–machines for magneto–machines in the stations from which the electricity is to be supplied to the several districts of a city. Here, again, the change is entirely in the direction of simplicity and economy. Where before it was proposed to furnish a station with one hundred magneto– machines with a multiplicity of belts and shafting, we now make ten dynamos of 120 –horse power, each worked directly by a 120 –horse–power engine. We thus do away with a very considerable loss of power, and at the same time the outlay for machinery is very much lessened.3

With these and other modifications of the system, which need not be particularized here, it may be safely affirmed that the limit of economy, simplicity, and practicability has been reached. The time for experiment has passed; any further improvements to be made in the system must be suggested by its performance when put to the test of actual use on a large scale.

To the question which is so often asked, When will a public demonstration of the working of this system be made? we would reply that such a demonstration will in all probability be made at Menlo Park within two months from this date. The time which has elapsed since the preliminary demonstration Page 872of last January has been by no means a season of inaction for the promoters of this enterprise. There is a vast gulf between the most successful laboratory experiment possible and the actualization of the results of that experiment in a commercial sense. A prodigious amount of work was necessitated by the establishment of factories for producing the lamps, the generators, and the other essential parts of the system in large quantities, so as to be able to supply the first demand. We were about to enter a field that was practically unexplored, and, even on a preliminary survey, problems of the most complex kind arose on every side. These had to be solved before the first step could be taken toward the actual introduction of the light into our cities as a substitute for gas. The practical engineer and the man of business can best appreciate the difficulties that had to be overcome. Like difficulties have in the past retarded the general introduction of nearly all the great mechanical and chemical inventions. Years intervened between the discovery of photography and the taking of the first photograph; the steam–engine, the steamboat, the locomotive– engine, did not come till long years after the discovery of their scientific principles; the same is true of the telegraph.

But preparations are being actively made for placing this system of electric lighting within reach of the people in all the great centers of population throughout the United States. To this end, cities are being mapped and divided into districts, each to be supplied with electricity from a central station; estimates are being made of the exact cost of plant in the different cities; contracts are being negotiated for the manufacture on a large scale of engines, dynamos, lamps, wire, and all the other supplies needed for the practical introduction of the system throughout the country; men are being trained to put up the plant of central stations, to run the machines, and to execute all the details of the introduction and working of the system.

A very important question is that of the cost of this light. The price of the electric light will, of course, be determined by the capitalists who invest their money in it as a business venture, but it will of necessity be low as compared with gaslight, though it will vary according to the original cost of plant, the demand in any given locality, and other conditions. It is not at present the intention of the company controlling the patents on this system to supply the light directly to consumers. The company will erect the first station in New York City, and will themselves conduct that station; but the other stations in New York, as well as in the other cities throughout the United States, will Page 873be managed by local companies, who will pay a royalty to the Electric Light Company for the right to use the system.

So much can be safely affirmed, that this light can be sold at a price which will make competition on the part of the gaslight companies impossible: 1. Because the total investment in plant to develop a given quantity of light is much less; 2. Because the depreciation of plant is much less; 3. Because the cost for labor employed is very much less than in gas–works; 4. Because the electric–light companies will not have to make any dead investment in large areas of real estate; it is not even necessary to erect buildings specially to serve as stations, for the ordinary buildings, such as are used for different branches of manufacture, will serve the purpose, and may be hired on rental; 5. Because the companies can sell electricity for two uses—for light at night, and for power in the daytime. It has been ascertained by experiment that power can be supplied through this system from twenty–five–horse power down to 1⁄100 of a horse–power on the same mains that supply the light, and that elevators, printing–presses, sewing–machines, fans, pumps, etc., can be run by electricity from a central station far more economically than by any other means. A canvass of the city of New York has shown that the demand for small powers, in private dwellings and minor industrial establishments, will give occupation to the central stations in the lower part of the city for ten hours daily.4 This power can be supplied at such a profit to the companies as to more than cover the expense of running the stations for six hours longer in producing electric light. It is evident, therefore, that, in a competition with gas, the electric light possesses an enormous advantage.


PD, North American Review, 131 (1880): 295 – 300. In Edison, T.A.— Articles (D-80-007), DF (TAEM 53:380; TAED D8007ZAF1). aPlace and date not that of publication. bFollowed by dividing mark.

1. There are no extant drafts of this article, which appeared in the North American Review for October. That issue was available by 17 September, when Sherburne Eaton wrote Edison that he had seen the published article and thought it “excellent—most excellent—both in tone, matter & style.” Eaton sent copies to George Gouraud and Charles Porter. Eaton to TAE, 17 Sept. 1880, DF ( TAEM 54:72; TAED D8023ZAF).

2. It is not clear exactly what type of bamboo Edison had available to him at this time. By the end of the year he was using a species cultivated in Kyoto known as Madake, which remained the standard for his commercial lamps until 1893 or 1894. Howell and Schroeder 1927, 76 – 77; Israel 1998, 202 – 3; see also Doc. 2002.

3. The most recent “authorized” account was probably that published Page 874in the 21 December 1879 New York Herald (see Doc. 1868 n. 3). This paragraph conflates two changes in Edison’s central station design: substitution of a few large generators directly connected to the steam engine in place of many small ones connected by shafts and belts, and the exclusive use of self-exciting dynamos instead of separately-excited magneto machines. Although there is no reason why Edison could not have built and operated very large magneto machines, once he began to conceptualize the commercial generator and steam engine as two integrated parts of a single self-contained machine (see Doc. 1936) he was obliged to adopt both changes simultaneously.

4. See Doc. 1995.

5. The article was evidently written by Francis Upton, not the first instance in which Edison delegated the task of composing something published in his name (see Doc. 1283). It evolved from an effort by the North American Review in 1878 to prepare and attribute to Edison an article about electric lighting generally based on information supplied by him; that project was assigned to Upton (see Doc. 1588). The magazine made a few inquiries about it in early 1879 and then let the matter drop until reports of the impending Menlo Park exhibition prompted editor John Barron to contact Edison again in December. In notes for a reply to Barron, Edison promised that “Mr Upton can prepare the article for him so it will be ready before public exhibition.” Barron wrote almost two weeks later that he would be “very glad” for this arrangement but Edison indicated that he would “have to see Mr Upton about preparing it as I have said nothing about it to him yet.” Then in January 1880, when the editor expressed disappointment “in receiving from Mr. Upton yesterday a postal card in which he stated that he could not promise your article by the 1st of Feby next,” Edison instructed Stockton Griffin to “write him nice letter say that we are absolutely driven to death with work & find it impossible to do anything.” There is no further correspondence about the article until its publication. North American Review to TAE, 27 Feb. 1879, 24 Mar. 1879, TAE marginalia on North American Review to TAE, 4 and 15 Dec. 1879, and 23 Jan. 1880, all DF ( TAEM 49:136, 688, 747– 48; 53:349; TAED D7903ZBH, D7906ZAA, D7906ZBR, D7906ZBT, D8007H).

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6. April–June 1880
