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The Evil Inclination he Evil Inclination [yetzer ha-ral can be likened to one who goes running among people, and his hand is closed shut, no one knowing what he is holding in it And he deceives people and asks each person, "What am I holding in my hand?" To each person it seems as though he is holding whatever that particular person happens to desire. And so everyone runs after him thinking that whatever he desires is in that runner's hand. But afterwards , the person running opens his hand and it is empty. Similarly, the Evil Inclination deceives the whole world; everyone pursues it as it deceives each and every person into thinking that whatever he desires is in its hand, each person according to his foolishness and his lusts and desires. And afterwards, in the end, it opens its hand and there is nothing in it, for no one can satisfy his desires through it Worldly desires can also be likened to rays of sunlight, which appear like pillars of light within a house. But if one grabs those pillars of light to hold them, he discovers that there is nothing at all in his hand. Such is the case with worldly desires. (Sibot Haran, #6)1 33 The Evil Inclination he Evil Inclination [yetzer ha-ra] can be lil
