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vii Illustrations • figures 1.1  Distribution of Clovis caches in the western United States................................................................. 5 2.1  Conjoined biface (IMNH 18-A-21). .............................. 14 2.2  Timeline of important events in the history of the Simon cache................................................................. 15 2.3  Archival photograph (IMNH 1529-25) showing artifacts currently missing from the Simon cache......... 15 2.4  Visual representation of Simon cache assemblage changes through time. ..................................................17 2.5  Projectile point fragment showing reworking............. 22 3.1  Map showing the location of Blackwater Draw Locality No. 1 on the Llano Estacado.......................... 26 3.2  Location of the Green and Dickenson caches at Blackwater Draw Locality No. 1.................................. 27 3.3 Dickenson blade cache................................................ 28 3.4  West Bank Arroyo excavation and west wall cross section..........................................................................31 3.5  Blade tool recovered from upper portion of Stratum IVa................................................................. 32 3.6  Midland point recovered from Stratum IV and Agate Basin point recovered from Stratum III.......................33 3.7  Metric and nonmetric variables selected for analysis.....33 3.8  Box plot graphs displaying metric comparisons between the Green and Dickenson caches.................. 36 4.1  Locations of the Mahaffy cache and raw material sources. ........................................................................ 42 4.2  Largest Kremmling chert biface.................................. 43 4.3 Kremmling chert bifaces............................................. 45 4.4  Biface thinning flakes in Kremmling chert................. 47 4.5  Core-struck, naturally backed and deliberately backed pieces, Kremmling chert................................. 49 4.6 Largest Tiger chert biface............................................ 50 4.7 Second Tiger chert biface............................................ 50 4.8 Examples of Type 1 blades............................................51 4.9 Type 2 blades............................................................... 52 4.10  Examples of large core-struck Tiger chert flakes............53 4.11  Examples of small Tiger chert biface and core-struck fl kes........................................................................... 54 4.12  Smaller Uinta Formation quartzite biface....................55 4.13  Larger Uinta Formation quartzite biface. .....................55 4.14  Windy Ridge–like quartzite biface...............................55 4.15  Retouched pieces......................................................... 57 5.1  Map of the southern Plains with key sites and resources..................................................................... 62 5.2  Find spot of the JS cache..............................................64 5.3 Artifacts of the JS cache.............................................. 65 5.4  Preform fluting failure, overshot flakes, and refit overshot flake..............................................................66 5.5  Clovis reduction sequences and tool production modes........................................................ 70 5.6  Determining biface core fi ness in producing the JS cache ........................................................................71 5.7  Distribution of edge angles on straight-edge units and breakdown of possible tasks................................. 72 5.8  Distribution of edge angles on convex-edge units and breakdown of possible tasks................................. 73 5.9  Distribution of edge angles on concave-edge units and notches and breakdown of possible tasks............. 74 5.10  The JS cache specimens fill all classifications of the Huckell lithic reduction technology and tool classes except the raw material and blade core categories. ........ 76 6.1  Locations of confirmed Clovis caches.........................80 6.2  Location of the Carlisle cache..........................................82 6.3  Excavation of the Carlisle cache...................................... 83 6.4  Carlisle cache in situ..........................................................84 6.5  Stratigraphic profiles for Trenches 1–3...........................87 6.6  Particle-size distribution and soil organic carbon profiles for Trench 1, Profile A..........................................91 6.7  δ13 C and C4 plant biomass profiles for Trench 1, Profile A...................................................................... 91 viii Illustrations viii 6.8  Outcrop sources of toolstone in the Carlisle cache. ....... 92 6.9  Carlisle cache bifaces................................................... 93 6.10  Size comparison of middle interval bifaces in several caches and the Rummells-Maske points..................... 95 6.11  Illustrations of selected Carlisle cache bifaces that exemplify certain Clovis technological characteristics..............................................................96 6.12  Carlisle cache large flakes (dorsal view)...................... 97 6.13  Conjoin no. 1............................................................... 98 6.14  Carlisle cache small flakes........................................... 98 6.15  Photomicrographs of stone-on-stone and hide polish on the “down-side” and “up-side” of biface no. 4442....... 100 6.16  Distribution of Clovis points and preforms in Iowa, summarized by county...............................................103 7.1  Map of biface cache sites with artifacts analyzed in this study............................................................... 108 7.2  CW cache bifaces and flakes exhibiting white patination and yellow calcium carbonate encrustation................. 110 7.3  CW cache biface flaking patterns; ordered by sequential removals..................................................................... 11 2 7.4  CW cache flake scar patterns for bifaces A1, A4, and A5........................................................................ 113 7.5  Bifacial core use-life curve......................................... 118 7.6  Definitions for coding presence of flake scar patterns used in this analysis................................................... 121 7.7  Frequency proportions at 95 percent confidence interval for the presence of cortex and longitudinal, convergent, and comedial flake scar patterns.............122 7.8  Frequency proportions at 95 percent confidence interval for transmedial and diagonal flake scar patterns...
