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143 Index › Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, 21, 75 Acta de Reformas, 5–6, 15 administrative law, 10, 94–95, 99, 119n26 agrarian law: Agrarian Code of 1927, 88– 90; of January 6, 1915, xiii, 28, 36, 76, 77–78, 81–82, 94–95, 98; law of ejidos of 1920, 81, 89; reglamento of 1922, 79, 81–83, 87, 89–90. See also Constitution of 1917 agrarian reform: under Cárdenas, 76, 99; and the Constitution of 1917, 37–39, 44–45, 47; judicial intervention in, xiii–xiv, 73, 75–76, 78–82, 86–90, 94, 102–3; under Obregón and Calles, 87; and the Revolution, 30–31, 33, 36 Alemán, Miguel, 99 Alvarez, Emilio, 35 amparo: calls for suppression of, 97–98; civil, 14–21; its consolidation during the Porfirian period, xi, 3–4, 7–8, 101; constitutional reforms to, 21–22, 55, 93, 102, 117n16; and the constitutionalization of social legislation, 42, 47– 48, 50; definition of, 5–6, 53–54; its depoliticization during the Porfiriato, 9–12; directo, 55; impact of the Revolution on, 55; its legal formalism, 97; legislation, 6, 15, 18, 20, 26, 52, 56– 57, 102, 107n12; literature on, xv; nonelite actors, use by, 22–25; as an obstacle to social reform, xiv, 50–51, 73, 75, 78, 81, 88–89, 101–3; Revolutionary consensus regarding, 4–5, 8, 26, 115n41; socialization of, 96; and suspension of the act, 26, 56, 80; its suspension in agrarian matters, xvi, 76, 98. See also jurisprudence; backlog amparo cases: Amparo Alvarez Rul, Carlos y Luis Miranda é Iturba, 59; Amparo Arellano Valle, Carlos, 123n22; Amparo Azcue de Bernot, Valentina, 123n22; Amparo Baigts, Manuel, 77; Amparo Bautista, Remigio, 23; Amparo Castillo Mercado, Cirpriano, 25; Amparo Crasseman Sucs., J., 57–58; Amparo Díaz, Felix, 35; Amparo Díaz Ordaz, Carlos, 69; Amparo Dos Estrellas, 67; Amparo Dutch-Mexican Company “la Corona,” 69–71; Amparo index 144 Fernández viuda de Sela, Ana, 82–83; Amparo Flores, Juan, 26; Amparo Larrache, 17; Amparo Morelos, 10; Amparo Olivares, Francisco, 23–24; Amparo Olvera, viuda de Figuroa, Maria, 96; Amparo Ramírez de Muñoz, Amalia, 123n22; Amparo Ramírez, Plácido, 25; Amparo Reyes, Manuel, 63–64; Amparo Ruiz de Chávez, Ignacio, 85; Amparo de Salceda, Enrique G., 78–79; Amparo Salinas, Francisco, 17; Amparo Sesma viuda de Ruiz, Elena, 123n22; Amparo Vázquez, León, 25–26; Amparo Vega, Miguel, 15; Amparo Zamora Carrasco, Antonio, 83; Amparo Zapata, 18 anarchists, 30 anarcho-syndicalism and organized labor , 31, 65 Anti-reelectionist Party, 28 articles 27 and 123, xi, 37–38, 42, 96, 99, 102. See also Constitution of 1917 backlog, 15, 20–21, 76, 91, 95, 108n21 Bassols, Narciso, 72–73, 88–90, 103–4, 106n6 boards of conciliation and arbitration. See labor arbitration boards Bolaños Cacho, Miguel, 1–3, 12, 21 Buelna, Eustaquio, 13 Bullé Goyri, Emilio, 35 Calderón, Luis, 94 campesinos, 28, 30, 49, 69, 90, 95, 99, 104 capitalist economy, 22, 61–62 Cárdenas, Lázaro, xii, xvi, 76, 94, 99, 102 Cardoso, Joaquín, 16 Carranza, Venustiano, xii, 21, 27–28, 32– 34, 36–40, 45, 51, 54, 69, 114n13 Carrillo Puerto, Felipe, 93 Carvajal, Francisco, 34–35, 114n22 Casa del Obrero Mundial (COM), 31 Castillo Velasco, José María, 16 Castro, Ricardo B., 69–71 centralization, 9, 14–15, 19, 101 Chamber of Deputies: and agrarian law, 79, 81; and appointment of justices, 41, 54–55, 68–69; executive control of, 61; and Huerta 32, 35–36; and indictment of justices, 15; and reforms to amparo, 21; and reforms to the judicial power, 90–93 Chapa, Pedro, 39 Chavarri, Enrique, 12 circuit courts, 95, 105n4, 107n12 Circular of December 20, 1856, 23 Cisneros Canto, Arturo, 93–99, 98 civil law, xv, 4, 9, 14, 16, 19–20, 59, 71 civil rights. See rights class, 22, 29, 101, 103–4 class legislation, 48 Colegio de Abogados, 20–21 Colunga, Enrique, 54 Communism and organized labor, 120n43 Comte, Auguste, 2 Confederación General de Trabajadores (CGT), 120n43 Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana (CROM), 65, 68, 72, 120n43 Constant, Benjamin, 5 Constituent Congress of 1856–1857, 7–8, 17, 26, 39–40 Constituent Congress of 1916–1917, xii, 3, 8, 37–39, 42, 47, 50, 60, 91, 97, 102 constitutional cases. See amparo cases Constitutionalist movement, 5, 33, 36–37, 49–50 constitutional rights. See rights Constitution of 1824, 5–7 Constitution of 1843, 16 Constitution of 1857: and amparo, 5–8, 53...
