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APPENDIX 6: PERSONNEL IN CHARGE OF SMALL ARMS PROCUREMENT TO 18151 During the Revolutionary War the quartermaster general (Q.M.G.) wasresponsible for such items as arms, cannon, and powder while the commissary general of military stores (C.G.M.S.) was responsible for the general stores required to feed, clothe, and generally support the army. However, these areas of responsibility overlapped to a great extent during the war, and the commissary general was frequently charged with the procurement, storage, transportation, and issue of large quantities of small arms. 1774-Julyl2, 1781 Sept. 21,1776 1776-1777 1777-Julyl781 July 16, 1781-1793 Before Apr. 1794Dec . 31,1794 General Mifflin was Q.M.G. He resigned on November 7, 1777, but stayed on at the request of Congress until a replacement was found, three and a half years later. Morgan Lewis was appointed Deputy Q.M.G. July 12, 1781. Colonel Timothy Pickering was appointed Q.M.G. by resolve of Congress. He served in this post for a number ofyears. John Trumbell wasC.G.M.S. General Benjamin Flower wasC.G.M.S. He died in 1781 at the age of thirty-three. During this period the following men served as deputy or assistant C.G.M.S.: Colonel Samuel Hodgdon, Richard Frothington (with Washington 's army), and Major Gastinlove (in Philadelphia). Colonel Samuel Hodgdon was C.G.M.S. In 1790 his office was on Water Street in Philadelphia. Tench Coxe was commissioner of the Treasury Department 's Revenue Office. Mar. 12, 1795-1800 Tench Francis was purveyor of public supplies. He died in 1800. In 1793, at least, he had been a military agent. May 24, 1800Aug .9, 1803 Aug. 9, 1803May31 , 1812 Israel Whelen was purveyor of publicsupplies. Tench Coxe was purveyor of public supplies. On February 8, 1815, the Ordnance Department was created and shortly thereafter took over the procurement of small arms. 1 APPENDIX 6 Aug. 8, 1812-1815 Callander Irvine was appointed commissary general of purchases. He had previously been superintendent of military stores. 487 ...
