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245 Index Fictional characters indexed by first name. Abenaki peoples, 65–67 Abramson, Jane, 205n59 Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian , The (Alexie), 64 Accelerated Reader program, 148, 184, 216nn39–40 Achebe, Chinua, 200n82 Across Five Aprils (Hunt), 97, 146–47, 180–81, 216n35 Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery (1780), 195 Adam Cruff (character), 103 African Americans authors, 108, 110, 206n7 Irish Americans and, 91 language, 210–11n66 literature for, 15, 141 omission in Charley Skedaddle, 93, 205n52 omission in textbooks, 17, 193n64 omission in The Witch of Blackbird Pond, 102, 107, 206n10 Revolutionary War and, 75–76, 82, 85–87, 203nn31–32 Second Great Migration, 127 See also race and racism; slaves and slavery Aitteon, Joe, 57–58 ALA (American Library Association), 16, 99, 108, 109, 187n4 ALAN Review, 79 Aleuts, 45, 59 Alexie, Sherman, 64 Algonquian language, 57, 195n21 “All-White World of Children’s Literature, The” (Larrick), 20, 101, 117 American Antiquarian Society, 74 American Historical Review, 43 American Library Association (ALA), 16, 99, 108, 109, 187n4 American Negro Slavery (Phillips), 206n4 Amos Fortune (character), 99–100, 206n3 Amos Fortune, Free Man (Yates), 14, 99–101, 180–81, 206n6 Anderson, Laurie Halse, 88, 161, 180–81, 204nn38–39 Anderson, M. T., 85–88, 174–77, 180–81, 184, 204n37 Anderson, Nancy, 32 And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? (Fritz and Tomes), 180–81 animal imagery, 200n83 antiwar arguments, 88–89, 90 antiwar narratives, 90 Anton Reiker (character), 94–96 Arabus trilogy (C. and J. Collier), 203n32 archival sources, 165–67, 185–86 argument, looking for, 168–71 Armstrong, William, 27–28, 29, 114, 208– 9n40. See also Sounder (Armstrong) Arnold, Benedict, 81, 83, 161, 175 Arnold, Matthew, 26 Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, The, Vol. 1, The Pox Party (M. Anderson), 85–88, 174–77, 180–81, 184 Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, The, Vol. 2, Kingdom on the Waves (M. Anderson), 87, 204n37 Atlantic Monthly, 191n39 Attean (character), 53–58, 197n49, 198nn59–60 Atticus Finch (character), 120, 121–22 246  Child-Sized History authentic literature, 1, 2, 21–25, 141, 215n22 authors and authorship African Americans, 108, 110, 206n7 of historical fiction, 89, 156–57 left-leaning, 14 minority authors, 20, 191n33 Native American authors, 37 non-Native authors, 37 Avi, 4, 180–81, 204n43 awards, book, 16, 20, 109, 111, 118, 139, 172. See also specific awards Bader, Barbara, 117, 210n56 Baker, Augusta, 15, 108–9, 189n11 Banks, Lynne Reid, 36–37, 58–59, 199n65 Barthes, Roland, 150 Barton, Keith, 155, 201n1 basal readers, 21, 22, 23 Battle of Lexington, 149 Beatty, John, 205n51 Beatty, Patricia, 90–93, 180–81, 182–83, 204n46, 205nn51–52 Beloved (Morrison), 211n73 Belpré, Pura Teresa, 15, 189n11. See also Pura Belpré Award Birchbark House, The (Erdrich), 64, 180–81, 184 Birmingham, Alabama, 125, 126, 128 Black English, 210n66 Black Enterprise, 128 Black History Month, 128 Black Power, 15, 59, 108, 119, 123, 171, 193n53 blacks. See African Americans Blight, David, 90 Bloomberg, Michael, 201n5 Blos, Joan W., 180–81 Blume, Judy, 25–26 boarding schools, Indian, 62, 199n73 book awards, 16, 20, 109, 111, 118, 139, 172. See also specific awards book reviews, 16, 172 Books about Negro Life for Children (Baker), 109, 189n11 Bouquet, Henry, 39 Bradstreet, Ann, 79 Bremmer, Robert, 139 Brickell, John, 41–42 Brink, Carol Ryrie, 35, 180–81 Brooks, Lisa, 57 Brother Sam and All That (C. Collier), 79–80 Brown, Katherine Slater, 79 Bruchac, Joseph, 5, 69, 200n82, 200n85 Bruchac, Joseph: works The Heart of a Chief, 63–68, 200n77 The Winter People, 64–68, 182–83, 184, 200n80 Bud, Not Buddy (C. Curtis), 124, 180–81 Byler, Mary Gloyne, 35 Byron Watson (character), 125 Caddie Woodlawn (Brink), 35, 180–81 Caleb Copeland (character), 99–100, 206n3 California elementary and middle schools curricula, 24 literacy programs in, 24 reading initiative, 26 recommended reading lists, 24, 26, 100, 183–84, 192n46 Mildred Taylor’s books and, 124 teacher certification in, 192n45 textbook adoption policies, 19 captives, white, 195nn19–20, 195n23 Cassie Logan (character), 140 Cassiopeia (character), 85–86 Cay, The (T. Taylor) CIBC and, 209n46 colorblindness and, 127 dedication in, 103 Jane Addams Brotherhood Award and, 171 movie adaptation, 115–16, 209n49 nationwide trends of, 180–81 Phillip Enright (character), 104–6, 107 popularity, 184 race and racism in, 104–5, 116 recommended reading lists and, 116 as survival story, 104 teaching, 168–71 Timothy (character), 104–6, 107 CC (Common Core...
