publisher colophon


Adams, Matthew, 124, 127

Addison, Joseph: Cato, 66

Spectator essays, 5–6, 18, 89, 123–124, 140

“Advertisement” (BF’s 1755 appeal for wagons), 119–120, 174–176, 206n.12

Albany Plan of Union (1754 colonial conference), 6, 157, 169, 182, 191

Allen, William, 103

American Philosophical Society, 101

American Revolution, 3, 9, 164, 166, 168, 176, 188

memoir’s allusions to, 6, 105, 108, 151

“Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion” (BF’s personal liturgy), 61, 138–139

Articles of Confederation, 105

“Art of Virtue” (BF’s unfinished ethics handbook), 7, 22, 87, 97

association: memoir’s treatment of, 10, 47, 85, 87, 99, 190

Tocqueville’s emphasis on, 10, 195n.8

Baird, Patrick, 95

Banbury, Oxfordshire, Josiah Franklin’s ties to, 53, 121

Barclay, David, 108–111, 113, 115, 117, 120

Beatty, Charles (BF’s militia chaplain), 164–165, 179

Bethlehem (Moravian settlement), 179

Bigelow, John (1868 editor of BF’s memoir), 1–2

Bond, Thomas, 151–152, 154, 182. See also Pennsylvania hospital project

Boston Grammar School, 41, 45

Boston Massacre, 25

Boston Tea Party (1773), 106, 119, 176

Braddock, Edward, 1755 expedition of, 164, 167–168, 172–180, 182, 186–187

BF’s advice rejected by, 183–184, 189–190

Bradford, Andrew (Philadelphia printer), 33, 88, 154

Bradford, William (New York printer), 33, 138

Breintnall, Joseph, 84, 94

Breughel, Pieter, the Elder, “Big Fish Eat Little Fish” drawing, 30–32, 197n.12

Brockden, Charles, 76, 93–94, 98

Browne, John (innkeeper), 15–18, 40

Brownell, George, 41

Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, 190

Bunyan, John, 15, 28, 62, 90, 125, 167

portrait etching of, 20–21

preaching career of, 53–55. See also Pilgrim’s Progress

Burnet, William (colonial governor of New York), 18

“Busy-Body” letters, 88

Camden, Charles Pratt, First Earl of, 112

Carlisle Treaty meeting (1753), 6, 169–172, 178, 181–182

Clinton, George (colonial governor of New York), 103, 170, 177

Cocker, Edward (“Book of Arithmetic”), 125

Coercive Acts (1774), 109, 119

Coleman, William, 84–85, 95–96

Collins, John (BF’s childhood friend), 5, 35, 45, 82–83, 124

and BF in Philadelphia, 17, 150–151

BF’s quarrels with, 32–33, 47–49, 51, 127, 169

BF’s written debates with, 27, 124, 155

Collinson, Peter, 188–189

Constitutional Convention (1787), 7, 105, 159–160, 173

Copley Medal (1753), 190–191

counterpoise and counterweight: narrative tactic of, 34, 52, 85, 94–95

principle and inclination as instances of, 35–36, 40, 51, 83

scales as a figure of, 40, 52–53, 55, 58, 70–71, 99, 201n.8. See also equilibrium

currency, BF’s printing of, 130–135

Dartmouth, William Legge, Second Earl of, 114, 117–118

Decow, Isaac, 133

Defoe, Daniel, 17, 19

Deism, BF’s interest in, 39, 187

Denham, Thomas, 75, 86–87, 117

Denny, William (provincial governor of Pennsylvania), 170, 177

Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain (BF’s 1725 pamphlet), 17, 39, 127, 137

Dogood letters, 4–5, 203n.7 Don Quixote, 158

Dryden, John, 40

Dunkers (Pietist sect), 102–103

Ecton, Northamptonshire, BF’s 1758 journey to, 13, 53, 121–122

“Edict by the King of Prussia” (1773), 119

eighteenth psalm, 78–80, 89

emblems: BF’s employment of, 14, 24, 28–29, 50, 162

counterpoise as instance of, 52

in Pilgrim’s Progress, 56–57, 60, 65, 68, 163

segmented serpent as instance of, 11, 85, 87, 104, 179, 190

speckled ax anecdote as instance of, 57. See also similitude English Revolution, 16

equilibrium, BF’s figurative use of, 96, 99, 104, 199n.5, 204n.11. See also counterpoise and counterweight

