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249 Index • Page numbers in italic text indicate illustrations. Abernethy, Don, 135, 135, 15 2 afterlife caches, 2, 220 agate, Utah, 206 Agate Basin point, 31 Agate Basin site, 151 Agogino, George A., 31 Ahler, Stanley A., 134 Alibates chert, 63–64, 67–69, 75, 183 , 184, 189, 192, 193, 194, 198–200, 199; in direction and distance study, 206, 206, 211 Ames, Kenneth, 156 Anadarko cache, 8, 204–6, 208–11, 209, 214 anticipatory behavior, 217, 223 Anzick cache, 105, 128, 129, 130, 138; in direction and distance study, 204–6, 208, 208–10, 210, 214, 219 Arikaree River, 113–14, 184 artifacts: artifact frequency by raw material source in lithic procurement study, 188; assigning and categorizing, 61; authenticity of caches and, 222–23; bright spots on, 53, 55; diagnostic, 49, 91, 133; lithic overview and data set, 186–92; Oneota context and, 81, 84, 99; ovate, 119, 124, 124, 125, 129, 160, 170; predepositional breakage of, 16. See also bifaces; tools assemblage drift, 11, 13–14, 23 average transport distance (ATD), 208; NSD-ATD ratios, 207–8, 209; NSD relationship to, 210 Bamforth, Douglas B., 174, 175, 179, 180 bands: aggregation, 195, 197, 198; hypothesized seasonal movements for lithic material and, 193, 194 Bastrop County, Texas, 157, 159. See also Hogeye Clovis cache BD Fm. See Blackwater Draw Formation Beach cache, 5, 133; artifacts, 13 5, 135–37, 13 6, 13 7; bifaces by lithic material type, 13 8; challenge presented by, 134; Clovis assignment discussion and conclusions, 149–52; Clovis biface manufacture and, 137–39; compared to East Wenatchee cache, 145–49; compared to Fenn cache, 145–49; in direction and distance study, 204, 205, 208–10, 210, 214, 221; history, 134– 37; lithic material types identified for, 135; location, 13 4; overshot flaking on, 141–42, 142–43, 144, 145; position of, 134; radiocarbon date from, 152; RBSW flake discovery near, 152; in WRGS and RBSW comparison , 148, 148–50. See also overshot flaking Beaver River drainage system, 103 biface reduction: end thinning, 94, 106n3, 119; identification of Clovis, 50–51; sequences , 65–66, 69, 70, 137–38; single reduction trajectory, 19–21; in specialization discussion, 167; tool production and, 70. See also flakes/flaking; overshot flaking bifaces: cache sites with CW-type artifacts, 108; Callahan stage designations, 137; classification systems for, 138–39; Clovis caches with Paleoindian, 107–8; Clovis caching and movement on central Great Plains, 199; conjoined, 14, 96–97, 98, 99; convergent flaking pattern, CW cache, 121,122; distribution of caches dominated by, 2; flake thickness analysis, 71 , 116, 117; Late Prehistoric sites with, 108; length, width, and thickness comparisons, 124– 25, 126–29; length factor in knapping, 148; in lithic technology research, 117–18; manufacture of, 116, 117 , 137–39; mixed biface caches, 22, 23; outline form comparison between ovate and lanceolate, 119, 124, 124, 125, 129; outline form frequencies by culture and stage, 124; prevalence of, 7; purpose of larger, 7; serial flake removals, 50, 51–52; surface assemblage importance in study of, 107; as technological organization focus, 218; Uinta quartzite, 52, 55; Windy Ridge-like quartzite, 55. See also knapping; overshot flaking bifacial core: continuum stages, 117; corestruck flakes, 53, 54; ESBC, 116, 118; fitness and flake thickness determination for, 71 ; Late Prehistoric, 118; LSBC, 116, 118, 120, 123–29, 124–29; MSBC, 116, 118, 120, 121, 123–28, 124–28; reduced blade cores compared with, 218; reduction sequence , 65–66, 69, 70; stages model, 116, 118; use life phases, relative duration, 118 Binford, Lewis R., 102; cache types defined by, 1–2; forager-collector continuum model, 155 Birkeland, Peter W., 41–42 bison, 102–4, 174; ecology and climatic patterns of Pleistocene, 179; seasonal movement of, 196, 200 Black Forest silicified wood, 184 Blackwater Draw Formation (BD Fm), 30, 30 Blackwater Draw Locality No. 1, 5, 6, 25–37, 26, 84; comparative metric analyses between Green and Dickenson caches, 34–35, 35; conclusions, 36–37; in direction and distance study, 211; field and laboratory analysis, 27; Green and Dickenson cache locations at, 27; interpretations, 35–36; metric analyses, 32, 33; variability 250 Index range between Green and Dickenson caches, 27. See also Dickenson blade cache; Green cache, at Blackwater Draw locality blade caches, 221; Clovis designation and, 6; recently discovered, 3, 4. See also Dickenson blade cache; Green cache; Keven Davis cache blade core reduction, 35, 218 blades: curvature of, 35; diagnostic characteristics of, 3, 6, 27–29, 35; Great Plains typology and dating, 50; manufacture of, 3...
