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PREFACE Peter, the lowliest servant of monks, to the most Blessed Pope Leo, the homage of due respect: Since it is known from the very mouth of Truth that the Apostolic See is the mother of all the churches, it is proper that, should a doubt arise from any source whatever which seems to pertain to the care of souls, we have recourse to her as to the teacher and font of heavenly wisdom. Then from this one head ofecclesiastical discipline a light will shine to dissipate the darkness ofdoubt and to illumine the whole body of the Church with the glittering brightness of truth. A certain abominable and terriblyshameful vice has grown up in our region. Unless the hand of severe punishment resists as soon as possible, there is certainly a danger that the sword of divine anger will be used savagely against it to the ruin of many. Alas! it is shameful to speak of, shameful to suggest such foul disgrace to sacred ears! But if the doctor shrinks in horror from infected wounds, who will take the trouble to apply the cauter? If the one who is to heal becomes nauseated, who will lead sick hearts back to health? Vice against nature creeps in like a cancer and even touches the order of consecrated men.1 Sometimes it rages like a bloodthirsty beast in the midst of the sheepfold of Christ with such bold freedom that it would have been much healthier for many to have been oppressed under the yoke of a secular army than to be freely delivered over to the iron rule of diabolical tyranny under the cover of religion, particularly when this is 1 For the image of a spreading cancer, seePeter Damian, Letter 1.13 (PL 144, 219B); Opusc. 8 (PL 145, 203D); Opusc. 17 (PL 145, 386B). 27 28 Book of Gomorrah accompanied by scandal to others. For Truth says, "Whoever scandalizes one of these little ones, it were better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."2 Unless the strength of the Apostolic See intervenes as soon as possible, there is no doubt but that this unbridled wickedness, even though it should wish to be restrained, will be unable to stop on its headlong course. 2 Matt. 18:6. ...
