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Military Service Records 163 Notes 1. BNE, Madrid, MSS 19258, photos 77–81. 2. Don Juan Francisco Treviño served as governor of New Mexico from March 11, 1675, to November 29, 1677. AGI, Contaduría, legs. 766, 767, 768, Caja de México. Cuentas de los oficiales reales de México, 1674–1675, 1675–1676, and 1676–1678, respectively; photostat copy located at the Southwest Research Center, University of New Mexico. 3. In the photograph of this document certain phrases are illegible, because of the failure of the photographer to use care in smoothing out a fold in the manuscript . The words in brackets undoubtedly give the sense of the words that cannot be read. Document 32 Commission as Military Commander and Chief Estancia de San Antonio, July 1, 16761 Maestre de Campo Tomé Domínguez de Mendoza, lieutenant of the governor and captain general of these provinces of New Mexico by commission of Captain Juan Francisco Treviño, governor and captain general of the aforesaid provinces for the king, our lord, etc. The governor and captain general has been advised by repeated messages that the infidel Apache enemies are near the pueblos of Nuestra Señora del Socorro and San Antonio de Senecú, whence on different occasions they hurl themselves in attacks upon the said pueblos and carry off all the herds of sheep, cattle, and horses they can. In order to stop such depredations and so that the said enemies may be punished, the said governor and captain general has decided that a troop of Spaniards, together with another of Christian Indian archers, shall go forth with a chief and commander to rule and govern them and lead them under military discipline. For this purpose the said governor and captain general sent me a letter in the form of an order, its date on the eighteenth day of the month of June of this present year of 1676, in order that I, as his lieutenant, might organize and dispatch the aforesaid armed force and also appoint and name a commander. By virtue of this and in the name of the king, our lord, and of the governor in his royal name, I approach and name as such commander and chief Maestre de Campo don Juan Domínguez de Mendoza in consideration of his 164 Part One many and great services and because he has gone out to the campaign many other times, commanding and governing an active army (pie de ejercito), as he did in the past year and on many occasions, having given a very good and praiseworthy account of himself. And in consideration of the fact that he will continue in the royal service, I have thought it well to appoint him as such commander and chief and to order all the Spaniards and Indians who are going and may go to the said entrada and punishment to hold and consider, esteem and respect the said Maestre de Campo don Juan Domínguez de Mendoza to take the muster roll of all the force, both Spaniards and natives, who are enrolled for the said war and punitive expedition, when he reaches the pueblo of Nuestra Señora del Socorro, and to march with all of them to the places where he has heard that the enemy may be. When the campaign has started, he will do and act as is most fitting in the service of both Majesties, divine and human, achieving in all [ways] the exemplary punishment of the enemy, acting in everything with due accord and valor as he has always done on other occasions . He is to follow the mountain ranges of the Sierra de la Magdalena and Sierra de los Ladrones, and he will conduct the campaign as one who is present at the scene of action, disposing, ordering, and doing what is most fitting. For all of the foregoing I give and grant him sufficient power and authority insofar as I can according to law, and he shall give me an adequate report and relation of everything to forward to the governor and captain general so that he may dispose and command as is most fitting. I signed it with my name today, July 1 of this present year of 1676. In this estancia de San Antonio, etc. Thomé [Tomé] Domínguez de Mendoza (rubric). Notes 1. BNE, Madrid, MSS 19258, photos 74–76. 2. Elder brother of Juan Domínguez de Mendoza. This commission was issued at the estancia...
