In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ACkNowLeDgMeNTS ix INTroDUCTIoN 1 CHAPTer 1 Magdalene 9 CHAPTer 2 The Path of Illness: How women get to Magdalene 32 CHAPTer 3 The Story of one 54 CHAPTer 4 Health and Healing: Seeking Definition 74 CHAPTer 5 St. Benedict’s ghost: Hospitality as Community Practice 95 CHAPTer 6 Come as You Are: Love, Forgiveness, and Belonging 114 CHAPTer 7 Speaking our Truth in Love 136 CHAPTer 8 Healing Still 154 CoNCLUSIoN 169 NoTeS 173 reFereNCeS 175 INDex 185 Contents ...
