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INDEX Abraham ben David of Posquieres, critic of Maimonides, Il5. Activities, Jewish, desiderata of, 219 ff.; as educative processes, 489 f.; as inherent factors of conservation, 52 f.; and objectives of Jewish education, 483. Activities, leisure, in proposed bet am, 428. Adams, J., opinion of emancipation, 21. Adjustment, Jewish, attempt of Frankel at, 176-177; and function of Jewish scholars, 466; and guiding principles of Frankel, 160; and religious groups, 176. See also Civilization, Judaism as; Conservative Reformism; Hirsch, S. R.; Joseph, M.; Functional Interpretation; Neo-Orthodoxy; Left Neo-Orthodoxy; Reformism; Religious Culturism; Secular Culturism; Zionism. Adler, F., on interpretation of law, cited, 468. Adler, N. M., opponent of Reformism, 134· Adolescent, the, and teaching of Jewish history, 502 f. Affiliation, Jewish, prerequisite of community membership to, 296 f.; reasons for in the U. S. A., 5Il f. Agency, Jewish for Palestine, created by mandate, 277 f. Aggadah, the, beginnings of Israel in, 546 n. 2; election of Abraham in, 264; Moses in, 547 n. 38; reconstruction of Scripture characters in, 546 n. 2; Reformist view of, 105. See also Rabbinic literature. Aggregation, Jewish, as a conserving factor , 49. See also Ghetto. Agnostic Jews, and Jewish group life, 230 f. Agriculture, elements of, in early IsraeJitish religion, 354. Agriculture and Jews, community, Jewish , and farm settlement, 289, 517; educational opportunities, 49; historical reasons for neglect, 49; social opportunities , 49. Agudat Yisrael, disagreement with Zionism , 326 j opposition to Zionism and to the Jewish Agency, 174. Agunah, problem of, 423; and Orthodoxy , 548, xxviii n. 4; solution of Epstein , 548, xxviii, n. 3. Ahad Ha-Am, on assimilation and imitation , 185; critique of his theory, 282; on Jewish scholarship, 466. Akiba, on free will, 477 f. Al Khazari, compared to The Nineteen Letters, J35. Aleph Zadik Aleph, educational activities of, 493; program of, 551 n. 10. Alexander the Great, religious and cultural imperialism of, 339, 212. Alexandria, Jews in, citizenship rights of, 19; conflict with Hellenism of, 382; group life of, 189; interpretation of observances and subsequent fate of, 434· Alexandrian school, influence on Jewish religion, 393. Algeria, Jews in, 525 n. I. Allegiance, divided, and moral sanctions, 251 f. See also Hyphenism, cultural. Allegorical method, of Hirsch, 383; in religious reinterpretation, 380. Alliance Israelite Universelle, 286. Allied powers, and mandate system, 277. America. See United States of America. American Revolution, and Jewish equality , 19. Americanism and Judaism, a coordination of, 216 f., 293, 516. Americanization and anti-Semitism, 73; and Jewish family, 50. Americanization, concept of, Chicago Hebrew Institute on, 53; Council of Y. M. H. A. and Kindred Associations on, 53. Amoraim, anachronistic view of biblical heroes, 405; authority of God-idea, 397; as religious interpreters, 370; on reward and punishment, 156; view of Hirsch, 141. Amos, reinterpretation of the Day of the Lord, 357, 380. Anglo-Jewish books and press, in Jewish education, 487. Animism, in early Israelitish religion, .~53. Anthropocentrism, in humanist stage, 214. Anthropology, and concept of God, 39. 555 556 JUDAISM AS A CIVILIZATION Anthropomorphism, possibility of, in Jewish civilization, 397; among prophets , 293; rabbinic interpretation of, 382 f.; in Targum Onkelos and rabbinic literature, 547 n. 30. Anti-Semitism, new type of Jew-hatred, 70 f.; and assimilated Jews, 73; and assimilation, 71 i a conserving influence, 70 f.; and disappearance of Judaism, 3; economic fallacy of, 75; and fear of Jewish world unity, 287; in Galsworthy 's Loyalties, 74; in Germany, 73; and higher criticism, 163; hostility to assimilation of, 75 i and Jewish differences , 7I; and Jewish insistence on emancipation, 72 f.; and Jewish renascence , 76; Jewish resistance to, 76 ; modern, 70 ff.; and Nazism, 73; need for counter-philosophy and organized counteraction, 175; non-religious, 71; origin of term, 529 n. 3; pre-enlightenment compensation, II; rabbinical counter measure, 379; racial, 71 f.; and Reformist view of mission, 100; and return to Judaism, 70, 76; in Russia, 33; Stapel on, 73; and urbanization , 74 f. See also U. S. A., Jews in. Anti-Semitism, Jewish, possibility and evaluation, 281. Apion, Jew-hatred of, 70. Apocalyptic literature, as expre5Sion of other-worldliness, 2 I 2; successor to prophecy, 212. Apologists, Jewish, and modern representation of Judaism, 179. Apostasy, comparison with intermarriage, 50; denied to Jews, 281; and economic discrimination, 289; in Egyptian centre, 193 f.; as escape from fate, 3; and spiritual redemption, 281; unchecked by Reformism, 110 f. Anti-Christ, Jew as, 280. Antiochus, religious intolerance of, 339. Arabs, claims to Palestine, 274 f. i occupation of Palestine by, 270. Aramaic...
