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Dear Editor and Friends ~ 1904 GOOD COMPANY, Family Herald and Weekly Star January 20, 1904 Dear Hostess: I should like to join your Friendly Circle if I may. I read the G.C. letters with great interest. We have taken the Family Herald for a long time and would not like to give it up. We are renewing our subscription for next year, and I send 15 cents for the Flannel Fund. We came from England twenty years ago and settled in Ontario, in the lumbering district. My husband superintended the Sabbath School. His health was very poor. Eight years ago we came to live with our married son on a quarter section of land. This a grand country, for young people with good health. We live about twenty miles from Brandon. The heavy land will yield forty bushels of wheat per acre; the light land about 15. Our wheat was badly damaged by the snowstorm. We have all we need but warm clothing . We are 64 years of age, and we feel the cold. Our minister was in our house last week. He remarked that we had not been out to church for a long time. He looked sorry for us. I think he guessed the reason. We have five miles to go to church. We have the Bible and a few good books, but still, it is very pleasant to meet with our Christian friends. Wishing the G.C. and yourself, dear Hostess, a very happy and successful year. Manitoba FRANK'S MOTHER If any kind member of our Circle living in Manitoba can spare some warm clothing for Frank's Mother or her husband, I shall be very pleased to send her address on request. GOOD COMPANY, Family Herald and Weekly Star April 12, 1904 Dear Hostess: While your charming circle was still in its infancy I became a member and received a pin. I have never written since, still I have kept a close eye on its growth and must say we are quite a community now. When I wrote you before I was a girl in the very eastern part of Ontario. Now I am a wife and a mother, and live in one of the charming valleys of British Columbia, two hundred miles from the coast, in the Okanagan 32 1904 district. We have a very mild winter, scarcely any snow. I, like several other members, am a farmer's wife. I have lived in town part of my life, too, and I liked it very well. If I could have my cows and chickens and garden in town I would not mind living there. I have a baby girl two years old. There are no neighbours within a mile of me; my husband is away a great part of the time and I am very lonely. I am very fond of reading, making lace, and cushions and quilts, so time passes all too quickly. Dear Hostess, how I do enjoy your weekly talks; they seem to cheer me on; you have no idea the amount of good you are doing. I trust you may be long spared to lend us a helping hand, as you have done in the past four years. Now dear Hostess, some poor member in Manitoba or N.WT. wished for some print pieces for quilts. If you could send me her address I could send her some. I wish I could do more for the Circle, but what papers and books I get I pass them on to a neighbour who gets none. With best wishes to you and all the charming circle. British Columbia BLUEBIRD P.S.—You may give my address to anyone wishing it. The address asked for was sent to Bluebird, whom I thank sincerely for her kind words and active interest in the Circle. I hope to hear from her again. GOOD COMPANY, Family Herald and Weekly Star May 4, 1904 Dear Hostess: I have been reading your good paper, and I am much interested in the page for women. I am one of those unfortunate people who came out to the North-West last year brought out by Mr. Barr, I and my four young sons and one daughter, aged 12. We have been very unfortunate in losing my cattle. By not having a knowledge of the country, I lost three horses this year: all our hay was burnt, so I find we have all to begin again. I have been doing...