errata, BF’s tabulating of. See excuses

Essay on Criticism. See Pope, Alexander

excuses, BF’s narrative employment of, 150–153, 161, 170–171

exempla in Pilgrim’s Progress, 56

Experiments and Observations on Electricity, 189–190

Farrand, Max (Benjamin Franklin’s Memoirs: Parallel Text Edition), 6

Father Abraham (“The Way to Wealth”), 100, 104, 173, 195n.3

Federal Convention. See Constitutional Convention

First Continental Congress, 106

Folger, Peter (BF’s grandfather), 17, 51

Fort Duquesne (1755 campaign), 164, 172, 183–184. See also Braddock, Edward

Fothergill, John, 162–163, 186–187, 189

BF’s 1774–75 meetings with, 108–111, 113, 115, 117, 120

Franklin, Abiah Folger (BF’s mother), 44–46, 52

Franklin, Benjamin (BF’s uncle), 16–17, 29–30, 44, 74, 121

birthday poems by, 26–27, 39, 119

sermon and pamphlet collections of, 54, 196n.5

Franklin, Deborah Read (BF’s wife), 16, 42, 86, 105–106

BF’s courtship of, 36–38, 52, 76, 199n.4

Franklin, Francis Folger (BF’s son), 5, 51, 104–105

Franklin, James (BF’s brother), 45–47, 55, 86, 124, 132, 150

Franklin, John (BF’s uncle), 53

Franklin, Josiah (BF’s father), 40–46, 52, 55, 122–125, 151, 184

advice of, to BF on writing, 77, 127, 136

BF’s apprenticeship arranged by, 45–46, 153–154, 186

BF’s epitaph for, 44

dinner table practice of, 40, 43

religious nonconformity of, 29, 53

Franklin, Samuel (BF’s cousin), 44

Franklin, Sarah (BF’s daughter), 5

Franklin, Thomas (BF’s uncle), 121

Franklin, William (BF’s son), 5, 9, 29, 35, 108, 138, 176

BF’s ideological differences with, 25, 106, 122

BF’s 1758 journey with, 13–14, 41–42

illegitimacy of, 38, 52

memoir addressed to, 2–3, 15–16, 121, 129

Franklin, William Temple (BF’s grandson), 8, 10, 194n.7

Gage, General Thomas, 111

Georgia, orphanage proposal for, 145–146

snake cartoon as accommodation for, 184–185

Gnadenhütten (Moravian settlement), 177, 179–180, 184

Godfrey, Mrs. Thomas, 154–155, 168

Godfrey, Thomas, 63, 84, 168

Grace, Robert, 84, 95–96

Granville, John Carteret, First Earl of, 185–186, 190

Great Awakening, 60

Hamilton, James (provincial governor of Pennsylvania), 157–159

Hemphill, Samuel, 104, 139–143, 148

Hesiod, 30

“Hints for Conversation” (BF’s 1774 negotiation memorandum), 109–111, 113, 120

Hopkinson, Thomas, 145–146

House of Commons: BF’s 1766 appearance before, 25, 196n.9

BF’s critique of, 113, 115. See also Parliament

House of Lords, 108, 112–115, 191. See also Parliament

Howe, Caroline, 108–109, 113, 117

Howe, Richard, 108–109, 113, 117, 120, 191

Hutchinson, Thomas, 24, 106

Hyde, Thomas Villiers, Baron, 117, 120

Iroquois, 1754 Albany Conference with, 157

James, Abel, 6–8, 10, 23, 101–102

1782 letter of, 2–4, 7, 87–91, 193n.2

Jefferson, Thomas, 8–9

“Join, or Die.” See snake cartoon

“Journal of a Voyage” (1726), 129

Junto (BF’s self-improvement association), 63, 94–97, 101, 109, 113, 167

currency discussions in, 134–135, 137

informal library of, 92–94

original members of, 82–85

Keimer, Samuel, 33, 36, 82, 138, 155

BF’s quarrels with, 87, 130–133

character attributes of, 40, 52, 76

Pennsylvania Gazette established by, 84, 88

religious principles of, 34–35, 99

Keith, William (provincial governor of Pennsylvania), 5, 21–22, 35–37, 76, 86–87

financial promises of, 32–33, 46, 55

Kinnersley, Ebenezer, 189

Lady’s Magazine, or Entertaining Companion of the Fair Sex (1793), 1

Lawrence, Thomas, 103

Lexington and Concord, battles of (1775), 106

Library Company of Philadelphia, 48, 92–94, 96–99, 104, 137, 188

Locke, John, BF’s reading of, 125

Logic, or The Art of Thinking (translation of

Logique, ou Lart de Penser, Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole), 125

