In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

About the Authors |  Joan M. Jensen and Darlis A. Miller Introduction |  Joan M. Jensen and Darlis A. Miller The GentleTamers Revisited: New Approaches to the History ofWomen in the AmericanWest |  Carol Cornwall Madsen ‘AtTheir Peril’: Utah Law and the Case of PluralWives, – |  Peggy Pascoe Race, Gender, and Intercultural Relations: the Case of Interracial Marriage |  Antonia I. Castañeda Women of Color and the Rewriting ofWestern History: The Discourse, Politics, and Decolonization of History |  Susan Lee Johnson ‘A Memory Sweet to Soldiers’:The Significance of Gender in the History of the ‘AmericanWest’ |  Amy Kaminsky Gender, Race, Raza |  Irene Ledesma Texas Newspapers and Chicana Workers’Activism, – |  Contents James F. Brooks ‘This Evil Extends Especially . . . to the Feminine Sex’: Negotiating Captivity in the New Mexico Borderlands |  Catherine A. Cavanaugh ‘No Place for aWoman’: Engendering Western Canadian Settlement |  Jean Barman Taming Aboriginal Sexuality: Gender, Power, and Race in British Columbia, – |  Mary Ann Irwin ‘Going About and Doing Good’:The Politics of Benevolence, Welfare, and Gender in San Francisco, – |  Lynn M. Hudson ‘Strong Animal Passions’ in the Gilded Age: Race, Sex, and a Senator onTrial |  Laura Jane Moore Elle Meets the President:Weaving Navajo Culture and Commerce in the SouthwesternTourist Industry |  Margaret D. Jacobs The Eastmans and the Luhans: Interracial Marriage betweenWhiteWomen and Native American Men, – |  Notes |  Contents ...
