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267 Index Italicized page numbers indicate a photo or its caption. ABCFM (American Board of Commis­ sioners for Foreign Missions): about, 21–22, 25; Christianization vs. civi­ lization policy of, 7, 67, 110; conflicts with Dakotas, 100, 124–25; conflicts with missionaries, 40–45, 61–68, 84, 88, 93–94, 139–49; conversion re­ quirements of, 7–8, 23–24, 68, 81–82, 84; and Dakota language, 47–48, 51, 176; financial problems of, 40, 42–44; and mission schools, 87–88, 100–103, 125, 129; mission stations established, 36–40, 109–13, 138–39; and native teachers, 91–92 Ackley Riggs, Anna, 28 Adams, Moses: and conflicts with other missionaries, 147–48; on Dakota War, 182–83; demographics of, 26; and founding of Dakota mission, 36, 109; on livestock loss, 104; non-­ missionary work of, 13, 117; resigna­ tion of, 134–35, 139, 143–44 Adams, Nancy, 36 Aiton, John: and founding of Dakota mission, 36, 111; resignation of, 139–40; as teacher, 109 Aiton, Nancy, 36 akicita, 105–6 American Bible Society, 144 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM). See ABCFM (American Board of Com­ missioners for Foreign Missions) American Home Mission Society, 142, 146 American Tract Society, 140 Ames, E. B., 191 Anawangmane, Simon, 188 Anderson, Rufus, 7–8, 27, 67–68, 87–88 The Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions, 20, 63, 135 annuities, 99, 126, 127, 164, 182–83 Bachman, Walt, 207 Bartlett, S. C., 17 Battle of Wood Lake, 180, 206 BFM. See Board of Foreign Missions (BFM) Big Eagle (Wamditanka), 166 boarding programs, 79, 138, 156–58, 170, 214 Board of Foreign Missions (BFM), 22 Boston Recorder (newspaper), 84, 86 Brainerd, David, 4, 19 Brown, Joseph, 156–57, 160–61, 168 Brown, Mr. and Mrs., 61–62 Brown, Mrs. John, 3 Bruce, Amos, 103, 109 Brumberg, Joan, 30 Burgess, Dyer, 29 Caine, William, 191 Calvinist doctrine, 21–23 Camp Release, 190–91, 193 Canku, Clifford, 186 Carwardine, Richard, 21 Case, Jay Riley, 4, 6 Catholicism, missionaries’ dislike of, 22, 82, 85–86, 138 268 CONFLICTED MISSION cattle loss. See livestock loss, missionary Cavender, Elsie, 205 Chaska (We-Chank-Wash-ta-don-pee), 192 Chaske, Robert Hopkins, 194–95, 195 children, Dakota: boarding programs for, 79, 138, 156–58, 170, 214; educa­ tion of, 45–46, 102–3, 125, 142, 146, 170–71; missionary women and, 27, 55–56, 114; mission schools and, 70, 87–92, 159; post-war treatment of, 181, 190–91, 203, 205, 207, 209 children, missionary, 58–59, 112, 114–18, 142, 147 Christianization vs. civilization policy: missionaries on, 67, 82, 145, 168, 209; opposing views of, 7, 44, 47, 110 citizenship campaign, 154, 169–76, 178, 185 Civilization Fund, 45–46, 64 civilization programs, government, 124, 153, 167–69, 178, 183 Coleman, Michael, 32 Conforti, Joseph, 19 Congregationalist doctrine, 22 conversion: ABCFM requirements for, 7–8, 23–24, 68, 81–82, 84; author’s usage of term, 14; post-war, 211–13. See also Christianization vs. civiliza­ tion policy Cook, S. M., 109 corporal punishment, 90 Craig, Robert, 8 Crow Creek, Dakota prisoners at, 203, 205, 208–11, 216 Cullen, William J., 161, 165, 167–69 Cunningham, Hugh, 206, 214 Cunningham, Marjorie, 109, 114, 117 The Dakota First Reading Book, 50 Dakota Friend (Dakota Tawaxitku), 145–46 Dakota language: missionaries on, 10–11, 40, 47–55, 65, 153–54, 169–76, 215; translations of, 48–53, 173–75 Dakota Odowan (Dakota Hymns), 50, 52 The Dakota Prisoner of War Letters (Canku, Simon), 5 Dakotas: boycotting schools, 70, 125, 159–60; Christian, 160–61, 163–65, 184–90, 200–201; and civilization programs, 124, 167–69; and conflicts with ABCFM, 100, 124–25; destruc­ tion of missionary property, 11, 70, 103–4, 160–61; and gift-giving, 12, 72–77, 88–89; inverted relationship with missionary women, 57–60; post-war treatment of, 190–96, 204; as prisoners, 205–8; on Treaties of 1851, 124; view of missionaries, 9, 12, 47, 97, 107, 129, 133, 148 Dakota Spelling Book, 50 Dakota Tawaxitku Kin (Dakota Friend), 145–46 Dakota Tawoonspe, Wowapi I (Dakota Lessons, Book I), 52 Dakota War of 1862: Christian Dako­ tas and, 184–89; missionaries on, 179–80, 182–86; non-missionaries on, 181; press view of, 179; treatment of Dakota after, 190–98, 203–11 Dakota Wiwicawangapi Kin (Riggs), 53 Davenport, Iowa, Dakota prisoners at, 203, 205, 208–9 Deloria, Ella, 74 Deloria, Vine, Sr., 205–6 demographics, missionary, 26 Derounian-Stodola, Zabelle...
