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239 Index ABC News, 228 Abelson, Robert P ., 237 Aberdeen American News: in ad study, 53; lowest advertising rate, 54; most trusted by sources, 91 Accuracy study: and credibility, 91; methodology of, 85; questionnaire , 101–5 Advertising: additional sales per dollar spent, 61; agency payment method, 60; and bar code scanners, 61; CPM, 51; direct marketing, 61; duplication of, 51; and gross rating points, 50; and involvement index, 61; linked to editorial content, 64; and newspaper market share, 42; testing for effects of, 61 Advertising Research Foundation, 120 Akron Beacon Journal: best edited, 140; decline in spelling, 145; editorial vigor of, 132; and Firestone investigation, 69; and kids’ page, 69; Meyer’s work with, 165; supportive of community , 70 Allen, Dale, 140, 62–63 American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), 225–26 American Journalism Review, 25, 64 American Meteorological Society , 229 American Press Institute, 202, 206 American Society of Newspaper Editors: code enforcement , 223; credibility study, 57; and ethical sanctions, 228; newsroom census, 21, 145, 152; Statement of Principles, 201 American University, 209 Anderson, Jack, 225 Angelo, Frank, 207 Anger, Paul, 187 Annapolis Capital, 140 Arant, Morgan David, 139 Associated Press, 106, 139 Association for Education in Journalism , 77 Audit Bureau of Circulations, 28– 29, 50, 79, 95, 148 Bad competitors, 232 Bakersfield Californian, 202 Bankruptcy scenario, 47–48 Barnes & Noble, 63 Batten, James K.: concern for children , 68; and contingency budgets , 173; death of, 175; and Meyer’s MBO, 200; and readership decline, 122; watching the bad guys, 175 Bellows, Jim, 124 Bezanson, Randall, 200 Biloxi, Miss., 114 240 Index Black, Cathleen, 45 Blair, Jayson, 82 Boca Raton News, 116 Bogart, Leo: advice to editors, 137; evaluating editors, 77–78; and Newspaper Readership Project, 205; and read yesterday measure, 120–24 Borders, 62 Boulder, Colo., 114 Boulder Daily Camera: and “general consensus ,” 147; spelling errors in, 141 Bower, Joseph L., 203 Boyle, David, 5 Broward County (Fla.), 71 Buffett, Warren, 17, 190 Business model and revenue categories , 41 Business Office Must (BOM), 208 Business Week, 209 Calder, Bobby J., 79–80 Capacity measures, 99 Cappo, Joe, 60 Carpentier, Francesca, 22 Carter, Hodding, 228 Catalog function, 62 Center for Public Integrity, 209 Centre Daily Times, 115, 159 Certification: defined, 220; and midcareer training, 220; and needed programs, 219 Challenger, 52 Chapman, Alvah: admiration for Neuharth , 172; and command-and-control structure, 167; history, 164–66; on profit and quality, 173; walking around with his clipboard, 193 Charlotte Observer, 140, 147; accuracy studies, 84–85; and editorial vigor, 132; high on civic journalism, 73 Charnley, Mitchell, 84 Chiquita Banana Company, 228 Chi-Town Daily News, 134 Christensen, Clayton, 202, 203, 212 Christian Science Monitor, 187 Circulation robustness. See Penetration robustness Civic journalism: defined, 73; early sources, 75; effects, 74. See also Public journalism Clark, Ruth, 123 Classified advertising on the Internet, 62 Clay Center Dispatch, 79 Clay County Community High School, 106 Cleveland Plain Dealer, 132 Columbia Journalism Review, 64, 157 Columbus Dispatch, 132 Columbus Ledger, 131 Common Cause, 72 Community affiliation, 67–68, 70 Community dictionary (DICTION), 76 Community Media Workshop, 219 Competitive Advantage (Porter), 212 Confidence in the press, 18 Congressional Quarterly, 72 Consumer Price Index, 172 Copy editors: and quality control, 138; and respect, 149 Correlation analysis, 79, 233 Cost per thousand (CPM), 51, 58–59 Costs, fixed versus variable, 63–64, 193 Cote, Jane, 17, 180 Couch, Arthur, 219 Cowles family, 15 Craigslist, 24, 47, 189, 212 Cranberg, Gilbert, 84n6, 200 Credibility: and advertising rates, 52– 56; causes of, 33–34; components of, 71; counties ranked by, 31; GazianoMcGrath scale, 67; like blood pressure , 71; as lovability, 70; measurement of, 72; stability of, 70–72, 206 Cronbach’s Alpha, 68n4, 86n9, 149n17 Cronkite, Walter, 45, 48 Crossword puzzles, 211 C-Span, 223 Curtis, Richard, 217 Data-Text, 219 DataTimes, 139 Davis, James A., 19, 33 Des Moines Register, 15–16 Detroit Free Press: 1967 Detroit riot, 207; excluded from ad study, 53; high staffwritten story rate, 128; home delivery curtailed, 187; paired for credibility study, 92 Detroit News, 92, 140, 168, 187, 225 Detroit newspaper strike, 96 Detroit Times, 168 Detroit Urban League, 207 Index 241 DICTION, 75 Direct marketing, 62–65 Dirks, Lee, 47 Disruptive technology, 6, 10, 11 Dodge Brothers, 14, 17 Dole, Sen. Bob, 225 Dougherty, Geoff, 134 Douglass, Frederick, 224 Drewry, William, 183, 195 Durham Herald, 140 Dynamite Kids’ Page, 69, 70n8 Editing, importance of, 216 Editorial vigor, 131–32 Edmonds, Rick: best-staffed newspaper, 188; on Knight Ridder staff cuts...
