In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index Abella, Rosalie, 332 Ablack, Clive, 247-48 Abugov, E., 194-95 Academy of Music, Montreal, 145-46 Achat Chez Nous, 141, 188 Act to Declare Persons Professing the Jewish Religion Intitled to All the Rights and Privileges of the Other Subjects of His Majesty in This Province (Lower Canada), 183 Act to Prevent the Employment of Female Labour in Certain Capacities (SK), 4, 51, 52, 85, 86, 90, 91, 95, 97, 102, 106, 107, 109, 112, 113, 304, 306, 312, 314 Act to Provide for the Better Collection of Provincial Taxes from Chinese (BC), 72-73 Act to Regulate the Chinese Population (BC), 60-61 Action Française, 141 Action Nationale, 141, 185, 188 Adaptationism, 43, 357n140 Adorno, Theodor, 19 Adrian Messenger Services v. The Jockey Club Ltd., 394n286 Africa, 124, 126, 263, 271, 288, 293, 307 African Canadians, 25, 27, 30, 67, chap. 3 passim, 307, 338-39 African Methodist Episcopal Church, 135, 418n134 Africville, 327 AG Canada v. Canard, 329 AG Canada v. Lavell, 328-29 Alberta, 26, 71, 125, 127, 177-78 Alberta Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, 177-78 Alcoholic Liquor Act (QC), 156-57, 160, 162-64 Alien Labour Act (BC), 71 American Civil War, 125 American Revolution, 122, 125 Andrews v. Law Society of BC, 334-35, 337, 342 Anglican Church, 266, 279 Anglin, F.A., 21, 102-4 Annales, 37-38, 40 Anti-Discrimination By-Laws, 172-73, 176, 199, 205, 309 Antisemitism, 141-42, chap. 4 passim, 320, 338 Arcand, Adrien, 188, 193-95, 204 Archibald, John Sprott, 145-46, 148, 150, 311, 319 Archibald, Maynard B., 171 Armstrong, Bromley, 292, 422n205 Ashby v. White, 179, 180 Asiatic Exclusion League, 68 Assimilation, 14, 15, 16, 17, 28, 29, 32, 47, 58, 59, 62, 64, 111, 250, 252, 254, 255, 265, 267, 272, 273, 285, 307, 338 Association for Civil Liberties, 218, 222-24, 315 Atlantic Charter, 20, 197, 203, 218 Australia, 25, 58, 292, 303, 363n52 Authoritarian Personality, 19 Aylen, H.A, 288-90 Aylesworth, J.B., 214-19, 290, 297-98 Bailey, Harvey, 177 Banton, Michael, 46-47 Baptist Church, 136 Barclay, G., 155-57 Barclay, John, 177 Barnswell v. National Amusement Co., 147, 151, 167, 311 BC Trades Unionist, 60 Beach O’Pines, 5, 182-83, 191-92, 206, 235 Beach O’Pines Protective Association, 206-7, 214, 228-29, 312 Beetz, Jean, 329, 336 Begbie, Sir Matthew, 63, 367n104 Bell, Kenneth, 240 Bell v. Ontario Human Rights Commission, 240-41 Bengough, Percy, 267 Bennett, J.M., 202 Bennett, R.B., 12 Bercovitch, Peter, 193-94 Berton, Pierre, 182, 190 Best, Carrie, 172 Best, James Calvert, 172 Bhadauria, Pushpa, 179-80 Bhaduria v. Board of Governors of Seneca College, 179-80, 237-40, 241, 310 Bhinder v. Canadian National Railway Co., 341 Bill of Rights, 326-37 passim, 429n13 Bird, J. Edward, 257-61 Bissett, F.W., 171-72, 392n246 Black Loyalists, 125, 138-39 Black Refugees, 125 Blauner, Robert, 47 Blum, Sid, 286-300 passim B’nai B’rith, 192, 228, 338 Boas, Franz, 19 Bonacich, Edna, 47-48 Bond, W.L., 155-57 Borden, Robert, 133, 250, 258 Borins, Norman, 213-19 passim, 231 Borovoy, Alan, 409-10n252 Bossé, J.W., 146 Bourdieu, Pierre, 13-14, 20 Bourne, C.R., 233 Bradley, Marguerite, 390n241 Braudel, Fernand, 38 Brent, Shirley Kathleen, 297, 313 Brewin, Andrew, 212-13, 222, 286-99 passim, 313 British Columbia, 20, 25-27, 36, 56-58, 60-61, 63, 67-77, 84, 86-87, 89, 108-9 113, 119, 120, 147, 174-75, 190, 306, 334 British North America Act, 22-23, 24, 28, 32, 53, 69, 72, 75-77, 97-101, 105, 106, 109, 249, 259, 328, 365n79, 411n12 Brooks-Bidlake and Whittall v. AG for British Columbia, 110, 117-18 Brooks, C.R., 297 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 279-80 Brown, J.T., 97-98, 118 Bryden, John, 75-76 Bryden v. Union Colliery, 75-76, 98, 101-9 passim, 118, 120, 310 Burnett, Hugh, 176, 315, 427n85 Bushnell, Ian, 234, 314 C.R. Bronfman Foundation, 3 Calder, J.A., 85 Calgary, 53, 66, 68, 72, 84, 90, 130, 172-73, 176-78, 305 Calgary Herald, 66 California, 56, 58, 61, 125, 303 Callaghan, F.W., 179-80 Canada Trust v. Ontario Human Rights Commission, 241-43 Canadian Annual Review, 65 Canadian Bar Association, 282 Canadian Bar Review, 175 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 4, 107, 242, 324-25, 330-38, 341-43, 375n221, 431n44 438 ‘‘Race,’’ Rights...
