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Bibliography of Robert o. Crummey Chester S. L. Dunning 1959 "The Society for Christian Morality, 1821-1825." Master's thesis, University of Chicago. 1963 "Kappale Karjalan historiaa ja sen lahteita." HistorialiinCl1 Aikakauskirja (1963): 271-83. 1964 "The Old Believers and the World of Antichrist: The Social and Economic Development of the Raskol in the Olonets region, 1654-1744." PhD. diss., University of Chicago. 1965 Review of The Life of the Archpriest Avvakum by Himself, translated by Jane Harrison and Hope Mirrlees with a preface by Prince D. S. Mirsky. Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1963. Slavic and East European /ournaI9: 463- 64. 1968 Lloyd E. Berry and Robert O. Crummey, eds. Rude & Barbarous Kingdom: Russia in the Accounts of Sixteenth-Century English Voyagers. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. xxiii + 391 pp. Review of I. U. Budovnits, Monastyri na Rusi i bor'ba s nimi krest'ian v XIV-XVI vekakh (po "zhitiiam sviatykh"!. Moscow: Nauka, 1966. The American Historical Review 74: 667-68. 1970 The Old Believers and the World ofAntichrist: The Vyg Community and the Russian State, 1694- 1855. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. xix + 258 pp. Review of Harry W. Nerhood, ed., To Russ ia and Return: An Annotated Bibliography of Travellers' English-Language Accounts of Russia from the Ninth CenRude & Barbarous Kingdom Revisited: Essays in Russian History and Culture in Honor of Robert 0. Crummey. Chester 5. L. Dunning, Russell E. Martin, and Daniel Row land, eds. Bloomington, IN: siavica Publishers, 2008, 13-20. 14 CHESTER S. L. D UNNING tury to the Present. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1969. Slavic Review 29: 500-01. 1971 Review of V. I. Buganov Moskovskie vosstanija konca XVII veka. Moscow: Nauka, 1969. Jahrbiicher fiir Geschichte Osteuropas 19: 292-93. Review of S. B. Veselovskii, Issledovaniia po istorii klassa sluzhilykh zemlevladel 'tsev. Moscow: Nauka, 1969. Slavic Review 30: 388-89. Review of Osmo Jussila. Suomen perustuslait: Veniiliiisten ja suomalaisten tulkintojen mukaan, 1808- 1863. Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura, 1969. The American Historical Review 76: 1560. 1972 "Crown and Boiars under Fedor Ivanovich and Michael Romanov." CanadianAmerican Slavic Studies 6: 549-74. "The Kurbskii Controversy." Canadian Slavonic Papers 14: 684-89. 1973 "The Reconstitution of the Boiar Aristocracy, 1613-1645." Forschungen zur osteuropiiischen Geschichte 18: 187-200. 1974 "Peter and the Boiar Aristocracy, 1689-1700." Canadian-American Slavic Studies 8: 274-87. "George Vernadsky (1887-1973)." Jahrbiicher for Geschichte Osteuropas 22: 47980 . Review of Peter Nitsche, Grossfiirst und Thronfolger; die Nachfolgepolitik der Moskauer Herrscher bis zum Ende des Rjurikidenhauses. Cologne: B6hlau Verlag, 1979. Slavic Review 33: 533-34. 1975 Review of John Fennell, Ludolf Muller, and Andrzej Poppe, eds. Russia Mediaevalis , Vol. 1. Munich: Fink, 1973. Canadian Slavonic Papers 17: 524-35. Review of B. N. Floria, Russko-pol'skie otnosheniia i baltiiskii vopros v kontse XVI-nachale XVII v. Moscow: Nauka, 1973. The American Historical Review 80: 434-35. 1976 "Ivan the Terrible." In Samuel H. Baron and Nancy W. Heer, eds., Windows on the Russian Past: Essays on Soviet Historiography since Stalin, 57-74. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-18 12:44 GMT) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ROBERT O. CRUMMEY 15 Columbus, OH: The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. "Aleksei Petrovich (1690-1718)." In Joseph L. Wieczynski, ed., The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History, 55 vols. (Gulf Breeze, FL: Academic Interna tional Press, 1976-93) [cited hereafter as MERSH], 1: 120- 23. "Arsenii Glukhov (?-1643)." MERSH 2: 113- 15. Review of Robert Payne and Nikita Romanoff, Ivan the Terrible. New York: Crowell, 1975. Canadian Slavonic Papers 18: 94- 95. Review of N. 1. Pavlenko, L. A. Nikiforov, and M. Ia. Volkov, eds. Rossiia v period reform Petra I: Sbornik statei. Moscow: Nauka, 1973. The Russian Review 35: 339-41. Review of Hans-Joachim Torke, Die staatsbedingte Gesellschaft im moskauer Reich: Zar und Zemlja in der altrussischen Herrschaftsverfassung 1613- 1689. Leiden: Brill, 1974. Slavic Review 35: 529- 30. 1977 "Russian Absolutism and the Nobility." The Journal of Modern History 49: 45667 . "Basmanov, Petr Fedorovich (?-1606)." MERSH 3: 156. "Belokrinitsk Hierarchy (Belokrinitskaia Ierarkhiia)." MERSH 3: 230-31. "Bezpopovtsy." MERSH 4: 120- 23. "Boiar." MERSH 5: 49-51. Review of V. 1. Koretskii, Formirovanie krepostnogo prava i pervaia krest'ianskaia voina v Rossii. Moscow: Nauka, 1975. The Russian Review 36: 352-53. 1978 "Court Groupings and Politics in Russia, 1645-1649." Forschungen zur osteuropiiischen Geschichte 24: 203-21. "Chosen Council." MERSH 7: 77-78. "Council of 1666-1667." MERSH 8: 78-79. "Denisov, Andrei and Denisov, Semen." MERSH 9...