Lydgate, John, 30

Lyons, William (London surgeon and author), 127–128

Macclesfield, George Parker, Second Earl of, 191

Madison, James, 159–160

Mansfield, William Murray, Baron, 187–188

Massachusetts Assembly, 103

James Franklin’s clashes with, 126, 150

Mather, Cotton (Essays to Do Good), 123

Maugridge, William, 84

memoir (BF’s narrative): compositional history of, 2–6, 13–15, 71–72, 85, 105, 207n.4

critique of reason in, 30–37, 187

depictions of reading in, 15–18, 24, 27–30, 196n.7, 197n.11

disruption and fragmentation as elements of, 4–6, 14, 85, 97–100, 194n.7, 200n.1

editorial divisions of, 9–11

ethical self-discipline in, 55–71

historical context of Passy fragment (1784), 2–3, 88–90, 105

historical context of Philadelphia fragment (1788–1790), 6–9, 105, 157, 159–161, 164, 171

historical context of Twyford fragment (1771), 2, 13–14, 25, 27, 79–80, 135

historical context of voyage letter fragment (1775), 9, 48–51, 106, 119

manuscript appearance of, 32, 51–52

“Notes of my Life” (BF’s “Outline”) as part of, 3–6, 9, 91, 105, 193n.2, 197n13

Pilgrim’s Progress as influence on, 18–26, 30, 54–57, 59–60, 71, 74, 195n.3, 206n.14

publication history of, 1–4, 193n.1

religious elements in, 37–40, 43–44, 66–67, 198n.15, 200n.12

restraints on speech in, 165–167

role of feeling in, 43, 46, 81, 104–105, 114–117, 194n.5, 195n.6, 206n.14

voyage letter (BF to William Franklin, March 22, 1775) as part of, 8–9, 48–51, 105–120, 198n.1

Vaughan letter’s formative role in, 88–92

Meredith, Hugh, 82–83, 94–96, 169

Mickle, Samuel, 60, 134

militia association of Pennsylvania, BF’s founding of, 101–103, 156

Moll Flanders, BF’s interest in, 17

Moravians, BF’s 1755 contacts with, 179–180

Morris, Gouverneur, 157, 159–160

Morris, Robert Hunter (provincial governor of Pennsylvania), 157–161, 164, 169

Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency (BF’s 1728 pamphlet), 133–134, 173. See also currency

Navigation Acts (1774), 109, 119

New England Courant (James Franklin’s Boston paper), 5, 86, 132, 135

Newton, Isaac, 86

Nollet, Jean-Antoine, 190

Norris, Isaac, 169

North, Frederick Lord (Second Earl of Guilford), 117, 120

“Notes of my Life” (BF’s “Outline”), 3–6, 9, 85, 91, 105, 193n.2, 197n.13. See also memoir

“Observations on my Reading History in Library” (BF’s 1731 memorandum), 102, 104–105, 109, 119, 137, 160, 176

