In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

cO NTeNT s Acknowledgments ix Introduction: English Studies and Black Boxes 1 1 Authoring Accepted 11 Interchapter: Potentiality and Alice Sheldon 29 2 Potentiality and the Teaching of English 32 3 Potentiality and Gendership 47 4 Potentiality, Gendership, and Teacher Response 56 5 Potentiality, Gendership, Teacher Response, and Student Voices 63 6 Potentiality, Reading, and George Yeats 75 7 Potentiality, Life-Course, Academic Course, and Unpredictability 91 Interchapter: Singularity and Alice Sheldon 105 8 Singularity and the Teaching of English 108 9 Singularity and Narrative: Character, Dignity, Recentering 131 10 Singular Authorial Offerings: Lifestories, Literacy Narratives, and the Shatterbelt 156 11 Singularity, Feminism, and the Politics of Difference and Identity 177 12 Singularity, Self-Loss, and Radical Postmodernism 194 13 Singularity and Diagnostics: Disposements, Interpretations, and Lames 213 Interchapter: Authoring and Alice Sheldon 233 14 Authoring Neglected 236 Envoi: Hospitality and Alice Sheldon 260 References 263 Index 274 About the Authors 280 ...
