In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

83 Left to right, Stephen N. Limbaugh Jr., Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr. 84 (Above left) Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., World War Two era (Above right) Bee Limbaugh, wife of Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., World War Two era (Opposite left) Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., 1916, age 25 (Opposite right) Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., 1950s 85 86 Joseph H. Limbaugh, father of Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., circa 1875 Susan Presnell Limbaugh, mother of Rush H. Limbaugh Sr. 87 Bee Limbaugh, wife of Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., early twenties Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., age 17 88 Left to right, THE LIMBAUGH LAWYERS (back row) Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr., Rush H. Limbaugh Jr., Pierre Dominique, Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., (seated) Stephen N. Limbaugh Jr., Daniel B. Limbaugh, John M. Limbaugh, David Limbaugh 89 Left to right, Willie and Arthur Limbaugh, Cora and Burette Limbaugh, Dr. Dayton L. and Lillie Seabaugh, Roscoe and Josie Limbaugh, Bee and Rush H. Limbaugh Sr. 90 Left to right, Justice Clarence Thomas, Stephen N. Limbaugh Jr., Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr. 91 Bee and Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., circa 1970 92 Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., delegate at the 1936 National Republican Convention, Cleveland, Ohio 93 Left to right, Rush H. Limbaugh Jr., Marguerite Limbaugh, Manley O. Limbaugh, circa 1925 94 Rush H. Limbaugh Sr. in his library at home, 1947 95 Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., circa 1930 96 Rush H. Limbaugh III, Rush H. Limbaugh Sr., and Rush H. Limbaugh Jr. 97 Rush Hudson Limbaugh Sr. United States Courthouse ...
