In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

maritime energy resources in asia Legal Regimes and Cooperation TABLE OF CONTENTS iii Maps 1 Maritime Cooperation in Contested Waters: Addressing Legal Challenges in East and Southeast Asian Waters Clive Schofield 7 Maritime Cooperation in a Functional Perspective Ian Townsend-Gault 23 UNCLOS and the Obligation to Cooperate Seokwoo Lee 35 Adding Further Complexity? Extended Continental Shelf Submissions in East and Southeast Asia I Made Andi Arsana and Clive Schofield 61 The Regime of Islands under UNCLOS: Implications for the South China Sea Clive Schofield and Dustin Kuan-Hsiung Wang 79 Recent Practices in Dispute Management in the South China Sea Jianwei Li and Ramses Amer 105 The Implications of Recent Decisions on the Territorial and Maritime Boundary Disputes in East and Southeast Asia Lowell B. Bautista 129 Joint Development in Asia: Some Valuable Lessons Learned Tara Davenport nbr special report #37 | february 2012 ...
