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Patricia Patrick comments on the value of The Way of Oz xvi Aliza Wong offers a personal view on The Way of Oz xvii Charlotte Bingham comments on the effects of the Oz stories on her as a child 3 Dorothy Chansky and Michelle Pantoya speak about their integrated scholarship 63 Jerry Dwyer speaks about integrating teaching, learning, and service 65 A dean of students and two students comment on participation in a campus common reading program 72 Enhanced Video Content Enhanced Video Conent.........................x Staff members and a student comment on the value of university writing centers 81 Two college students reflect on their study-abroad experiences 117 Susan Tomlinson comments on the love of an adopted place 136 Undergraduates augment lifelong learning through research 142 Vaughn James and Claudia Cogliser speak about their use of service learning in teaching 155 Lou Densmore speaks about the importance of science and diversity, even for the youngest students 162 Andrew Jackson describes the importance of a future focus, priority setting, and interdisciplinary approaches in studies of water conservation in space missions 181 Learn More with QR Codes Download a QR reader from your smartphone’s app store and use it to scan codes like this one. Need Help? Visit ...