BF’s narrative uses of, 85, 97–100, 151

orality and oral performance, BF’s interest in, 80, 138, 203n.3

Osborne, Charles, 76–82, 84, 86, 138

Palmer, Samuel (London printer), 126–127, 129

Pamela (Richardson), 17

parables. See emblems

Parliament, 93, 106, 109, 117–118, 120. See also

House of Commons; House of Lords

Parsons, William, 84

Peace of Paris (1783), 89–90, 105

Penn, Richard, 186

Penn, Thomas, 9, 182, 186

Penn family (Pennsylvania proprietaries), 22, 158–159, 188

Pennsylvania Assembly, 22, 135, 169, 172, 176, 187

BF as London agent of, 182

BF as spokesman for, 157–160

hospital bill of 1751 in, 152–153

Pennsylvania fireplace, 100

BF’s pamphlet on, 156–157

Pennsylvania Gazette, 84, 100–101, 104–105, 135–137, 140

Pennsylvania hospital project, 151–152, 154, 173, 188

Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 159

Peters, Richard, 101, 169

Philadelphia, University of, 100, 101, 169

Philadelphia Academy. See Philadelphia, University of

Philadelphia city watch, BF’s reform of, 100–101

Philadelphia Convention. See Constitutional Convention

Philippians 4:8, BF’s interest in, 61, 66, 138–139

Pilgrim’s Progress, 24–26, 53–57, 68, 71, 77, 98

Bunyan’s verse “Apology” for, 22–23, 30

critique of legality in, 59–60, 63

House Beautiful in, 62, 65

Interpreter’s House in, 15, 74, 163, 195n.3

similitudes in, 18–21, 24, 50–51, 61. See also Bunyan, John

Pitt, William (Lord Chatham), 108, 111–112, 114–115, 120

Plain Truth (BF’s 1744 pamphlet), 102

Poor Richard’s Almanac, 30, 100, 104, 140

Pope, Alexander: Essay on Criticism, 30, 165–166

Dunciad, 81

Potts, Stephen, 82–83

Presbyterian Synod of Philadelphia, 139–140, 142. See also Hemphill, Samuel

print, durability and ephemerality of, 121, 123, 129, 136–138, 147–148, 203n.7

Privy Council, 185–187

BF’s 1774 examination by, 9, 24, 64, 106, 119, 188, 191

voyage letter’s allusions to, 50, 108, 113–114

Public Advertiser, 119

Ralph, James, 21, 76–82, 84, 86, 129

eighteenth psalm version by, 80, 89, 138, 153

Read, John (Deborah Franklin’s father), 36, 38

Read, Sarah White (BF’s mother-in-law), 36–38, 40, 52

Reeve, Henry (Tocqueville’s translator), 67

Restoration (1660), 53, 73

Richardson, Samuel, 17, 19

Riddlesden, William, 5

Robinson Crusoe, BF’s interest in, 17

Royal Society of London, 189–190

“Rules by Which a Great Empire May be Reduced to a Small One,” 119

Sandwich, John Montagu, Fourth Earl of, 114

Scull, Nicholas, 84

Second Continental Congress, 9, 115

segmented serpent, conceptual figure of, 4, 10, 11, 179, 182–185, 189–190, 194n.3. See also emblems

snake cartoon

Seven Years War, 108–109, 134, 157, 179–180, 183

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of, 125

Shakespeare, William, 30

Shipley, Jonathan (Bishop of St. Asaph), 50, 51

Shirley, William (colonial governor of Massachusetts), 176

similitude: BF’s use of, 22, 24–26, 33, 40, 65

Bunyan’s use of, 19, 23–24, 28, 50, 56, 195n.3

cod-eating episode as instance of, 30

joint stool anecdote as instance of, 28, 39, 43. See also emblems

slavery, memoir’s allusions to, 158–161

snake cartoon (1754), 4, 11, 96, 153, 182–184, 189.

See also segmented serpent

Society of the Free and Easy, BF’s vision of, 99–100

Spangenberg, August (Moravian leader), 180

Spencer, Archibald, 188

Stamp Act, 24

St. Clair, Sir John, 176

Taylor, Abraham, 103

Thomas, George (provincial governor of Pennsylvania), 156–157, 165

Three-fifths Compromise, 159–160

Tocqueville, Alexis de (Democracy in America), 10, 66–67

Tryon, Thomas, 125

Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, 157

Union Fire Company of Philadelphia, 100, 153, 157

United Party for Virtue, BF’s 1731 vision of, 99–100, 105, 151

United States Constitution, 105, 159–160, 174

Vaughan, Benjamin, 2–3, 6–8, 10–11, 23, 101–102

1783 letter of, 87–92, 105, 113, 143, 177, 188, 193n.2

voyage letter (BF to William Franklin, March 22, 1775), 8–9, 10, 50–51, 97, 106–121, 130, 173

Walpole, Thomas, 118

Washington, George, 8, 173–174, 177

Watson, Joseph, 76–82

Watts, John (BF’s London employer), 72–73, 75

“Way to Wealth.” See Father Abraham

Webb, George, 82–84

Wedderburn, Alexander, 24

Welfare, Michael (Michael Wohlfart), 102–103, 138

Whitefield, George, 143–149, 153, 167–168, 171

Willcox, John (London bookseller), 128

Williams, Roger (The Bloudy Tenant of Persecution), 30

Wollaston, William, 126–127

writing, durability of. See print

Wycliffe, John, 30

Wygate, John (BF’s London friend), 75–76

Xenophon, 125

Young, Edward (Satires on Fame), 129

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